Passive device relies on a layer of material that blocks incoming sunlight but lets heat radiate away. | Continue reading
Drones can fly at high speeds to a destination while keeping safe “backup” plans if things go awry. | Continue reading
Materials could be useful for delivering drugs or imaging agents in the body; may offer alternative to some industrial plastics. | Continue reading
By sensing tiny changes in shadows, a new system identifies approaching objects that may cause a collision. | Continue reading
Modeling web traffic could aid cybersecurity, computing infrastructure design, Internet policy, and more. | Continue reading
The process could work on the gas at any concentrations, from power plant emissions to open air. | Continue reading
MIT-developed method may lead to portable devices for making the disinfectant on-site where it’s needed. | Continue reading
Engineered signaling pathways could offer a new way to build synthetic biology circuits. | Continue reading
An algorithm speeds up the planning process robots use to adjust their grip on objects, for picking and sorting, or tool use. | Continue reading
Study finds even the tallest ice cliffs should support their own weight rather than collapsing catastrophically. | Continue reading
Crystallized drug prevents immune system rejection of transplanted pancreatic islet cells. | Continue reading
Model could recreate video from motion-blurred images and “corner cameras,” may someday retrieve 3D data from 2D medical images. | Continue reading
Coated pill carries microneedles that deliver insulin and other drugs to the lining of the small intestine. | Continue reading
Proposed bridge would have been the world’s longest at the time; new analysis shows it would have worked. | Continue reading
Fluorescent probe could allow scientists to watch circuits within the brain and link their activity to specific behaviors. | Continue reading
Associate Professor Juejun Hu shines a light on the impact machine learning and AI are having on materials science and engineering. | Continue reading
Commercial cloud service providers give artificial intelligence computing at MIT a boost. | Continue reading
Model from the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory identifies “serial hijackers” of internet IP addresses. | Continue reading
MIT engineers develop a model that predicts how the cornstarch-water mixture turns from liquid to solid, and back again. | Continue reading
Connected devices can now share position information, even in noisy, GPS-denied areas. | Continue reading
BigSMILES language allows computers and researchers to convey stochastic configurations more clearly. | Continue reading
A 1948 paper by Claude Shannon SM ’37, PhD ’40 created the field of information theory — and set its research agenda for the next 50 years. | Continue reading
New technique stretches out MRI scans of placentas so they can be more accurately analyzed, and shows the potential of MRI for pregnancy monitoring. | Continue reading
Made from carbon nanotubes, the new coating is 10 times darker than other very black materials. | Continue reading
Data on MIT students underscore the importance of getting enough sleep; bedtime also matters. | Continue reading
Brain and cognitive sciences professor studies how the human mind is able to learn so rapidly. | Continue reading
Algorithm enables one audio signal to glide into another, recreating the “portamento” effect of some musical instruments. | Continue reading
TX-GAIA is tailor-made for crunching through deep neural network operations. | Continue reading
Researchers integrate diamond-based sensing components onto a chip to enable low-cost, high-performance quantum hardware. | Continue reading
MIT planetary scientists partner with computer scientists to find exoplanets. | Continue reading
Filaments with embedded circuitry can be used to print complex shapes for biomedical and robotic devices. | Continue reading
BigSMILES language allows computers and researchers to convey stochastic configurations more clearly. | Continue reading
MIT researchers find a way to eliminate carbon emissions from cement production — a major global source of greenhouse gases. | Continue reading
New detection tool could be used to make quantum computers robust against unwanted environmental disturbances. | Continue reading
Commercial cloud service providers give artificial intelligence computing at MIT a boost. | Continue reading
Mathematics researcher Drew Sutherland helps solve decades-old sum-of-three-cubes puzzle, with help from "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy." | Continue reading
Results support Einstein’s theory and the idea that black holes have no “hair.” | Continue reading
Filaments with embedded circuitry can be used to print complex shapes for biomedical and robotic devices. | Continue reading
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory team creates new reprogrammable ink that lets objects change colors using light. | Continue reading
Executive committee will lead lab during interim period. | Continue reading
Discovery could enable longer-lasting and better-functioning devices — including pacemakers, breast implants, biosensors, and drug delivery devices. | Continue reading
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory team creates new reprogrammable ink that lets objects change colors using light. | Continue reading
Submerged system uses the vibration of “piezoelectric” materials to generate power and send and receive data. | Continue reading
Study reveals brain regions that respond differently to the presence of background noise, suggesting the brain progressively hones in on and isolates sounds. | Continue reading
MIT research finds health savings from cleaner air exceed policy costs. | Continue reading
PhD student Jia Hui Lee studies global differences in how humans relate to other animals, including rats that detect land mines. | Continue reading