Elusive mitochondrial connection to inflammation uncovered

PINK1 and parkin proteins prevent inflammation caused by mitochondria. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 6 years ago

‘Reprogrammed’ stem cells to be tested in people with Parkinson’s

The therapy has been shown to improve symptoms of the condition in monkeys. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 6 years ago

Topological phenomena explored in a programmable quantum simulation

Programmable quantum simulation based on superconducting qubits. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 6 years ago

Referees should exercise their rights

Peer reviewers should not feel pressured to produce a report if key data are missing. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 6 years ago

The genome of the offspring of a Neanderthal mother and a Denisovan father

Genomic evidence of the offspring of a Neanderthal mother and a Denisovan father suggests that mixing among different hominin groups may have more been frequent than previously appreciated. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 6 years ago

How D-Wave’s quantum machine could help exotic physics

Device models quantum behaviour faster than ordinary computers, as predicted by Richard Feynman. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 6 years ago

Mum’s a Neanderthal, Dad’s a Denisovan: discovery of an ancient-human hybrid

Genetic analysis uncovers a direct descendant of two different groups of early humans. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 6 years ago

Tracking progress on the SDGs

The latest United Nations review leaves no doubt, countries need to step up efforts and act fast if they want to achieve the Global Goals by 2030. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 6 years ago

Measuring the Evolution of Contemporary Western Popular Music

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@nature.com | 6 years ago

Top geneticist loses 3.5M grant in first test of landmark bullying policy

The Wellcome Trust pulled the grant from Nazneen Rahman, who worked at the Institute of Cancer Research in London. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 6 years ago

Capacitive neural network with neuro-transistors – Nature Communications

Though memristors can potentially emulate neuron and synapse functionality, useful signal energy is lost to Joule heating. Here, the authors demonstrate neuro-transistors with a pseudo-memcapacitive gate that actively process signals via energy-efficient capacitively-coupled neur … | Continue reading

@nature.com | 6 years ago

Improved nutrient use gives cereal crops a boost

Manipulation of the transcription factor OsGRF4 can improve the efficiency with which some high-yielding cereal crops use nitrogen. This discovery has implications for sustainable agriculture. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 6 years ago

Quantum formulation of the Einstein equivalence principle

The physical conditions that support a geometric interpretation of spacetime, such as the equivalence between rest and inertial mass, are shown not to be necessarily valid in the quantum regime, and a quantum formulation is provided. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 6 years ago

Net-Net Auto Machine Learning (AutoML) Prediction of Complex Ecosystems

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@nature.com | 6 years ago

Online search tool for graphical patterns in electronic band structures

An online search tool is developed to look for candidate materials by exploring chosen graphical patterns in their electronic band structure from a database. A team led by Alexander V. Balatsky from Nordita, KTH Royal Institute of Technology and Stockholm University present an on … | Continue reading

@nature.com | 6 years ago

Billion-dollar telescopes could end up beyond the reach of US astronomers

Change the funding system and approaches to international partnerships for US-led big science projects, urge Matt Mountain and Adam Cohen. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 6 years ago

21st-century modeled permafrost carbon emissions accelerate by thaw under lakes

Permafrost carbon feedback modeling has focused on gradual thaw of near-surface permafrost leading to greenhouse gas emissions that accelerate climate change. Here the authors show that deeper, abrupt thaw beneath lakes will more than double radiative forcing from permafrost-soil … | Continue reading

@nature.com | 6 years ago

How digital drug users could help to halt the US opioid epidemic

Agent-based modelling offers opportunities to explore the complex social interactions at the heart of the addiction crisis. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 6 years ago

A convex 3D deconvolution algorithm for low photon count fluorescence imaging

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@nature.com | 6 years ago

What's expected of us

It's a tough choice... | Continue reading

@nature.com | 6 years ago

Genome-wide polygenic scores for common diseases

Genome-wide polygenic risk scores derived from GWAS data for five common diseases can identify subgroups of the population with risk approaching or exceeding that of a monogenic mutation. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 6 years ago

A touch from a molecule

Contact with just one antibody molecule regulates current flow through a transistor. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 6 years ago

A novel probabilistic forecast system predicting anomalously warm 2018-2022

Accurate near-term predictions of global temperatures are required to determine some of the key impacts of climate change. Here the authors develop a novel probabilistic forecast system that shows anomalously warm temperatures for the next years with increased risk of extreme war … | Continue reading

@nature.com | 6 years ago

The mice with human tumours: Growing pains for a popular cancer model

Researchers had high hopes for patient-derived xenografts. Now they are contending with limitations in the clinic and the lab. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 6 years ago

Green revolution’ crops bred to slash fertilizer use

Researchers have identified a molecule that increases plant growth while reducing the need for nitrogen. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 6 years ago

How Unpaywall is transforming open science

Unpaywall has become indispensable to many academics, and tie-ins with established scientific search engines could broaden its reach. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 6 years ago

Scientists directly observe bacteria “harpoon” DNA to speed up their evolution

Live-cell imaging reveals that type IV competence pili from naturally competent Vibrio cholerae are dynamic structures that bind to exogenous DNA via their tips. Pilus retraction pulls DNA to the cell surface and across the outer membrane to initiate DNA uptake. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 6 years ago

BROAD STUDY: randomised controlled trial with whole food plant-based diet [pdf]

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@nature.com | 6 years ago

Study links sleep loss to loneliness and social withdrawal

Loneliness markedly increases mortality and morbidity, yet the factors triggering loneliness remain largely unknown. This study shows that sleep loss leads to a neurobehavioral phenotype of human social separation and loneliness, one that is transmittable to non-sleep-deprived in … | Continue reading

@nature.com | 6 years ago

Brain fogginess and bloating:link between SIBO,probiotics and metabolic acidosi

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@nature.com | 6 years ago

Digital holography of optically-trapped aerosol particles

Obtaining dynamic information on atmospheric aerosol particle size and morphology is typically challenging. Here, the authors introduce holographic imaging of unsupported aerosol particles in air that are spatially confined by optical traps, allowing contact free observation over … | Continue reading

@nature.com | 6 years ago

LHC physicists embrace brute-force approach to particle hunt

The world’s most powerful particle collider has yet to turn up new physics — now some physicists are turning to a different strategy. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 6 years ago

Industry trumps peer-reviewed science at US environment agency

Critics outraged over changes to chemical-safety review guidelines. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 6 years ago

Aqueous solutions for on-demand hydrogen generation and energy storage

The polyoxoanion [P2W18O62]6− has been shown to reversibly accept up to 18 electrons upon reduction in aqueous solution. The resulting highly reduced solution can then be used either for the on-demand generation of hydrogen over a catalyst bed, or as a high-energy-density electro … | Continue reading

@nature.com | 6 years ago

Tax havens and global environmental degradation

Analysis from global fisheries and the Brazilian Amazon elaborates the links between financial flows through tax havens and environmental degradation. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 6 years ago

Red fox genome assemb identifies regions assoc with tame and aggressive behav

Long-term selective breeding has produced strains of the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) with different behaviours. Here, the authors sequence the genomes of tame and aggressive strains to uncover the genetic regions that have responded to selection for behaviour. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 6 years ago

Science in North Korea: how easing the nuclear stand-off might bolster research

The isolated nation publishes less than 100 scholarly articles a year — but as political tensions ease, researchers hope for greater collaboration. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 6 years ago

Universal quantum gates over geometric spin qubits with polarised microwaves

Holonomic quantum gates represent a promising route to noise-tolerant quantum operations. Here, the authors use polarised microwaves to implement nonadiabatic holonomic quantum gates at room temperature and zero magnetic field on NV centers, both on single-qubit and between elect … | Continue reading

@nature.com | 6 years ago

Undecidable problems in physics

Gödel’s incompleteness theorems are connected to unsolvable calculations in quantum physics. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 6 years ago

Deep learning to predict the lab-of-origin of engineered DNA

The synthetic biology era has seen a rapidly growing number of engineered DNA sequences. Here, the authors develop a deep learning method to predict the lab-of-origin of a DNA sequence based on hidden design signatures. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 6 years ago

Hot streaks in artistic, cultural, and scientific careers

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@nature.com | 6 years ago

Soft 2D nanoarchitectonics

A target of this review is soft 2D nanoarchitectonics because scientific views on soft 2D nanomaterials are not fully established as compared with rigid 2D materials. The presented examples are selected according to the following three categories on the basis of 2D spatial densit … | Continue reading

@nature.com | 6 years ago

3D integration of nanotechnologies for computing and data storage on single chip

Multiple nanotechnologies are integrated on a single chip to realize a three-dimensional integrated circuit architecture that combines computing and data storage—a potentially transformative advance in computing. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 6 years ago

CRISPR ‘barcodes’ map mammalian development in exquisite detail

Genome-editing technique enables researchers to trace lineage of cells in developing mice. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 6 years ago

Signs of hope emerge against influenza

A universal vaccine might be some way off, but research into how the immune system responds to the virus will be crucial to achieving that goal. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 6 years ago

Did CRISPR really fix a genetic mutation in these human embryos?

Researchers provide more evidence for their landmark claim that gene editing rid embryos of a disease mutation — but scientists are still arguing over the results. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 6 years ago

Risk of increased food insecurity under global climate change mitigation policy

Economy-wide GHG emissions reductions may negatively affect food security. Stringent mitigation policies, modelled as carbon prices, are shown to lead to an increase in production costs, food prices and the population’s risk of hunger. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 6 years ago

Activations of DCNNs are aligned with gamma band activity of human visual cortex

Ilya Kuzovkin et al. compare intracranial depth recordings from human subjects taken during a visual recognition task to activations of deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs). They find that signals in gamma frequency bands in the recordings are aligned with the hierarchical … | Continue reading

@nature.com | 6 years ago