`exception: false` and `exception: true` | Continue reading
Hi guys! I’m Ali and this is my first Medium post. | Continue reading
Glitch community engineer Jenn Schiffer talks with Travis Morrison, lead singer of The Dismemberment Plan, about his origin story, tech… | Continue reading
The second in a series on scaling service development, this article looks at some of the key tooling that supports the new Services… | Continue reading
When we started working on the concept of a pedal effect based on a Shepard glissando, one of the first things we needed to decide was how… | Continue reading
gitis awesome, right? It’s saved us from the hell of SVN development. git is modern. git git git . | Continue reading
Once upon a time there were two huge corporations dominating the videogames business and, I kid you not, none of them were Sony. | Continue reading
Deep learning algorithms are data greedy. We learn concepts by providing lots of training examples to learn good features. But unless you… | Continue reading
A while ago I started working on a product that would help investment analysts instantly search through hundreds of thousands of company… | Continue reading
Over the years, we’ve all heard some skepticism around using functional programming on a real life project. In our view, most of this… | Continue reading
Chapter 2: Read/Write processes and SQL compliance | Continue reading
Everyone wonders if the world is ready for cryptocurrencies. But more importantly, are cryptocurrencies ready for the world? | Continue reading
The method consists of a “EEG-in/image-out” processingpipeline, where EEG signals given to a Generator are converted to Realistic images. | Continue reading
Data needs and system complexity in hospitality are undergoing exponential growth. Traditional sources of data (PMS, CRS, POS and S&C) are… | Continue reading
We use Intercom for Hyperlogs and we love it. One of my favorite features in Intercom is that it pulls in social info about our users e.g… | Continue reading
JavaScript is now part of the toolkit of most working developers. What if network effects push it into being the first-ever truly dominant… | Continue reading
I’m starting a mission. I’ll make and launch 3 products in 3 months. 🚀 | Continue reading
No wonder why we’re working on a downtime compensation token… | Continue reading
Funding support: Shuttleworth Foundation; Division of Emergency Medicine, London Health Sciences Centre (EMLondon); Faculty of Medicine… | Continue reading
Innovation breeds change. | Continue reading
In this tutorial, I will show you how to schedule snapshots of a website using StdLib! | Continue reading
Today we’re launching a very cool feature for customers in Sydney: you can now see how full each Waratah train is. | Continue reading
Robotex invites everyone to the conference „Generation R: Are We Learning Machines or are Machines Learning Us?" on November 30th -… | Continue reading
I firmly believe that almost anyone can learn to be an entrepreneur, but I’m also convinced that you can’t learn to be an entrepreneur in… | Continue reading
You are all reading this on Medium, a beautiful blog site that’s struggling to figure out how to pay its top contributors. This problem… | Continue reading
At some point in the last 30 years, software transitioned from being a powerful productivity boost for individuals to an indispensable… | Continue reading
There are only two hard problems in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things — Phil Karlton | Continue reading
Recording audio involves a series of steps:1) Start recording the audio2) While recording, store the audio data chunks3) Stop recording… | Continue reading
Which OS projects had the biggest impact this year? | Continue reading
Chapter 1: Introduction and global clock | Continue reading
ISL is an award-winning digital agency founded on invention based in DC & NY. We built an internet connected escape room, reinvented the… | Continue reading
I have been using DNSCrypt and DNS over HTTPS for a bit of time, but decided to give a try to the new DNS over TLS protocol today. The… | Continue reading
I’ve grown quite frustrated with DoorDash. | Continue reading
In a little over 4 years we have gathered 263,693 visitor photos. WOAH. | Continue reading
How I’d like to get from A to B with the new transportation products, and how it actually works today. | Continue reading
How I was able to scale sales engagement for Slinkky, my bootstrapped SaaS company. I’ll share the tools that have supercharged my… | Continue reading
M.A.C.E is a performance-assessment thought framework which helped me greatly in making sense of hiring/firing decisions. | Continue reading
The hype around blockchain is massive. To hear the blockchain hype train tell it, blockchain will now: | Continue reading
This article is about a network started by Deborah Simpier, who has been working on incentivized mesh for years, but joined the Althea… | Continue reading
This article is neither solicited nor promotional, and I derive no personal gain from founders joining FoundersNetwork. | Continue reading
Soon after handing over Traverous app to beta testers and early adopters, the first feedback we heard was “Videos are too sloow”… | Continue reading
This is embarrassing. Who’d have thought I’d be groveling to you, the makers of my boyfriend’s all-in-one product? | Continue reading
Word & Sentence Embeddings have evolved really fast in the last few months - A brief primer on what happened | Continue reading
Netflix and Domino’s Pizza have something in common, and it’s not about being key ingredients for a Sunday binge-watching session. | Continue reading
Every May is a developers’ talks feast. Google is publishing hundreds of amazing talks from its annual Google I/O conference. This year we… | Continue reading