Ground penetrating radar found subterranean ritual structures. | Continue reading
Did a "lost" extinction 230 million years ago empty the oceans and pave the way for dinosaurs? | Continue reading
Climate change prompted microevolution in now-extinct species. | Continue reading
Depends how you measure it. | Continue reading
It depends on the kind of animal. | Continue reading
Many black holes spin much faster than this. | Continue reading
The space rock landed on a frozen lake on Jan. 16, 2018. | Continue reading
Nobody has ever seen one here — until now. | Continue reading
Life is here. Can they see it? | Continue reading
Their stings are like a 'scorching hot knife.' | Continue reading
It depends if you count teeth as a group or separately. | Continue reading
The brain cells turned to glass after being exposed to an avalanche of hot ash. | Continue reading
Auroras aren't just for planets anymore. | Continue reading
Guided dreaming could be used to boost creativity or to confront sources of stress and trauma. | Continue reading
A vacuum is an empty place, which space nearly achieves. | Continue reading
It was crammed in the body of a tiny crustacean. | Continue reading
The soil bacteria breathe through 'giant snorkels' made of a special conductive protein, the researchers found. | Continue reading
The galaxy is a big place, after all. | Continue reading
Hair may record the information swallowed by the gravitational monsters. | Continue reading
Cells intuitively avoided dead-ends when released into microscopic mazes. Here's how. | Continue reading
They number in the hundreds and can be larger than an NFL football field. | Continue reading
Nature always finds a way. | Continue reading
The newly described species is one of the biggest isopods known to science. | Continue reading
Konrad Steffen was one of the world's leading experts on climate change. | Continue reading
Just don't slice your spacesuit open on the cave wall. | Continue reading
The map includes more than 2 million galaxies and covers 11 billion years of the universe's history. | Continue reading