Page Layout Experiment

This small experiment allows to try out interactively the so-called Gutenberg canon for page layout on different page sizes. | Continue reading | 11 years ago

Thesis: News Vertical Search using User-Generated Content

Continue reading | 11 years ago

Thesis: News Vertical Search using User-Generated Content

The thesis investigates how content produced by end-users on the World Wide Web --- referred to as user-generated content --- can enhance the news vertical aspect of a universal Web search engine, such that news-related queries can be satisfied more accurately, comprehensively an … | Continue reading | 11 years ago

Thesis: News Vertical Search using User-Generated Content

The thesis investigates how content produced by end-users on the World Wide Web --- referred to as user-generated content --- can enhance the news vertical aspect of a universal Web search engine, such that news-related queries can be satisfied more accurately, comprehensively an … | Continue reading | 11 years ago


File: PDF Size: 152.52 Kb | Continue reading | 11 years ago

Apple’s 2013 To-Do List

Continue reading | 11 years ago

New Things

Continue reading | 11 years ago

Soft release of my New Year's project: Salarly

Finally, I can actually do some show & tell!The US is trying to recover from the economic crises of the late decade. We’re still a bit high on unemployment at 7.8%, and a bit too low with inflation below 2%. People are depressed - job hunting, competing with hundreds of other can … | Continue reading | 11 years ago

Soft release of my New Year's project: Salarly

Finally, I can actually do some show & tell!The US is trying to recover from the economic crises of the late decade. We’re still a bit high on unemployment at 7.8%, and a bit too low with inflation below 2%. People are depressed - job hunting, competing with hundreds of other can … | Continue reading | 11 years ago

We Can Remember It for You Wholesale

Continue reading | 11 years ago

Power Grid: It comes down to math

Last game night we sat down for a 4-way game of Power Grid, with me, Sus, A.C., and L.S., an old friend who moved to town relatively recently. We had all played the game before (some of us more recently than others), but this was the first time we played on Italy, one of the expa … | Continue reading | 11 years ago

Remembering Aaron by taking care of each other

Continue reading | 11 years ago

Call for Tenders EACEA/2012/05

EPALE – Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe | Continue reading | 11 years ago


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A few thoughts about Practical Object-Oriented Design In Ruby

Object-Oriented Design is a big part of the debate the Ruby community has had in the last couple of years. People are writing blog posts, giving talks at conferences and writing books on the subject. | Continue reading | 11 years ago

The New Normal

My first critical new normal happened when I was 12 years old. I participated in an online BBS dedicated to writing cheat programs for a popular web-based game. I would spend two to four hours per day after school on this BBS, socializing with a group of people that spent their f … | Continue reading | 11 years ago

Bieber no more: First Story Detection using Twitter and Wikipedia

Continue reading | 11 years ago

Bieber no more: First Story Detection using Twitter and Wikipedia

Twitter is a well known source of information regarding breaking news stories. This aspect of Twitter makes it ideal for identifying events as they happen. However, a key problem with Twitter-driven event detection approaches is that they produce many spurious events, i.e., event … | Continue reading | 11 years ago

Bieber no more: First Story Detection using Twitter and Wikipedia

 Twitter is a well known source of information regardingbreaking news stories. This aspect of Twitter makes it idealfor identifying events as they happen. However, a key problemwith Twitter-driven event detection approaches is thatthey produce many spurious events, i.e., events t … | Continue reading | 11 years ago

Awards & Press Recognition 2012

2012 was a great year for Artisan Roast. We received awards as well as lot of press attention during the year. A big thank you to all our loyal customers that have supported us for the last 5 years!Some of the most relevant ones:Glenfiddich Spirit of Scotland Award 2012 in the fo … | Continue reading

@ @artisanroast | 11 years ago

Avoid Drowning: Swim your way through a new code base

A month or two ago, I signed up for a lightning talk for today’s Women Who Code event. I didn’t submit a title - I was more, “sure, I could talk!”Only on Tuesday did I find out I was actually on the bill to speak! Welp, here’s a just-in-time presentation. My slides are here - but … | Continue reading | 11 years ago

Avoid Drowning: Swim your way through a new code base

A month or two ago, I signed up for a lightning talk for today’s Women Who Code event. I didn’t submit a title - I was more, “sure, I could talk!”Only on Tuesday did I find out I was actually on the bill to speak! Welp, here’s a just-in-time presentation. My slides are here - but … | Continue reading | 11 years ago

espresso sessions

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espresso sessions

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CES: Worse Products Through Software

Continue reading | 11 years ago

Agricola: You're always losing

Last week A.C., Sus and I got together for a game of Agricola. In Agricola, you play a peasant couple starting out in a small hut on an empty farmyard, and your goal is to grow into a prosperous family with crops, animals, and a big house. It’s a worker-placement game, where play … | Continue reading | 11 years ago

A Captain Awkward glossary

Captain Awkward is my favourite blog right now, and it’s reaching heights of internet popularity that are awesome (because more people get to read the Captain and co-bloggers’ fantastic advice) but also mean that there’s a lot of newcomers to the blog who are wondering about Jedi … | Continue reading | 11 years ago

Guns as technology, guns as culture

Debates about gun rights must acknowledge that guns are not only technology, they are culture and symbol. | Continue reading | 11 years ago

Lighter UIViewControllers

Continue reading | 11 years ago

Implementing Value Objects in Objective C

Continue reading | 11 years ago

Twilight Struggle: Conclusion

Unfortunately, A.C. and I didn’t have a chance to get together again before I had to clean up the games table, so there is no conclusion for our Twilight Struggle game. However, unbeknownst to him, I had the Middle East Scoring Card in hand, and was only one or two influence poin … | Continue reading | 11 years ago

Paperclip defaults for Amazon S3 virtual hosted-style requests

Paperclip is a great gem for adding file attachments to your Rails models. It ships with some storage adapters including Amazon S3 but the documentation isn’t totally clear for virtual hosted-style requests. If you need to use classic path-style requests like http://s3.amazonaws. … | Continue reading | 11 years ago

How to add a new Unit Test target and OCMock to an existing XCode project

Continue reading | 11 years ago

CR@P I'M SPEAKING AT [insert conference here]! How do I prepare?

You just got a notice saying that your talk was accepted to [some huge freaking conference]. Awesome!Oh but wait, now you have to actually talk. That entails preparation, and speaking in front of people!Step 1: Let it set in. Breathe. Maybe pour a glass of wine.Step 2: Find inspi … | Continue reading | 11 years ago

CR@P I'M SPEAKING AT [insert conference here]! How do I prepare?

You just got a notice saying that your talk was accepted to [some huge freaking conference]. Awesome!Oh but wait, now you have to actually talk. That entails preparation, and speaking in front of people!Step 1: Let it set in. Breathe. Maybe pour a glass of wine.Step 2: Find inspi … | Continue reading | 11 years ago

Twilight Struggle makes you stand up

I played the first half of a game of TwilightStrugglewith A.C. tonight, and it’s definitely one of my favorite games. The geeks overat Board Game Geek agreewith me, as it’s consistenly the highest rated game on the site. And before youask, it doesn’t have anything to do with spar … | Continue reading | 11 years ago

Strange Game

Continue reading | 11 years ago

Backing up MySQL Databases

As a web developer you learn that there is nothing more important than keeping regular backups of your databases. I've created a little bash script to help with Backing up MySQL databases for this I'll use mysqldump. Mysqldump is a nifty little utility that lets you dump the cont … | Continue reading | 11 years ago

Website relaunch

I've found that one of the best parts of putting my site live in May earlier this year, was being able to start again and use what I had learnt to improve my site. Today I have launched my new design and I couldn't be happier with it. I think as a web developer/designer it's easy … | Continue reading | 11 years ago

Load jQuery before RequireJS and still use it as dependency

If you use RequireJS and jQuery in a project, you might find yourself in a situation, where you embed jQuery before RequireJS, but still need to have the “jquery” dependency respected. This article describes, how to achieve this. | Continue reading | 11 years ago

Design & Hacking

In order to meaningfully shape the future, design must challenge and overturn entrenched systems, not simply create new packages for yesterday’s ideas. | Continue reading | 11 years ago

Evaluating Real-Time Search over Tweets

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CrowdTerrier: Automatic Crowdsourced Relevance Assessments with Terrier

Continue reading | 11 years ago

On Building a Reusable Twitter Corpus

Continue reading | 11 years ago

University of Glasgow at TREC 2011: Experiments with Terrier in Crowdsourcing, Microblog, and Web Tracks

Continue reading | 11 years ago

Identifying Top News using Crowdsourcing

Continue reading | 11 years ago

Evaluating Real-Time Search over Tweets

Twitter offers a phenomenal platform for the social sharing of information. We describe new resources that have been created in the context of the Text Retrieval Conference (TREC) to support the academic study of Twitter as a real-time information source. We formalize an informat … | Continue reading | 11 years ago