Kubernetes and the misconception of multi-cloud portability

The height of the fall event season coincides with the height of Kubernetes and multi-cloud hype. It's time to bust a few myths and misconceptions about multi-cloud portability. | Continue reading

@diginomica.com | 4 years ago

AI today and tomorrow is mostly about curve fitting, not intelligence

Important academic discussions around the 'intelligence' in AI are emerging. They help level set the reality of what's possible now and into the future. Here's your guide as to what is real and what's imagined. | Continue reading

@diginomica.com | 4 years ago

SAP hits its leadership crossroads – breaking down my interview

A surprise call with outgoing SAP CEO Bill McDermott and incoming co-CEOs Jen Morgan and Christian Klein shook up my weekend. Here's what I learned, along with a user group view from ASUG CEO Geoff Scott. | Continue reading

@diginomica.com | 4 years ago

Gov.uk Repositories Made Private

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@diginomica.com | 5 years ago

Marty the Grocery Store Robot

Robots are coming to your friendly grocery stores in a big way. Research and Markets says the retail automation sector is expected to be worth more than $18.9 billion by 2023. What's the impact? | Continue reading

@diginomica.com | 5 years ago

Re-Evaluating SAP's Qualtrics Acquisition in the Light of Medallia's Blowout IPO

Did SAP get it right when it bid and paid $8bn for Qualtrics? That's been a bee in many analysts' bonnet for some time. Medallia's IPO suggests otherwise. | Continue reading

@diginomica.com | 5 years ago

Moving away from Oracle database? You have got to be joking

Are customers seriously lining up to get off Oracle database? That's the implication from one media source. | Continue reading

@diginomica.com | 5 years ago

Slack builds an enterprise beachhead in digital teamwork

Last week's Frontiers conference and S-1 filing showed how much traction Slack is building among early adopters in the enterprise digital teamwork market | Continue reading

@diginomica.com | 5 years ago

Enterprise hits and misses - Mobile World Congress pushes 5G, workers go rogue on their messaging apps

This week - Mobile World Congress flaunts 5G and Hololens, but political and ethical questions abound. Workers go rogue on messaging apps, and: an essential piece on designing inclusive enterprise events. As always, some delightful/scary whiffs. | Continue reading

@diginomica.com | 5 years ago

Can data make the world a better place?

Mastercard and The Rockefeller Foundation are funding a new data-driven model for collaborative philanthropy to the tune of $50 million. | Continue reading

@diginomica.com | 5 years ago

The robotic future of work is messy, fuzzy and uneven

Do we understand enough about a robotic future of work upon which to make good people decisions? The p[icture is messy at best. | Continue reading

@diginomica.com | 5 years ago

China Conundrum Bombshell:U.S. files 23 criminal charges against Huawei

Relationships between the U.S. and China are about to get a whole lot more heated as federal prosecutors file charges against Huawei entities and its CFO | Continue reading

@diginomica.com | 5 years ago

The China Conundrum – are we headed for a supply chain meltdown?

Is it time for global companies to reconsider their China supply chain strategy? We think that an examination of the issues requires careful consideration. | Continue reading

@diginomica.com | 5 years ago

Say hello to Marty the Robot. He’s here for your job

Robots robot automation is expected to be worth more than $18.9 billion by 2023. What's the impact for both the cuustomer and jobs? | Continue reading

@diginomica.com | 5 years ago

Americans trust the military more than Big Tech to develop AI

A new report from Oxford’s Center of Governance of AI reveals that Americans are worried about AI and don’t trust Big Tech to manage its development.. | Continue reading

@diginomica.com | 5 years ago

2018 – the year 'Big Tech' lost its innocence

Government regulators and lawmakers have finally figured out how Google and Facebook make obscene amounts of money by gathering personal data from millions of users and they aren’t happy about it. | Continue reading

@diginomica.com | 5 years ago

George Orwell’s 1984 is arriving about 40 years behind schedule

Big Brother is watching you - and he's got the facial recognition tech to do some serious damage, warns Microsoft. | Continue reading

@diginomica.com | 5 years ago

“That may be good for the world, but it’s not good for us” – Zuckerberg

Facebook insists it didn't sell anyone's data, but leaked emails from execs including Mark Zuckerberg suggest that access to data was a bartering currency | Continue reading

@diginomica.com | 5 years ago

US military to tech protestors – ‘We’re at war; pick a side

US tech workers are increasingly protesting their firms wins with the military - Jerry Bowles offers a personal point of view. | Continue reading

@diginomica.com | 5 years ago

Is it too late to save Facebook

A fresh round of embarrassing revelations and bad press has rocked Facebook. Can it survive? Should it? | Continue reading

@diginomica.com | 5 years ago

Tim Bernard-Lee wants a new contract to save his troubled child

Saving the World Wide Web from itself - Sir Tim Berners-Lee calls for a new contract between companies, governments and citzens | Continue reading

@diginomica.com | 5 years ago

Is it time to is pull the plug on hate speech online? Can AI help?

In light of Pittsburgh’s synagogue murders and other recent hate crimes, is it time to crack down on the social media hate crazies? Can AI help? | Continue reading

@diginomica.com | 5 years ago

Zuckerberg’s annus horribilis continues as Facebook growth slows

2018's privacy scandals and other controversies have made it a "tough year" for Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg - and it's not over yet! | Continue reading

@diginomica.com | 5 years ago

‘GDPR-US’ needed, says Apple's Tim Cook as he blasts “data industrial complex”

GDPR-US is needed, warns Apple CEO Tim Cook, as he denounces the weaponization of personal data. | Continue reading

@diginomica.com | 5 years ago

Ben Sasse wants you to know that he is really worried about Deepfakes

Technology is now becoming a full-fledged political hot button issue and not just a sideshow to other issues like immigration, climate, jobs, arms control and so on. | Continue reading

@diginomica.com | 5 years ago

Who needs lawyers? DoNotPay lets you ‘sue anyone’ free via a chatbot

DoNotPay bills itself as the world's first robot lawyer.  Its motto is “Fight corporations, beat bureaucracy and sue anyone at the press of a button.”.   | Continue reading

@diginomica.com | 5 years ago

Did Chinese hackers really plant spy chips in Apple and Amazon servers?

Did Chinese government hackers planted surveillance chips on servers used by Apple, Amazon, and about 30 other companies and agencies? | Continue reading

@diginomica.com | 5 years ago

Enterprise hits and misses - blockchain gets explained, Abobe - Marketo gets analyzed, and event season rolls on

In another streamlined, “Jon feels the road burn” version of hits and misses, Jon picks the highlights from this week’s biggest shows, the best of the enterprise web, and, as always, some classic whiffs. | Continue reading

@diginomica.com | 5 years ago

U.S. Justice Department sues California on net neutrality law

The DOJ action against the State of California over net neutrailty sets up a high stakes legal showdown over regulation of the Internet. | Continue reading

@diginomica.com | 5 years ago

Enterprise hits and misses - Dreamforce dreams, Infor informs, and Microsoft ignites

In this streamlined, "Jon feels the road burn" version of hits and misses, he picks the highlights from the week's biggest shows, the best of the enterprise web, and, as always - your weekly whiffs. | Continue reading

@diginomica.com | 5 years ago

IBM Watson rolls out pre-trained AI software for IoT connected manufacturing

|IBM wants give “smart” IoT devices a brain for connecxted manufacture. An interesting concept that reflects value paying off from Watson | Continue reading

@diginomica.com | 5 years ago

USA is in danger of squandering the AI race to China, House report warns

he U.S. cannot take its lead in AI technologies for granted. The government needs to step up its leadership and investment in AI to compete with China | Continue reading

@diginomica.com | 5 years ago

California passes nation’s first IoT security bill – too little too late?

California iss the first state to legislate for iot security. Critics are not impressed but then it is a first step and will spark a much needed debate. | Continue reading

@diginomica.com | 5 years ago

Reading material update - a world where 'systems of reference' matter

We see a tremendous amount of content, much of which is fantastic - here is today's picks of the best and the debstable | Continue reading

@diginomica.com | 5 years ago

Enterprise Hits and Misses (truncated) - Part II of the Jon’s on vacation edition

Jon is still away on his much deserved vacation - getting some much needed time off from the rest of the diginomica team - but the Hits and Misses show must go on! | Continue reading

@diginomica.com | 6 years ago

Enterprise hits and misses - AI is incremental and GDPR gets some comic relief

This week: AI is incremental - or is it on the wrong track altogether? Plus: with GDPR looming, spleen is vented. Customer experience meets a curmudgeon, Adobe and Magento meet a press release cynic. Plus: your weekly whiffs. | Continue reading

@diginomica.com | 6 years ago

Five 2018 April Fools Day story picks for enterprise buffs

April Fools Day fell on a Sunday this year so the pickings were a tad slim as the smart people spent time with friends and family rather than glued to their screens. Even so, my network bubbled up some very good examples. | Continue reading

@diginomica.com | 6 years ago

Enterprise hits and misses - AI gets personal and security gets political

This week - the AI versus humans debate gets personal, with an enterprise twist. Plus: security whistleblowers get jobbed. Design thinking gets a revisit, and you get loads of acerbic whiffs. | Continue reading

@diginomica.com | 6 years ago

Enterprise hits and misses - the rise of the cybercrime bots and the toning down of AI expectations

This week: the rise of the cybercrime bots as businesses shore up their defenses. Plus: why you need to tone down your AI expectations. Netflix turns content ROI assumptions on its head, and whiffs-a-plenty. | Continue reading

@diginomica.com | 6 years ago