Namespacing Models in Laravel

I have been using Laravel quite a bit recently and it's a great framework, which is really good fun to code with. I've just started writing a registration system in Laravel and came across a problem which I felt was worth sharing. I was creating the table and model to store the e … | Continue reading | 11 years ago

Show Woocommerce stock status for unmanaged products

The WooCommerce stock status (In Stock, Out of stock) will only show if WooCommerce is managing the stock for you. I was working on a project and the client wanted the ability to manually set if the product was in stock or not. The code snippet below will allow you to show the st … | Continue reading | 11 years ago

Setting a different ul bullet colour in CSS

I've always found it annoying that you can't set a different ul bullet colour through CSS. It should be as simple as: ul { color: red; } li { color: black; } But unfortunately CSS will render both black. I came across this again the other day in a project, and I was just about … | Continue reading | 11 years ago

WP-Admin broken after updating WordPress

Have you just updated your local of WordPress and its now all broken on MAMP, I've had this problem a few times now so thought it would be worth sharing how to fix this. The problem is caused by the load-scripts.php file being compressed with zlib, I first did as suggested on thi … | Continue reading | 12 years ago

Backing up MySQL Databases

As a web developer you learn that there is nothing more important than keeping regular backups of your databases. I've created a little bash script to help with Backing up MySQL databases for this I'll use mysqldump. Mysqldump is a nifty little utility that lets you dump the cont … | Continue reading | 12 years ago

Website relaunch

I've found that one of the best parts of putting my site live in May earlier this year, was being able to start again and use what I had learnt to improve my site. Today I have launched my new design and I couldn't be happier with it. I think as a web developer/designer it's easy … | Continue reading | 12 years ago

PHP Insert into array at position

The other day I found myself needing to insert into an array at a given position, so I wrote this little function. For example if you have pulled a list of posts from a database and are going to loop through these to output the HTML, but want to insert an advert after the third p … | Continue reading | 12 years ago

Using composer with MAMP's version of PHP

After my laptop has been running really for a couple of weeks now, I have decided to order some new RAM and do a clean install of Lion. This has given me a great opportunity to configure my development environment in a cleaner and more organised way. As a developer I do install a … | Continue reading | 12 years ago

Using MAMP and Pow on the same machine

I've been playing with Ruby on Rails recently and I've been using Pow as a rack server for the applications I'm working on. So I don't have to keep running "rails server" when I want to test an app out. It's a brilliant little tool from 37 Signals that they describe as a zero-con … | Continue reading | 12 years ago

Locking down WordPress

I just came across a free eBook called Locking Down WordPress from CodePoet featuring Rachel Baker, Brad Williams, and John Ford. It's an interview style book asking the 3 pro's how they handle security for their sites and is a must for anyone who uses WordPress for their clients … | Continue reading | 12 years ago

The dangers of search and replace in WordPress

This week I learnt an important lesson when using Search and replace in WordPress. When I'm working on a site in development I have WordPress running on a dev domain so the client can view the website and make any changes via the dashboard. When the site is ready to go live I go … | Continue reading | 12 years ago


Ok so I've finally got my site live and its a great feeling. It has only taken me a year, if anyone says its been longer than this, well they are probably right! I'm not a designer, which has been one of the major road blocks for me as I've never been that happy with a design tha … | Continue reading | 12 years ago

Syncing MAMP with Dropbox

I use MAMP as my local development environment. MAMP is brilliant as it installs the software (Apache, MySQL and PHP) used to run a web server similar to a LAMP server. This is great as it means you can test your files locally without having to upload them first. As I work betwee … | Continue reading | 12 years ago