Template PREPARE What am I trying to accomplish Why is this important and valuable? How will I know if this is complete? Any risks/ hazards. Potential distractions etc? Is this concrete or ambiguous? Anything else noteworthy? PLAN, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Start time, err, err, err, err, … | Continue reading
I Like Notebooks A Response to Joel Grus Tim Hopper Senior Data Scientist Cylance, Inc @tdhopper tdhopper.com tdhopper@gmail.com bit.ly/jupyterday | Continue reading
Sheet1 raceid, keyrace, uncontested, first, last, gender, party, winner, votes, pct ALH01, Bradley, Byrne, male, R, 152308, 63. 3 ALH01, Robert, Kennedy, male, D, 88365, 36. 7 ALH02, Martha, Roby, female, R, 138582, 61. 5 ALH02, Tabitha, Isner, female, D, 86581, 38. 5 ALH03, Mike … | Continue reading
Container Linux on the Desktop Or How I Over Engineered My Laptop | Continue reading
The First 100 Measure the strength of your idea with real customers. Preface My name is Ben Lee, and I've been in digital product development for more than 10 years. During that time, I've built hundreds of websites, helped launch more than 500 mobile apps, and worked with c … | Continue reading
Vue 3.0 Updates Evan You VueConf TO, Nov. 2018 | Continue reading
Vue 3.0 Updates Evan You VueConf TO, Nov. 2018 | Continue reading
The U.S. Copyright Office Modernization team is working to improve the online copyright registration process and make it easier for individuals and creators to file for registrations and protect their work. Earlier in the year, the team conducted an extensive research effort duri … | Continue reading
Sheet1 Distro, Bagel, Explanation REDHAT BASED RedHat, 34 billion dollar bagel, Acquired by IBM for 34 billion dollars, RedHat Enterprise Linux provides a refined Linux OS and support to high paying customers. Centos, Free sourdough bagel, RedHat but for free and no support. Scie … | Continue reading
Vue 3.0 Updates Evan You VueConf TO, Nov. 2018 | Continue reading
We would really appreciate if you could take a few minutes to answer 8 short questions. | Continue reading
About TovalaTovala’s mission is to make it easier for people to eat well.The company pairs a countertop steam oven with innovative Tovala IQ technology with a gourmet, fresh meal delivery service.Meals are prepped by Tovala’s top chefs and delivered straight to consumers’ doorste … | Continue reading
Bellingcat’s Online Investigation Toolkit Welcome to Bellingcat’s freely available online open source investigation toolkit. You can follow our work on via our website, Twitter and Facebook. (We also provide three to five day open source investigation workshops.) Feel free to su … | Continue reading
Summary of Go Generics Discussions living document Motivation Overview Problems Generic Data Structures Generic Algorithms Functional Code Domain Modeling Language Extensions Alternatives Re-implement the code / copy-paste Use interfaces Use reflect Code generation Generics appr … | Continue reading
About TovalaTovala’s mission is to make it easier for people to eat well.The company pairs a countertop steam oven with innovative Tovala IQ technology with a gourmet, fresh meal delivery service.Meals are prepped by Tovala’s top chefs and delivered straight to consumers’ doorste … | Continue reading
2018 California Ballot Propositions Context This document was generated on 10/20, at a Berkeley REACH event designed to share research and perspectives on California’s prodigious crop of ballot props. We spent time on each prop, discussing the content of what’s being proposed, th … | Continue reading
Individual Contrib Track Dex, Str, Wis, Cha Technical Skill, G( et) S( tuff) D( one), Impact, Communication& Leadership, NOTES Engineer I(< 1-2), Broad knowledge of core CS concepts. Focus on growing as an engineer, learning existing tools, resources and processes, Develops their … | Continue reading
Best for online viewing( with hyperlinks) Compute Products, AI and Machine Learning, Google Maps Platform Compute Engine, Virtual Machines, Disks, Network, Cloud AutoML Natural Language, Custom text classification models, Directions API, Get Directions Between Locations App Engin … | Continue reading
theideaisshit.com Life-time Free Toilet Paper Subscription free | Continue reading
Writing Code for NLP Research EMNLP 2018 {joelg,mattg,markn}@allenai.org | Continue reading
I Don't Like Notebooks hi, I'm Joel, and I don't like notebooks Joel Grus (@joelgrus) #JupyterCon 2018 | Continue reading
Thank you for taking the time share your views of what it means to be a software professional. The results of this survey will be used as part of an upcoming article on the same topic to be published on Medium (https://medium.com/@severinperez). Direct quotes from survey response … | Continue reading
To analyze the medical record system requirement among the people. | Continue reading
Augmented Minds A talk about D. C. Engelbart’s seminal work and why it still matters Michel Müller Postdoctoral Researcher @ Systems Group, ETH Zürich SPCL Reading Group, October 25, 2018 | Continue reading
Sheet1⚠️ If you wish to add a location please do a search first to make sure it does not already exist.( Win: crtl+ f/ Mac: cmd+ f)🤝 Feel free to change values if you feel you can contribute a more accurate number. Also feel free to add any extra categories, Suggestions f … | Continue reading
Sheet1 App Or Site, Associated Company( ies) and/ or Developer 24gossip. net, Quaret 24sportsnews. tv, Ellut Arrow Shooter, aleksaant2/ Osypo Basketball Throw, Rasolantapps BitX Cast Player Pro, BitX Inc/ Rasolant BitX Torrent Video Player, BitX Inc/ Rasolant BlinkVPN, Morrum Bot … | Continue reading
NEStalgia | Continue reading
Sheet1 Name/ Contact, Company, Website, Email, Twitter, Facebook, Skills or description Dan Zaitsev, Individual, danzaitsev. com, im@ danzaitsev. com, https:// twitter. com/ dan_zaitsev, Design, creation and management of AR web and mobile apps. UX design. Monetization and market … | Continue reading
Availability, Latency and Cost: Withstanding Regional Outages @aaronblohowiak aaronb@netflix.com | Continue reading
Sheet1 Security& Privacy, Compatibility, Features& Usability, Sustainability Active, TLS, Open Client, Open Server, On Premise, Anonymous, E2E Private, E2E Group, E2E Default, E2E Audit, FIDO1/ U2F, Desktop Web, Mobile Web, Android, Apple iOS, AOSP, Win, OSX, Linux,* BSD, Termina … | Continue reading
Java Is Still Free With the recent changes to Oracle JDK distribution and support, there’s been considerable uncertainty over the rights to use Oracle JDK vs Oracle's OpenJDK builds vs OpenJDK builds from other providers. There are also plans around free updates, and (new and exi … | Continue reading
Project Newbie I have just started teaching myself Machine Learning and I' m at a stage where l could start working projects equivalent to" Hello World" when it comes to machine learning. I was thinking of collating all these projects in a single sheet that could also be used by … | Continue reading
WebGL 2.0 Compute Specification - Proposal Contact Yunchao He, Intel WebGL working group (public_webgl 'at' khronos.org) Contributors Yunchao He, Intel Jiajia Qin, Intel Yizhou Jiang, Intel Jiawei Shao, Intel Xinghua Cao, Intel Jie Chen, Intel Yang Gu, Intel Members of the WebG … | Continue reading
Python & SQL Writer @ One Month Who are we hiring for? One Month is looking for a creative, driven, and experienced writer to join our team. This is a pay per post and/or part-time gig. We’re looking for someone who is passionate about teaching beginners about Python and SQL. … | Continue reading
Bellingcat’s Online Investigation Toolkit Welcome to Bellingcat’s freely available online open source investigation toolkit. You can follow our work on via our website, Twitter and Facebook. Feel free to suggest tools not yet listed here. This is version 3.8 (October 9, 2018). T … | Continue reading
Transcript and Slides for: When Seeing Isn’t Solving: Lessons For Data Nerds From Detroit’s Never-Ending Tax Foreclosure Crisis A 5-minute Lightning Talk for the 2018 State of The Map US Conference by Jerry Paffendorf, co-founder and CEO, LOVELAND Technologies Detroit, MI 10/ … | Continue reading
Sheet1 Source: fec. gov filings, Compiled by Maciej Ceglowski( maciej@ ceglowski. com/@ pinboard). Corrections welcome. Apple does not have a PAC and so is not listed. Candidate, Year, Google, Amazon, Salesforce, Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter, Oracle, Ebay, Cisco Orrin Hatch, 2007 … | Continue reading
Market research to support the financial sustainability of open source development, cf. oscoin.io. The responses are publicly available here https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/114iEzkW-GmoWW3sGl9IasL1RnL-oAdqgL1cLEw50zus/edit?usp=sharing | Continue reading
websites Website, Mobile Rank, Desktop Rank, Total Score, Relative Rank, Result, API url, Force update https:// stackoverflow. com, 71, 84, 155, 8, result, api url, 2, How do I use this sheet? https:// placekitten. com, 75, 92, 167, 5, result, api url, 1. Fill in a valid URL in c … | Continue reading
NXT, a prototype WebGL Next Authors: Corentin Wallez, Kai Ninomiya Introduction NXT is an unimaginative name for Chromium’s investigation and prototyping of a NeXT generation graphics API for the Web. Our goal with NXT is to explore part of the design space and constraints for su … | Continue reading
Nutrition Facts verekia. com, For 100g, For 1 serving( in grams), My taste Go to README page,💯, CAL, PROT, FATS, NCRB, Carbs, FIBR, SUGR, POTA, SOD, Serv,🕺, CAL, PROT, FATS, NCRB, Carbs, FIBR, SUGR, POTA, SOD,😍,💯🥗, Spinach, 33, 23, 2. 9, 0. … | Continue reading