Most of us don’t read the terms and conditions before we click on “I agree” for the web services we use. They’re too long, and we need likes right away. For a student projec… | Continue reading
Moving your data from the digital screen to something more physical isn’t as tricky as it seems. Here’s how I did it. | Continue reading
By Neil Freeman, the @everytract bot on Twitter, as the name suggests, is tweeting a map of every Census tract in numerical order. It’s one map each half hour. Census data, or data in general… | Continue reading
I think this is what statistics is truly for. | Continue reading
Roger Peng discusses the importance of managing the relationships between people — analyst, patron, subject matter expert, and audience — for a successful analysis: Human relationships … | Continue reading
Aaron Williams and Armand Emamdjomeh for The Washington Post delve into diversity and segregation in the United States. The boiling pot continues to get more ingredients, but they’re not mixi… | Continue reading
You’ve probably heard of the wisdom of crowds. The general idea, popularized by James Surowiecki’s book, is that a large group of non-experts can solve problems collectively better than… | Continue reading
We almost always look at data through a screen. It’s quick and good for exploration. So is there value in making data physical? I played around with a 3-D printer to find out. | Continue reading
Jonathan Corum, the Science graphics editor at The New York Times, talks about his experiences communicating scientific research to the public. Much of visualization design is about figuring out th… | Continue reading
Taylor Baldwin mapped all of the buildings in Manhattan using a 3-D layout. Rotate, zoom, and pan, and be sure to mess around with the parameters in the control panel for different looks. Also make… | Continue reading
With Numberphile, Lisa Goldberg discusses her research with Alon Daks and Nishant Desai at the University of California, Berkeley on the hot hand in basketball. When a player is hitting shots, is h… | Continue reading
It’s been a decade since the first Iron Man movie, and some 30 superhero characters later, we arrive at a two-parter Avengers finale. But maybe you lost track of everything that happened lead… | Continue reading
When it comes to robots and love, the concept typically deteriorates to subservient tools to satisfy male fantasies. Creative technologist Fei Lu aims for a more complex relationship with Gabriel20… | Continue reading
Sisi Wei for ProPublica and Nick Fortugno of Playmatics made a game to…Tags: asylum, game, ProPublica | Continue reading
Janelle Shane, who likes to play with output from neural networks, teamed up…Tags: knitting, neural network | Continue reading
Neural networks have shown usefulness with a number of things, but here is…Tags: dinosaurs, flowers, neural network | Continue reading
When watching baseball on television, we get the benefit of seeing whether a…Tags: baseball, FiveThirtyEight, sports, work | Continue reading
Abstract: The Art of Design kept popping up on my Netflix recommendations list…Tags: Christoph Niemann, illustration | Continue reading
Focus on finding or displaying contrasting points, and some visual methods are more helpful than others. A guide.Tags: comparison, contrast, difference | Continue reading
Look from the above at the shapes and geometry we use for cities,…Tags: geometry, Google, satellite | Continue reading
Learning algorithm steps can be a challenge when viewed only through code or…Tags: algorithm, humor, IKEA | Continue reading
Hans Rosling was able to build excitement around data like no other. Truth…Tags: book, facts, Hans Rosling, world | Continue reading
The colors you choose to visualize data can completely shift what you convey…Tags: color, perception | Continue reading
This comic from Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal speaks to me. You can quantify…Tags: humor, SMBC | Continue reading
From Joshua Stevens at the NASA Earth Observatory: But over the longer term,…Tags: first leaf, global warming, NASA | Continue reading
Based on data gathered by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, NASA pieced together this…Tags: high resolution, moon, NASA, space | Continue reading
Rafael Irizarry introduces the dslabs package for real-life datasets to teach data science:…Tags: R, teaching | Continue reading
Show connections in the circular layout for a more compact presentation.Tags: R | Continue reading
This is a fun drawing experiment in R by Antonio Sánchez Chinchón. A…Tags: R, traveling salesman | Continue reading
One way to think about gender pay gap is to imagine women receive…Tags: calendar, Guardian, pay gap | Continue reading
There are many ways to estimate how similar two cities are — weather,…Tags: demographics, jobs, Upshot | Continue reading
In 1939, John and Ruby Lomax traveled through ten southern states in three…Tags: history, music | Continue reading
Elizabeth Barber was in a long-distance relationship, and Strava was a way for…Tags: relationships, Strava, Wired | Continue reading
Alec Barrett for TWO-N describes the benefits and some of the intricacies of…Tags: animation, transitions | Continue reading
Maps typically show a view from straight above, which is good for navigation…Tags: perspective, satellite | Continue reading
Woo. Woo. Alex Hern reporting for The Guardian: In at least one previous…Tags: facebook, privacy | Continue reading
Facebook and Google (among other companies) know a lot about you through the…Tags: facebook, Google, privacy | Continue reading
From 2010, Steve Jobs on data privacy:…Tags: privacy, Steve Jobs | Continue reading
Building on their previous visualization work on black boys dropping income levels in…Tags: demographics, income, Upshot | Continue reading
Lisa Charlotte Rost for Datawrapper provides guidance for designing choropleth maps that most…Tags: choropleth, color | Continue reading
As we get older, job options shift — along with experience, education, and wear on our bodies.Tags: age, work | Continue reading
Emily Baumgaertner reporting for The New York Times: But critics of the change…Tags: census, citizenship, immigration | Continue reading
Vega-Lite is a grammar for interactive graphics primarily used for analysis. Altair is…Tags: Python | Continue reading
The USA National Phenology Network uses a computer model to estimate heat build-up…Tags: New York Times, weather | Continue reading
Issie Lapowsky for Wired: The change that’s already come to Pennsylvania may not…Tags: gerrymandering, Wired | Continue reading
As you can imagine, there was plenty of conversation between Earth and Apollo…Tags: Apollo 11, conversation, space | Continue reading
Research by Raj Chetty, Nathaniel Hendren, Maggie Jones, and Sonya Porter from the…Tags: income, race, Upshot | Continue reading
Army ants function without a leader and yet accomplish very organized-looking things, such…Tags: ants, independence | Continue reading