Our discussion will be focused on whether it is more profitable to trade an asset daily or weekly, or, perhaps, to just hold the asset.. | Continue reading
The stock market is a great place to invest your hard-earned money. You buy stocks or shares in other businesses and your interest… | Continue reading
The Seven Shared Fundamentals of History’s Most Valuable Companies | Continue reading
Introduction | Continue reading
This article is part of the collection “TypeScript Essentials”, this is the Chapter three. | Continue reading
Let’s see how we can train a bot to evacuate the building in minimum time | Continue reading
Online privacy is dead. | Continue reading
With jobs that have been so tied to secure software design and government compliance, I constantly fall back on the assumption “if it’s… | Continue reading
Recent Intersections Between Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing (Part One) | Continue reading
Chinese AI and humanoid robotic company UBTECH Robotics today announced a staggering US$820 million in Series C funding. With its new… | Continue reading
Vapor 3 is officially here! We have been working hard on this release for more than six months now and we are incredibly excited to… | Continue reading
So you’ve got an idea for an app that you think needs to exist. Or not, but in any case, you want some info on what to do with said idea. | Continue reading
Long Cheng | Pinterest Lead Designer, Core Experience | Continue reading
Leading television manufacturer Skyworth has signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Chinese internet giant Baidu. In the deal… | Continue reading
Recently, I was working on a project for my company that involved parsing an extremely large (roughly 10Gb) XML file in our Rails… | Continue reading
In August 2017, the U.S. government expelled 15 Cuban diplomats in retaliation for what it described as harassment of its staff at the U.S. Embassy in Havana. The curious part was the nature of this… | Continue reading
How to think like a product manager | Continue reading
At Mic, we have high volumes of data streaming into our ingestion pipeline from various sources. Much of our data is generated from user… | Continue reading
Few days back I got a call from a friend, They have market leading products and its time to IoT their solutions. “Its an ocean out there… | Continue reading
It’s oppo dump time. If you aren’t familiar with the term, it’s what happens when a rival campaign collects opposition research and… | Continue reading
No, it’s not just a collection of buzzwords. It’s a real opportunity. | Continue reading
A cryptocurrency is either legal tender or a token or a tulip bulb. At least you can look at it that way. | Continue reading
There’s one truly compelling thing about Kafka. It goes beyond the use cases for which it’s famous. | Continue reading
Ad blocking has been the subject of fierce debate ever since the Adblock extension was released in 2002. At the time, it was just a small… | Continue reading
This article originated as a Reddit post written by the Developer of 0xPool.io, it can be found in its original form HERE. The author can… | Continue reading
And other things learnt whilst running | Continue reading
Print this out and read it now. Then post it on your wall. Each time you have a question, read this again until it becomes second nature. | Continue reading
I was once in a beach in Brazil watching a group of locals play foot volley, which is the seemingly impossible game of playing beach… | Continue reading
What’s up, nerds? It’s me, your inner suit. We’re going to do that thing you always say you want to do: make money. | Continue reading
The myopic utility- and profit-oriented nature of markets funnels us into a world where monoculture & path dependence turns technological… | Continue reading
Building my first Vue app for Guns N’ Roses | Continue reading
Kadena open-sourced our smart contract language in 2016 to empower users and the blockchain community. | Continue reading
Seedom is an Ethereum decentralized application (DAPP) for raising awareness and Ether for altruistic causes while rewarding a single… | Continue reading
We use Terraform to provision and manage our infrastructure on AWS. We have some “legacy” terraform code that requires a much earlier… | Continue reading
Note: I originally authored this post while at Microsoft with Vincent Lascaux (the engineer primarily responsible for the work in OneNote… | Continue reading
(I) Founders : | Continue reading
TL;DR seiri is a lightweight music manager written (mostly) in Rust that helps keep huge music libraries organized. Try it today at… | Continue reading
It is complicated to diagnose and debug complicated systems. It often takes multiple levels of diagnostics data to understand the possible… | Continue reading
The first update to our 2.0.0.beta node API library is ready! | Continue reading
Step 1: write some code | Continue reading
Now even easier to deploy, why are you still debating the task admin duties of EC2 vs. the fully managed wonder of Fargate. | Continue reading
Doing this wasn’t easy. I had a well paid job coding several projects with traditional LEMP stacks. I worked for a great company, with… | Continue reading
There’s something that bothers me about the way we talk about speech. By ‘we’, I mean not just self-defined anarchists but the broader… | Continue reading
Hey there. I want to congratulate you on all of the success of your library. You currently have more than 74,000 GitHub stars. You’ve made… | Continue reading
I recently found myself stuck in a rabbit hole that involved academic work on blockchains. I’ve been interested in this topic because I… | Continue reading
I prefer to call it the “Conductor” pattern. I think it’s more eloquent and more accurate. A conductor listens to the sections of an… | Continue reading