Lost Palace of a Once-Mighty Empire Unearthed in Iraq

When a drought evaporated water in the Mosul Dam reservoir in Iraq, it exposed ruins from an ancient city. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 5 years ago

Shark Skin-Like Surfaces May Ward Off Hospital Superbugs

A material that mimics shark skin, covered with tiny ridges and groves, may help reduce the spread of bacteria in hospitals, a new study suggests. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 5 years ago

AI Created a 3D Replica of Our Universe. We Have No Idea How It Works

Researchers have modeled the universe for the first time using artificial intelligence. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 5 years ago

Arctic Permafrost Is Going Through a Rapid Meltdown – 70 Years Early

Permafrost in the Canadian Arctic is melting way faster than scientists expected. That's bad news for the climate and local ecosystems. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 5 years ago

The Same Exact Foods Affect Each Person's Gut Bacteria Differently

Diet can influence the gut microbiome, but the same food can have the opposite effect on different people. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 5 years ago

Ocean Is Sinking into Earth’s Mantle: A Dead Supercontinent Is Partly to Blame

Water sinking into the ocean floor has contributed to 400 feet of sea level loss since the destruction of the supercontinent Pangaea, a new study shows. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 5 years ago

Staggering Stats: Cats Kill Billions of Animals a Year

Feral and indoor-outdoor cats are stone-cold killers responsible for billions of bird and mammal deaths every year in the United States. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 5 years ago

An 'Anomaly' the Size of Hawaii Is Buried Beneath the Moon's Biggest Crater

There's a gargantuan secret buried under the largest crater in the solar system, and it weighs more than Hawaii. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 5 years ago

AI Listened to People's Voices. Then It Generated Their Faces

Artificial intelligence can produce a photorealistic image of a human face from an audio recording of that person's voice. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 5 years ago

Is It Solid? Or Is It Liquid? New Kind of Matter Is Both

New simulations reveal a new state of matter that displays characteristics of both liquid and solid states. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 5 years ago

Neanderthals Could Have Gone Extinct Because of a 2% Drop in Fertility Rates

Just a slight dip in the fertility rates of Neanderthals could explain their extinction over the course of several thousand years. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 5 years ago

New Virus Infecting People in China, and Ticks May Be the Culprit

So far, the virus has only been found in northeastern China, but it could potentially have a much wider range. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 5 years ago

Facebook Will Be Littered with More 'Zombie' Profiles Than Living Ones by 2070

Facebook will be a virtual graveyard. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 5 years ago

Largest Ever Underwater Volcano Causes the Hum Heard Around the World

A strange seismic event off the coast of Africa has led scientists to a mighty finding: the discovery of the largest underwater volcanic eruption ever recorded. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 5 years ago

Crafty Spider Doesn't Have Venom but It Does Have a 'Slingshot'

This sneaky spider uses its web to catapult itself toward prey. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 5 years ago

Ancient Romans Used Molten Iron to Repair Streets Before Vesuvius Erupted

How the Romans introduced liquefied iron into the streets at Pompeii remains a mystery. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 5 years ago

Something Strange Punched a Hole in the Milky Way. But What Is It?

We can't see it. It might not be made of normal matter. Our telescopes haven't directly detected it at all. But it sure seems like it's out there. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 5 years ago

There's a Hole in Mars' Atmosphere That Spits Hydrogen into Space

Why is Mars so dry? A new paper might have the explanation. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 5 years ago

Top Nobel Prize Goof-Ups (2011)

In honor of the 2011 Nobel Prizes being handed out this week, here's a look back at a few of the worst decisions in the history of the venerable institution. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 5 years ago

The Universe Probably 'Remembers' Every Single Gravitational Wave

After these ripples in space and time pass through the universe, they may leave behind a sort of memory of their crossing. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 5 years ago

Quantum Computer Can See the Future – All 16 of Them

Researchers have built a quantum computer prototype that can show 16 possible futures at the same time. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 5 years ago

Why Is the First-Ever Black Hole Picture an Orange Ring?

Orange you glad you've just seen the first-ever image of a black hole? | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 5 years ago

Computer Software Could Crack Centuries-Old Math Puzzle

Mathematicians have known how to solve something called an S-unit equation for several years. However, the process is so convoluted that few can actually use it to tackle their problems. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 5 years ago

We Would Never Be Able to Blow Up an Asteroid to Save the Planet

The bigger they are, the easier they break? Not when it comes to asteroids, researchers recently discovered. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 5 years ago

When Ancient Societies Hit a Million People, Vengeful Gods Appeared

Belief in a punishing, moralizing god follows the rise of complex societies, new research shows. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 5 years ago

More Than One Reality Exists (In Quantum Physics)

New experiments addressed a decades-old theoretical question in physics, demonstrating that two realities can exist at the same time. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 5 years ago

Oumuamua Could Be a Monstrous Corpse of Comet Dust

'Oumuamua is long gone, but it's still leaving scientists guessing. A new explanation proposes that the strange object was a "monstrous fluffy dust aggregate" produced by a busted-up comet. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 5 years ago

Hundreds of Mysterious Stone Structures Discovered in Western Sahara

The structures seem to come in all sizes and shapes, and archaeologists aren't sure what many of then were used for or when they were created. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 5 years ago

World’s Oldest Periodic Table Poster Turns Up in Scottish Storeroom

The world's oldest classroom poster of the periodic table of elements, dating to 1885, has turned up in Scotland. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 5 years ago

Koalas Have Human-Like Fingerprints (2011)

Even forensic detectives would have a hard time distinguishing between koala fingerprints and human ones. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 5 years ago

No, You Probably Shouldn't Follow Kelly Clarkson's 'Lectin-Free' Diet

Kelly Clarkson attributed her weight loss to a book called "The Plant Paradox," which advises people to cut lectins from their diet. But what are lectins? | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 5 years ago

Woman with Rare Condition Couldn’t Hear Male Voices

A woman who couldn’t hear male voices was suffering from a rare form of aural impairment. What is reverse-slope hearing loss? | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 5 years ago

Dinosaur-Killing Asteroid Triggered Mile-High Tsunami

The greatest tsunami of them all led to the deaths of countless animals from the dinosaur age. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 5 years ago

There Are Plants and Animals on the Moon Now (Because of China)

China's Chang'e-4 lander contains a living experiment that could lay the groundwork for agriculture at its future lunar base. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 5 years ago

The Real Fake News: Top Scientific Retractions of 2018

From unintentional irony to flat-out fraud, it has been another banner year for scientific retractions. Here are five notable ones. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 5 years ago

Chimps Have Better Short-Term Memory Than Humans [2013]

Chimpanzees have much better working memories than humans, suggesting we may have underestimated their cognitive abilities. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 5 years ago

Long Hidden Pyramid Found in Indonesia

An ancient temple in Indonesia hid underground for thousands of years. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 5 years ago

Could Life on Mars Be Lurking Deep Underground?

To find life on Mars, scientists may need to "go deep." | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 5 years ago

How This Supercolony of 1.5M Penguins Stayed Hidden for 3,000 Years

Sometimes we miss one or two penguins, sometimes we miss millions. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 5 years ago

Earth's Mysterious 'Deep Biosphere' Is Home to Millions of Undiscovered Species

The Earth's deep, underground ecosystems are nearly twice as big as the planet's oceans — and they could hold millions of undiscovered species. Thousands of scientists are racing to discover them. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 5 years ago

Tehran is sinking

The ground is shifting under Tehran, capitol of Iran. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 5 years ago

500-Year-Old Body of Man Wearing Thigh-High Boots Found in London Sewer Build

Was this a 500-year-old fashion statement? | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 5 years ago

Ice Age 'Unicorn' May Have Lived Alongside Modern Humans

A burly "unicorn" once roamed the Eurasian steppes. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 5 years ago

An Asteroid May Have Wiped Out Part of the Middle East 3,700 Years Ago

Some 3,700 years ago, a meteor or comet exploded over the Middle East, wiping out human life across a swath of land north of the Dead Sea. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 5 years ago

Dads (Not Just Moms) Can Pass on Mitochondrial DNA, According to New Study

It's long been thought that people inherit mitochondrial DNA exclusively from their mothers. But a provocative new study suggests otherwise. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 5 years ago

How to Watch the Insight Landing on Mars on Monday

In a few days, humanity will once again reach out and touch the surface of a foreign world. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 5 years ago

Thanksgiving Myth Busted: Eating Turkey Won't Make You Sleepy

Consuming large quantities of carbohydrates and alcohol are the real reason people feel sleepy after a Thanksgiving dinner. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 5 years ago

Massive Solar Storm Detonated Hidden American Bombs During the Vietnam War

Researchers digging through naval records uncovered a strange and alarming consequence of a massive 1972 solar storm. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 5 years ago