To operating system users one and all. We at Canonical, have some questions for you. With our next LTS release on the horizon and the developer releases that will follow, we'd like your opinion on some things. It shouldn't take more than 10 minutes, unless you want it to, and ans … | Continue reading
Tsinghua Professor Lao Dongyan: The hidden worries of facial recognition technology *Note: These are Jeffrey Ding’s informal and unofficial translations -- all credit for the original goes to the authors and the original text linked below. Jeff is a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford, PhD … | Continue reading
A Philosophical Treatise on Meaning in a Complex System of Moral-Agents By Harrison V. Perry What is meant by the simulation? I held many fears that it was the case that the simulation was the reality I perceive myself to be in, in the carnal reality. I believe this is not the … | Continue reading
At Mighty, we’re working hard at building a computer you’ll never need to upgrade that changes the possibilities of what apps can do. Mighty’s first product will make Google Chrome faster and use 10x less memory by streaming it at extremely low-latency from the cloud. We’re look … | Continue reading
How To Industrialize Mars: A Strategy For Self-Sufficiency Casey Handmer © 2018 Casey Handmer All Rights Reserved This document is freely available online: Please feel free to comm … | Continue reading
Sheet1The golden Kubernetes Tooling and helpers list,Short Description of the tool or helper,CommentsArgo CD,,Argo CD is a declarative, GitOps continuous delivery tool for Kubernetes.AWS Kubernetes, | Continue reading
If you know of a person who had silly idea to die before clicking through 2019 Terms of Service at Twitter, please enter their twitter account below. As best as current technology allows, this account will be gathered up and put into an archive. We will then see if it is deleted … | Continue reading
A quick non-scientific census of Lua versions used by the Lua community. I'll post the results in the Lua and LuaJIT mailing lists and on Twitter @hisham_hm | Continue reading
Random things on the Internet By Alok Menghrajani Over the recent years, the majority of the Internet has boiled down to people spending time on their favorite social media or photo sharing app. The purpose of this list is to link to gems which people will hopefully find interest … | Continue reading
Zeppelin Jupyter RStudio Plotly Dash Core Experience Notebook Functionality ★ chart creator, interactive tables, dynamic forms. Not much interactivity, but better UI than rmd. Obscure metadata features. .rmd feels forced because it’s in a text editor and you have to handw... | Continue reading
Building JavaScript at Scale Minko Gechev, Google | Continue reading
Hi friends,We’re holding a Vickrey auction to sell access to the Crate source code!How does a Vickrey auction work? Well, the top 10% of bids will win and everyone will pay the same price (the highest bid after the first 10%).A quick example. Say there are 100 people who particip … | Continue reading
Is the rate of scientific progress slowing down? Tyler Cowen Ben Southwood August 5, 2019 Acknowledgements: The authors wish to thank Bryan Caplan, Patrick Collison, Sandra DePleijt, Daniel Leech, Fergus McCullough, Michael Nielsen, Pseudoerasmus, Anton Howe … | Continue reading
FrameworksExecution,Algorithms (discrete / continuous / both),Additional featuresProject,link,Maintainer,Framework,Parallel,Distributed,DQN,Rainbow,REINFORCE,A2C,PPO,DDPG,SAC,TD3,REINFORCE,A2C,PPO,TRPO,GAIL,n-step returnOpenAI baselines, | Continue reading
Sheet1company name,industry,revenue,Location,decision makers,email,no of employeeshellobox,software,187.2K,germany,paul andrie,,1--3helloboxRightmessage,software,$360K,Unitd States, | Continue reading
If you were to read you next Python book, what would you wish this book looks like? | Continue reading
Please take a few minutes to fill-out and submit the short survey below. The questions are centered around the process of choosing a restaurant and making a reservation. Your answers to the survey will be used in the research and possibly development of a product which will gre … | Continue reading
Bernie 2020 Strategy How Bernie can dominate the polls, win the primary and the Presidency. The Good Bernie has one of the most consistent bases of any modern President in US history. Many people are attracted to his obvious integrity, stance on war spending, social safety nets … | Continue reading
YouTube’s P-Scores, Video Throttling, and More: A Comprehensive Guide By: Bowblax, Nicholars DeOrio, Optimus, Pescatore October 29th, 2019 Table of Contents / Intro Part 1: P-Scores (Page 3) Definition of P-Scores Five metrics of P-Scores Ideal content … | Continue reading
Sheet1The golden Kubernetes Tooling and helpers list,Short Description of the tool or helper,CommentsArgo CD,,Argo CD is a declarative, GitOps continuous delivery tool for Kubernetes.AWS Kubernetes, | Continue reading
Freedom of expression is a fundamental human right, and it's outrageous to think that any American company would take away your money and your job simply because you want to be free from oppression. And yet game publisher Blizzard did exactly that after Hong Kong-based pro gamer … | Continue reading
To the HashiCorp executive team, We, the undersigned, are writing to ask that you terminate our contract with Palantir. In line with our principles of kindness, integrity, vision, and reflection, we believe that working with Palantir is counter to HashiCorp’s mission and damagin … | Continue reading
RLSL A Rust to SPIR-V compiler | Continue reading
PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS (please be critical! Thank you kindly) ---- ROUGH FLOW: Neural networks are a technology which attempt to answer the question: can we build a machine that works like a human brain? A machine which can feel and understand the world the way we do? It begin … | Continue reading
We all know that the role of a data scientist is the sexiest job of the 21st century? But what does it take to be a good data scientist? Good education? The right skill set? Good connection? Or all of the above?In this survey, Analytics India Magazine is trying to get your valued … | Continue reading
Serverless State What comes next for serverless Dr. Tim Wagner ServerlessConf NY 2019 | Continue reading
Conferences 2020Conference Name,City,Date,Days,Website,Call for SpeakersA list with all the PM conferences happening in 2020. Ideal for those that are planning to attend or speak at one. Add your comments if you spot any mistakes or if there's a conference missing. Watch this spa … | Continue reading
What's coming in Go 1.14 GoSheffield, 2019 - Daniel Martí | Continue reading
What's coming in Go 1.14 GoSheffield, 2019 - Daniel Martí | Continue reading
PBM/LLLT databaseDatabase team: Vladimir Heiskanen (FI), Jolien Robijns (BE), Hannah Serrage (UK) and Reem Hanna (UK/IT). Correspondence: ,Short link to this database … | Continue reading
WebAssembly Without Boilerplate Marc CHAMBON / licence: MIT / 2019 🙏Retweet/Like pinned tweet on my 👉twitter account as a token of appreciation For great courses please subscribe to For better readability, set your browser zoom to 12 … | Continue reading
Verification and Digital Investigations Resources Maintained by Craig Silverman of BuzzFeed News (@CraigSilverman). This is by no means a totally comprehensive list, but it covers what I consider to be essential plugins and tools for general OSINT/online research work. There are … | Continue reading
DE / ES / FR / IT ROLLING PRESS RELEASE ALAA ABD EL FATTAH ARRESTED AGAIN September 29th 2019 10am National Security Agency officers arrested Alaa Abd El Fattah from his ‘probation’ cell in Dokki Police Station this morning. Alaa was released on March 29 after serving a five … | Continue reading
Once, at 2 a.m., you searched YouTube for “Did aliens build Stonehenge?” Ever since, your YouTube recommendations have been a mess: Roswell, wormholes, Illuminati. YouTube’s recommendation engine can lead users down bizarre rabbit holes — and they’re not always harmless. Sometime … | Continue reading
Sheet1To all our friends and colleagues at Thomas Cook who face an unexpected challenge today due to the shuttering of operations and trading on 23rd September 2019, we are here to help you out. All the people who are now in unemployed status, please fill out the details in the s … | Continue reading
We would like to learn more about how you build Cloud Native applications, what you enjoy about it and the challenges that you're facing. The results will be available publicly once the survey has closed. | Continue reading
The Crack in the Dam The nature of intelligent thought, whether human or artificial, is the ability to transform information (including incomplete or inconsistent information) through reasoning and creative breakthroughs into decisions and/or action toward a goal. In the case … | Continue reading
Frea Supporting the global JavaScript namespace | Continue reading
Sheet1Note: Please feel free to add any other machine learning resources you've found helpful.Also, it would be nice if you didn't mess with existing rows, except to increment the "people_who_find_this_useful" column if you find something useful.Thanks Internet! :)people_who_find … | Continue reading
📗 🎉 Hello dear developer who cares about code quality - happy that you're here⌛️ This quick form (only 7 mandatory questions) aims to identify testing usage patterns, trends and opportunities. I'll share all the data and insights back with the community so people … | Continue reading
Acceleratorslgjjy87uù)fuhghv4yvhv:⁸:f⁸jvu8f78ffvvivvv,Contact information,Website,Location,Next Class,Number of startups in each class,Duration of Program,Application Deadline,Equity Taken,Investment,Industry,Notable Alumni,Notable Alumni that made an exit,Total Companies Graduat … | Continue reading
Programming For Babies* VERSION 1.0 * Only for babies who can read | Continue reading
Please fill our your details to set up a quick 15 min call to give inputs about codemarket and how it can help developers earn extra cash by taking 1-1 quick support calls. | Continue reading
Building a better Go linker Austin Clements 2019-09-12 Motivation As the scale of software built in Go grows, both the memory consumption and performance of the Go linker have become a problem for our users. We’ve had a fire drill after each of the past … | Continue reading
Sheet15908,Developer jobs listed in Stackoverflow (2019-09-12), that according their tags require:1521,java,26%,746,python,13%,406,c++,6.9%156,kotlin,2.6%,60,django,1.0%,131,c,2.2%139,scala,2.4%,54,r,0.9%,8,rust,0.1%29,clojure,0.5%,0,julia,-4,groovy,0.07%,531,c#,9.0%366,php,6.2%, … | Continue reading