“Our thoughts shape our spaces, but our spaces return the favor.” | Continue reading
Kaiya is now accepting idea submissions for the first company out of the studio. Submit yours today! Submissions will end on May 21, 2018. | Continue reading
This page is unavailable. | Continue reading
Posted by: Dan Oved, freelance creative technologist at Google Creative Lab, graduate student at ITP, NYU. Editing and illustrations… | Continue reading
This time we’ll only write about the highlight of our last week: the Umma Hüsla hackathon 2018 (UH18). Its motto was ship it, which meant… | Continue reading
I enjoy working with declarative libraries and frameworks — that is, tools which do the heavy lifting for you, and let you focus on the… | Continue reading
A common set of metadata to help process events. | Continue reading
We live in a world made up of complex interconnected systems — natural, industrial, and social. Industrial systems involve all the… | Continue reading
Reading Time: 8-10 Minutes | Continue reading
This post is one of a series which covers common questions about where startups come from, how they work, and how to navigate a career in… | Continue reading
In this post I will try to explain one of the most confusing aspects of Ethereum — gas. You have probably heard about it but most likely… | Continue reading
It has come to my attention that one of the more noticeable traits in my design work is my willingness to use what is perceived to be an excessive number of typefaces. I’ve seen countless articles… | Continue reading
I’ve always preached that anyone can and should do startup at some point in their career. A conversation with a complete stranger totally… | Continue reading
Today, we are really excited to announce NGXS 3.0. | Continue reading
It is time for Netflix, Disney, Time Warner and others to start packing their bags… | Continue reading
Oh, what a wonder the launching of Microsoft Windows 95 was. | Continue reading
So, this afternoon (GMT-4) around approximately 2 p.m. EST, I decided to do some investigative journalism (hardy har) and call up the SEC… | Continue reading
eqio allows you to attain the holy grail of responsive web development components that can adapt their styling based on *their* width. | Continue reading
Alphazero defeated Stockfish in a series of remarkable games marking, according to the common interpretation, a turning point where… | Continue reading
I used to have this rule: Never post a photo on Instagram until you’ve had time to absorb the full emotional weight of the moment. At the time, it was a good rule. It helped me to put my phone down… | Continue reading
Tips to build properties — Examples written using fast-check | Continue reading
A framework to evaluate the self-funded route for your business | Continue reading
An ubiquitous piece of advice given regarding learning new technical concepts or tools is to research the history behind it. As a student… | Continue reading
Take courage and do what make sense to you! Period. | Continue reading
These are a couple of tips and tricks that I’ve experience writing, executing, maintaining, and retiring End to End/System Tests. I have… | Continue reading
Drive.ai began in 2015 to transform the relationship between people and transportation. Since then, we’ve built a full stack self-driving system from the ground up, with cutting-edge deep learning… | Continue reading
Climbing up the ladder of abstraction | Continue reading
Emmet is a powerful and expressive tool for web developers to abbreviate HTML, SVG, XSL and other similar markup languages. It has many… | Continue reading
Drive.ai will offer a self-driving car service for public use in Frisco, Texas starting in July, 2018. Self-driving cars are no longer a futuristic AI technology. They’re here, and will soon make… | Continue reading
Adobe XD is building an extensible developer platform for plugins. | Continue reading
An honest account of what it is to work at a pre-revenue stage, bootstrapped tech startup as Employee no 8 !! | Continue reading
Coauthored by Javier Casanova (Minsait Consultant) | Continue reading
I am not an expert. I have co-author a single book in 2017 called Cloud Native Infrastructure for O’Reilly Media. | Continue reading
Oh, what a wonder the launching of Microsoft Windows 95 was. | Continue reading
This article teaches the fundamentals of blockchain technology by showing you how to build your own blockchain. We will walk through core… | Continue reading
I want to discuss a popular TV show my wife and I have been binge-watching on Netflix. It’s the story of a family man, a man of science, a genius who fell in with the wrong crowd. He slowly descends… | Continue reading
In my previous installment I introduced Piper — a general purpose, java-based workflow engine which I open sourced last year. | Continue reading
Everyone uses a couple of them in their daily lives. Learn how chat clients differ in their security and privacy. Make informed choices. | Continue reading
Cloud-native technologies continue to grow in popularity and last week Copenhagen, Denmark hosted one of the community’s largest events… | Continue reading
The Scenario | Continue reading
Nygaard nails the 2nd edition | Continue reading
Papers are the preferred medium for academic publishing in many fields. They are usually a few pages long and quite dense pieces of text… | Continue reading
Once I’ve been requested to investigate performance issues of a search query in a project I’ve been participating in.Data model our team… | Continue reading
Vishnu Prasad P G | Continue reading
According to Betteridge’s law of Headlines, the answer to the above headline would be a resounding ‘no’. However, in this particular… | Continue reading