Living to 100? Longer Lifespans Call for New Tech

Living to 100 -- or even decades beyond that -- may soon be the norm. Lifespans are increasing. We will need new tech tools to make the most of those years. | Continue reading | 4 years ago

An EV SSL Certificate is More Important Than Other SSL Certification

The price of an EV SSL certificate is higher compared to the basic SSL certificates. But protects from Phishing attacks and brings the identity to your site | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Mind-Blowing Possibilities Created by 5G-Enhanced IoT

Discover the various possibilities of 5G-enhanced IoT. It was hyped up since the early 2010s. Now find out how to take advantage of this new technology. | Continue reading | 4 years ago

How to Avoid Becoming the Next Victim of a Data Breach

Avoid becoming the next victim of a data breach. By securing your business data you can save time, money, and your business gets a good reputation. | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Remote First: Why Isn’t Every Company Boundaryless

Why do authorities like Sam Altman of Y-Combinator, Angel List's Naval Ravikant, Twitter CEO, Jack Dorsey, and Bill Gurley, GP at Benchmark Capital, believe boundaryless companies built by remote-distributed teams are the future of work. | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Competitive Strategy-Creating an Unbeatable Business

Competitive strategy involves a lot of research, planning and execution to gain competitive edge or market share. This article gives a summary of strategies | Continue reading | 4 years ago

It’s Time to Truly Consider the Privacy Implications of IoT

The IoT is powering a new wave of innovation, but these devices include security risks that are only now being addressed. | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Coding Boot Camps Produce Talent but Leave Many on the Sidelines

As technology industry grows, the need for more affordable and accessible coding boot camp alternatives is evident. | Continue reading | 4 years ago

The Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics About 5G

Let’s see if we can dispel some of the confusion surrounding 5G, from innocent misconceptions to ridiculous myths. Let's dive in! | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Building a Blockchain Police Bodycam PoC for $25

Police bodycams are an essential piece of equipment for modern law enforcement. Blockchain can solve police bodycam corruption. | Continue reading | 4 years ago

KYB and AML Screening – What is it and Why is it Significant for Business?

what is KYB&AML and what’s its significance. Learn how to perform KYB and AML screening efficiently with a KYB&AML screening solution. | Continue reading | 4 years ago

The Concept of Visibility is Sabotaging Your Security Infrastructure

Network visibility is somewhat of a misnomer because the right approach is not about seeing more — it’s about knowing more. | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Optimize Marketing Strategy for Cross-Channel Conversions

As we move into a new decade of marketing, it’s never been more vital to optimize all the new channels in which you can promote your business. | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Startups Don’t Need to Be Revolutionary. They Need to Be Different.

When new, typically young entrepreneurs start thinking about how they’re going to launch a startup, their mind instantly begins sorting through potential ideas. And most of those entrepreneurs end up discouraged. Why? Because they can’t come up with some revolutionary, game-chang … | Continue reading | 4 years ago

How to Ensure Security with VPN Connection and Stay Safe Online

If you want to know How to Ensure Security with VPN Connection and Stay Safe Online if yes then you are on right Place please read this blog | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Self-Driving Cars Could Change the Auto Industry

The auto industry stands to benefit greatly with the growth of artificial intelligence (AI), particularly with the emergence of self-driving cars. | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Why a Tech Startup is Like a Nuclear Power Plant

My first job out of college was preventing a nuclear power station from melting down. Here is why a tech startup is like a nuclear power plant. | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Getting High Returns on Real Estate Investment

Whether you intend to go through property Real estate investment trust or take another means to invest in REIT’s, this may be your best investment yet. | Continue reading | 4 years ago

TimeQube: Technology that Builds Time Awareness

With the speed of business accelerating and expectations tracking time becomes more important to everyone from the CEO to the freelancer. | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Blockchain Technology Boosts Cybersecurity Amidst Volatile Digital Age

The Internet has entrenched into our lives like the oxygen we breathe in the air. We are dependent on it for almost everything from grocery shopping to finding our way on the roads. Not forgetting the daily social interactions, we have on it. Picture this… According to the Global … | Continue reading | 4 years ago

What It Really Means to Be Forward-Thinking

We all want to be right. We all want to feel that we’re smart and rational, that we’ve weighed the evidence and come to the best decision possible. | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Machine Vision is Key to Industry 4.0 and IoT

Machine vision gives IoT assets, including sensors and robots, new ways to survey their environment and analyze their process or task. | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Tackling the Challenge of IoT Software Updates

You tap to the download and then -- voila, new features, bug fixes, and security improvements are installed. The challenges of IoT software updates. | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Eero WiFi: Mesh Wi-Fit Range Extender has got You Covered

Reliable Wi-Fi coverage in home or office complex has become a priority for all who need reliable Internet access for working, streaming, downloading. | Continue reading | 4 years ago

GoPlus Treadmill: Foldable, Smart Exercise Equipment

If you don't have a lot of space you'll need a treadmill that can fold and be stored when not in use. The GoPlus line of foldable treadmills fits the need. | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Customer Loyalty is Key – Here’s How to Make it Happen

Customer loyalty is key to a growing business and keeping costs low. Here are some tips to turn an unhappy customer into a loyal one | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Da Vinci Fountain Faucet: An Eco-Friendly Water Tap

One startup company decided to address some inherent flaws in faucet design. Here is the Da Vinci fountain faucet, which is an eco-friendly water tap. | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Cybersecurity: Ensuring Sanity in Smart Cities

This article contains a thorough insight into smart city cyber security and a step-by-step guide on how to properly implement it. | Continue reading | 4 years ago

FlightHub and JustFly Reveal the World’s 5 Best Airports

Not all airports offer the same experiences. Some countries pride themselves on providing travelers with creative, hospitable and fun airports. | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Why Do Executives Hesitate to Automate?

It’s no secret that automation can be disruptive. Employees have to learn how to operate with and alongside machines, but that discomfort has a payoff. | Continue reading | 4 years ago

12 of the Web’s Best Business Bots

AI, ML, NLP and a menu of robo-acronyms have transformed how businesses commuicate with customers. Here are 12 of the web's best business bot examples today -- and how to create your own coding-free chatbot in minutes. | Continue reading | 4 years ago

3 Ways to Add Sound to Your Site (Without Annoying Users)

If you had to learn the 50 states songs in elementary school or spent your childhood watching Schoolhouse Rock, this won’t come as a surprise -- music works | Continue reading | 4 years ago

How IoT Embraces Smart Communication

Know How IoT Embraces the Smart Communication between the Fleet and Rental Companies. These Solutions lead to improved efficiencies in communication | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Baloo Weighted Blanket: Improved Sleep Quality and Quantity

Compared to taking medication or suffering from insomnia, I thought it couldn't hurt to try one of these weighted blankets. It's great! | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Employers and Employees Want the Same Things in a Small Business 401(k) Plan, Guideline Says

Retirement savings require help from all sides. Business leaders, legislators, and providers all have a role to play in helping America save for retirement. | Continue reading | 4 years ago

How to Bring an Agile Approach to Hardware Development

The agile development approach is a path forward for hardware that ensures it can keep up with the rapid advances of tech and consumers’ changing desires. | Continue reading | 4 years ago

How Will AI Change the Future of SEO?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is penetrating every department of every industry, from automating factory work to improving areas previously thought untouchable by machines (like human resources). But as a veteran in the online marketing world, I can’t help but let my imagination w … | Continue reading | 4 years ago

9 Ways to Refresh Your Company’s Image Without Spending a Fortune

Are customers responding to your offer as positively as they once did? Here are nine ways to refresh your company's image without spending a fortune. | Continue reading | 4 years ago

How AI will Address its Crisis of Confidence

There’s one area where AI could use some improvement in the decade ahead: transparency. But how will AI address its crises of confidence? | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Why CEOs Must Be Great Storytellers (With Chris Brogan)

For Chris, success as a company is all about telling a story. And today, he spent time telling me why. Here’s what he had to say. | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Ecommerce: How to Survive its Troughs

On the topic of ecommerce, one wonders to what extent this business model is applicable, and where is it likely to end? This is the prime question that goes through most online retailers, entrepreneurs today. | Continue reading | 4 years ago

How to Make Data-Driven Business Decisions in Employee Training

Find out how to base the training decisions in your organization on reliable data, rather than gut feelings. Take a data-driven approach to training and get better results every time. | Continue reading | 4 years ago

How IoT Fixtures Will Power the Bathroom of the Future

IoT fixtures are becoming more common in public bathrooms. Read more to learn how long-range wireless power is solving the power consumption needs of the modern public restroom! | Continue reading | 4 years ago

8 Ways to Keep Your Home Safe and Secure from Burglars

Take the steps that are value-minded at first when you begin steps to keep your home safe and secure from burglars. You can keep your home safe. | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Where Does Social Media Think it’s Going Now?

It’s not just comedians who think that social media needs disruption. What's gone wrond and where does social media think it's going now? | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Cybersecurity Best Practices: 7 Ways to Secure Your Data in 2020

Are you happy with your Cybersecurity protocols? Times change. It's time to rethink your protection standards, check best practices, and secure your data. | Continue reading | 4 years ago

L1ght Spotlights the Shortfalls of Manual and Automated Content Moderation

Many companies are plagued by toxic content, some not of their own making. What they need is technology that can moderate with context in mind. | Continue reading | 4 years ago

How Mobile Apps Are Improving Access to Healthcare Services

Mobile apps are transforming both the quality and accessibility of healthcare, helping our care catch up with our resources — one app at a time. | Continue reading | 4 years ago