In an effort to help promote Elixir adoption, we're compiling information on how companies are using Elixir. We will use this data to develop an industry report on Elixir usage to share with the community. Share your responses below and we'll share our findings with you via emai … | Continue reading
The DockYard Academy is a fully-remote educational program focused on providing practical programming experience to prepare students to fill the many Elixir roles currently seeking skilled developers. The course offers a friendly, supportive, and approachable learning experience … | Continue reading
Section 230 on Trial Gonzalez vs. Google Jonathan Stray Center for Human-Compatible AI, UC Berkeley 2023-2-16( | Continue reading
“At the moment, there’s funding for a handful of micro-grants (non-profit) or micro-investments (for-profit) up to ~$30k each. If your project needs greater funding, please submit it anyway; things can (and probably will) change quickly, and your proposal will help make the case … | Continue reading
Thank you for listening to the Elixir Wizards Podcast, brought to you by SmartLogic. We hope you have as much fun listening in as we do learning from peers in the industry. We want to hear your feedback so we can continue to record engaging and informative episodes. Please fill o … | Continue reading
NEW: Deadline extended to January 23, 2023Novel Directions in Media Innovation and Funding is an ICA post-conference on innovation in journalism that will bring together global scholars and leading journalists to address three key areas:Analyze the impact of journalism funding an … | Continue reading
On Saturday Dec. 10, Ben Welsh and Simon Willison will host a live-streamed class that shows students how to submit an open-source software patch on, the leading code-management site. During the 60-minute tutorial students will fork a code repository, make edits to the … | Continue reading
Bottomless is creating an e-commerce subscription that adjusts to your usage. Instead of shipping on a weekly or monthly schedule, we use a simple smart scale to re-order at the perfect time.We are looking for a jack-of-all-trades designer who is comfortable with:- Marketing desi … | Continue reading
READMELISP in Google Sheets with named functions,Author: zick (遊び方,How to use1. Googleアカウントでログインしてこのページを開く,1. Sign in to your Google Account, and open this page2. メニューの [ファイル] - [コピーを作成] を選択,2. Select [File] - [Make a copy] from t... | Continue reading
What could AI possibly know about “Vibes”? Wednesday, September 28 By Derek Lomas “Vibes” are a slippery idea. They’re what, pseudoscience? The concept of a vibe seems too colloquial to be treated seriously—at least, from a scientific perspective. Only a smattering of psycholog … | Continue reading
On September 24, 2022, the New Yorker published an article by Dexter Filkins titled “The Exiled Dissident Fueling the Hijab Protests in Iran.” In the article, Ms. Masih Alinejad, an Iranian dissident based in New York, claimed that “[she is] leading this movement” for gender equa … | Continue reading
Article URL: Comments URL: Points: 67 # Comments: 36 | Continue reading
Mental Health Awareness Campaigns Need an Update, Starting with Its Target Audience All the mental health awareness advice out there is directed toward chronic sufferers of depression, loneliness, etc. But it’s non-sufferers who need advice. By Lauren Holliday “It is no meas … | Continue reading
TL;DR: Private software is optimised to take from you. Technological progress is accelerating. Soon we'll all be done for if we don’t have access to public software. Thankfully, together we can build what we need. Bonus: I predict that the resulting tech will be orders of magnitu … | Continue reading
Whats the best name for a social media app that helps people find things to do and people to meet? | Continue reading
🚀Reserve your seat for the S³ Academy Start-Up course! Before we start, we would like to ask you to fill in a few details about you in the form below ⬇️🛡We are taking the best care of your personal information and making sure it will not be used for other purposes … | Continue reading
Final versionLicense: This document is licensed under,Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CCY BY 4.0)Key area (5),Attribute / value (15),Theme (27) (Competency),Competency | Continue reading
Dear Google Security Team, My name is Shelley Rosen. I’m the Adult Services Librarian at the Walnut Street West Branch of the Free Library of Philadelphia, Philadelphia’s public library. I am writing in a last ditch effort to communicate to you a constant systemic problem we fac … | Continue reading
The Demographic Apocalypse This deep dive explains how declining populations will cause the following problems despite immigration, automation, and life extension technology (which are addressed below): The collapse of many cities (devolution into Detroit-like status) The decline … | Continue reading
Terms and ConditionsYou are invited to take part in a research study. Before you decide, you need to understand why the research is being done and what it would involve for you. Please take the time to read the following information carefully.What is the study about?The study is … | Continue reading
Programmer Test Scenario You are working on a client/server application that needs to scale up to millions of users. The application is written in Golang and runs in Google Cloud. The client in this application communicates with the server over UDP. Each client sends 100 reques … | Continue reading
World PopulationChecking the Benford's Law against the World Population dataData source: Wikipedia Netflix Documentary: | Continue reading
DALL·E 2 Prompt Engineering Guide (created by rundy1#6021 & luc#0002) Welcome to the Prompt Engineering Google Doc! This document will go over all general modifiers used in prompts with further information, examples in real-life, and examples of how DALL·E 2 interprets the phr … | Continue reading
B2B MatrixCreate a middle or aggregating layer,Build a marketplace,Build a data co-op,Offer a more flexible or customizable product,Make it developer-friendly,Build it as SaaS,Make an expensive product cheaper or free,Target the long tail of startups or SMBs,Build a bundled offer … | Continue reading
Gardening Platforms Designed to be read with speaker notes. A slide deck • A textbook • A comic book • A flipbook • Its own thing This talk is based on more than a decade of experience on Chrome’s Web Platform team, as well as … | Continue reading
A vector format for Flutter (and beyond) 2019-2021 - Ian Hickson - Flutter team - This document is publicly shared. Please do not hesitate to add comments. Introduction Supporting a vector graphics format is a popular and long-standing request from … | Continue reading
We think that open source contributions should be more recognized when doing job interviews in modern companies and should eventually be a big part of an interview process instead of coding assignments and live coding sessions.With this questionnaire, we try to collect some data … | Continue reading
Large language models, and more generally foundation models, are powerful technologies that carry a potential risk of significant harm. Unfortunately, we, the AI community, currently lack community norms around their responsible development and deployment. Nonetheless, it is es … | Continue reading
Venture Debt for Startups Manual A basic guide explaining venture debt, its pros and cons, and what it means for your startup. Table of Contents Introduction to Venture Debt What is Venture Debt? Key Terms and their meanings What venture debt means for your company, the pros a … | Continue reading
Large language models, and more generally foundation models, are powerful technologies that carry a potential risk of significant harm. Unfortunately, we, the AI community, currently lack community norms around their responsible development and deployment. Nonetheless, it is es … | Continue reading
Free tools to take your side hustle or freelance work to the next level. Answer the short survey below and help us unlock a better future for work. | Continue reading
We're sending out spaCy and Prodigy stickers again! With new designs, including our holographic versions ✨ and our brand new spancat stickers 🐈 It's free, and we're shipping worldwide 💙 -> 🌍We'll be using the data from this form to print address labels, so … | Continue reading
The Decentralized Web Platform Web5: A new evolution of the Web that enables decentralized apps and protocols. LET’S GO > | Continue reading
The Decentralized Web Platform Web5: A new evolution of the Web that enables decentralized apps and protocols. LET’S GO > | Continue reading
The Decentralized Web Platform Web5: A new evolution of the Web that enables decentralized apps and protocols. LET’S GO > | Continue reading
Be original. Don’t present ideas from all the articles / books / videos you consume as your own idea. Don’t fall into that fallacy. They are someone else’s ideas. Gather your own breadcrumbs, connect those thoughts and build your own opinions. Doesn’t have to be right all the tim … | Continue reading
COVID has changed our lives and habit. We are conducting this survey in order to determine the type of content you enjoy the most online. This survey is for a university business course that could result in creating a solution for improving people's overall experience online. Th … | Continue reading
Update: April 29, 2022 We have asked that the Pulitzer Prizes plan to announce its intent on or before the 2022 award announcement on May 9, 2022, and highlighted that our appeal gives the Pultizers more than a year to figure out the exact details of implementation. We also offer … | Continue reading
Malloy | Continue reading
Sheet20.528357,0.147272,0.083626,78.05695757,114.7272,-0.2194304243,0.147272,-0.4878572703,1,-0.5477292602,0,-0.8366556385,0,21,<- Degrees in Radian0.525028,0.118334,0.018706,72.80772823,111.8334,-0.2719227177,0.118334,-0.4495134601,1,0,1,0,0,0.8366556385,sinus0.500218,0.174686,- … | Continue reading
In a small startup, we do not have the resources to hire junior engineers and teach them how to code. We have to hire people that can code now and do useful work for the company. How do we tell whether or not a candidate can code? In general, I believe “coding” consists of 4 dis … | Continue reading
Sheet1Jump to:,ア,イ,ウJapanese,Romaji*,English,Explanation,Japanese,Romaji*,English,Explanation,Japanese,Romaji*,English,Explanationア,イ,ウ, | Continue reading