Today I want to mourn the loss of a feature that most developers never knew about. | Continue reading
What’s about your С++ and С# skills? I bet you feel like measuring your hard skills once in a while. And there are several ways to do that… | Continue reading
In the last few years, I have started in various software engineering management roles in different product and technology domains. Below… | Continue reading
There is a common misconception that partitioning a table in Postgres will improve performance, while it’s true in some cases, but… | Continue reading
You get that constant urge to start a business, but what is holding you back is the niche market you need to choose. It can get tricky: You… | Continue reading
Scientific insights into what creates stress, and how motivation can buffer it. With 5 practical ways to reduce stress and increase… | Continue reading
My software engineering career in Silicon Valley can easily be characterized as technical debt trauma survivor — and failed stoic builder… | Continue reading
Understanding how to create value as a principal. Why do we do it? What does it mean? How to think about it. How to execute and sustain it. | Continue reading
Obviously Stable Diffusion has been trained on lots of photos and paintings. So how well does Stable Diffusion paint some great paintings… | Continue reading
The humble docker engine you started on your EC2 instance. The one that is working smoothly and all is hunky dory on the surface. | Continue reading
The theory clearly explained. | Continue reading
Plus, the code the FBI used in a massive wiretapping operation and how Google automates operating system updates | Continue reading
The closer you look … the more shades of gray appear | Continue reading
I’m a little fucked up (i.e., drunk). And drunk, I’m a better version of myself: more in touch with my emotions and unafraid to register… | Continue reading
Imagine you’re building a React application. There are a number of things you want to do on just about every page view of the application. | Continue reading
GSoC Update 2 — AugustI published my last blog post about implementing a member addition form for Faces of GNOME. In this blog, I’m going to talk about my short presentation at GUADEC, as well as implementation of that feature and what things are left to do.GUADEC’22July 23, 2022 … | Continue reading
Plus why primitive communism is as seductive as it is wrong, inflation, web4 myths, and why we should break up Amazzon | Continue reading
The only difference is, they’re real.Continue reading on Medium » | Continue reading
Ankita Girish Wagh | Senior Software Engineer, Storage and Caching | Continue reading
I will tell below in detail about the 100 million Ruble claim for specifying Telegram Messenger as place of employment on Facebook. | Continue reading
Plus a thoughtful look at Vodou and how to use Obsidian for daily notes | Continue reading
Let me tell you a little bit about dating apps in 2022. | Continue reading
Many people learned how to create software by writing executable code. Some of us learned the skill in school/university, some of us… | Continue reading
Article URL: Comments URL: Points: 62 # Comments: 16 | Continue reading
Time for another Interlude, wherein I take a break from my career journey and reflect on what we're doing. I say we, not because I have… | Continue reading
In recent years, the modern data stack has been adopted by more and more enterprises. On the Dataengineering subreddit, there is quite a… | Continue reading
This story that happened IRL. The names of the innocent have been removed for their protection. The names evil corporations have been kept… | Continue reading
By Suzanne Chapman, UX designer, researcher, and content strategist at USDS | Continue reading
My first experience with sign language was a few years ago. When doing my groceries, I asked a cashier 10 times to give me a plastic bag… | Continue reading
Blockchains have some fundamental problems. It’s time to talk about them. | Continue reading
The infographic looks at how 15 of the top global economies stack against each other, based on their GDP | Continue reading
Ideas around a scoring system for assessing burnout in engineering orgs | Continue reading
Plus a quick roundup of my current writing processContinue reading on Curiosity For Busy People » | Continue reading
On the eve of April 21st, I received the mail that my work had been accepted for the main track of IJCAI-2022. This year’s acceptance rate… | Continue reading
Ask anyone who plays video games, and they’ll tell you that the characters who populate virtual worlds are notoriously one-dimensional. In… | Continue reading
Recently I read a blog article from Chad Sanderson on data modeling: The Death of Data Modeling — Pt. 1 — by Chad Sanderson (… | Continue reading
Magical thinking drives the startup economy — but we need a strong dose of reality. | Continue reading
A detailed account of the role of “future archeologists” and how they bring to the present a culture from the future. | Continue reading
Christopher Janz, from Point Nine Capital, has been creating the now infamous SaaS napkin since 2016. In this post I have visualised what’s… | Continue reading
Google Fi, which was launched in 2015 was way ahead of its time, usually pure tech companies like Google and Facebook never get into… | Continue reading
On Saturday, August 13th, Checkmarx’s Software Supply Chain Security Typosquatting engine detected a large-scale attack on the Python… | Continue reading
And it will either cement their lead in the EV world or sink them. | Continue reading
A novel community economic system, designed to capture the economic value of volunteer work is showing ability to generate income for, and… | Continue reading
At Velan Studios, we build and maintain our own engine and toolchain called Viper. Viper is the engine behind Knockout City and Mario Kart… | Continue reading
Recommendation algorithms are used by most social media. Their goal is to provide the most relevant content based on your interests or… | Continue reading
Raycast helped me consolidate many apps into one. | Continue reading
Despite greater productivity, working from home decreases the probability of getting a promotion by 12% | Continue reading
Plus, a sardonic book review, a hint of linguistics, and my favorite books right now | Continue reading