Voice Will Penetrate CRM in the Coming Years

Brands that listen and work to incorporate audio elements into their marketing efforts will position themselves well for whatever developments come next. | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

9 Steps to Assess Whether a Startup is Suitable for Investment

In the world of investing, there are numerous investment opportunities from which you can choose. The market is saturated so you will most certainly find a suitable investment opportunity that will match both your investing style and preferences. But your question will be about h … | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

Technical Writers are Vital for Technology Startups

When you want to get the best success for your tech business blog, remember professional technical writers are vital for technical startups. | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

5 Women Tech Leaders Who Will Own the 2020s

Whatever else the 2020s hold, it’s safe to assume these women will be a part of it. People won’t be able to ignore how women in tech are changing our world. | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

Open Plan Offices Kill Productivity. Here’s What to Do Instead.

For years, the business world lived under the false pretense that open plan offices were a killer idea. I myself even bought into the hype. At Netconcepts, the digital agency I founded (and sold in 2010), only the executives had offices with doors that closed. Open plan offices w … | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

Expert Tips – 10 Ways to Sleep Soundly at Night

From staying active, eating healthy and prioritizing relaxation, follow these simple tips to achieve sound sleep at night and bear the fruit of its positive effects. | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

3 AI Trends Every Real Estate Broker Should Know

AI is already part of our home buying and office renting experience. Here are three AI trends that every real estate broker should know. | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

AI Based Conversational Interfaces Will Become a Substitute for Web Forms

It is clear that the ease of use created by smart technology, including AI based conversational interfaces will become a substitute for web forms | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

5 Keys to a Successful DevOps Implementation in Your Organization

Organizations that have implemented DevOps are able to reduce the time it takes to deliver products while simultaneously lessening development costs.  | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

5G and Blockchain: What to Expect

5G and blockchain are two potentially disruptive technologies that could shape the future of technology and telecommunications. | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

Why Your Business Needs Both Content Management & Digital Asset Management

Thanks to the rise of companies like Amazon and Netflix, consumers expect flawless digital experiences at the click of a mouse. Forty percent of consumers are turned off by poorly written content. About 30 percent get frustrated with bad design or awkward interfaces. And three in … | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

From Hype to Practical: What’s Next for AI?

Here are some every day examples of where AI is being applied well, and where there are gaps in our workflows that should be ripe targets for automation. | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

10 Effective Marketing Tips to Promote Your Product on Instagram in 2019

There will always be Instagram updates to consider as you plan your sales and marketing campaign. Take a moment to consider these tips. | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

How Can Blockchain Help Secure IoT Data?

Here In This Blog We Describe How Can Blockchain Help Secure IoT Data? that can help you to increase your business ROI. | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

IoT Developments and its Effects on the Job Market

With automation the need of manpower in lower tiers is replaced by avenues opening up for technologically evolved brains on top of the hierarchy.  | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

What These 7 Brands Can Teach You About UX

Brands can teach you about UX and providing a rewarding experience for your target users. Do you need to update your website with these suggestions? | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

Your Procurement Strategy Should Be More Than Saving Money

What about gaining access to high-quality suppliers, reducing risk, and saving time? Those “features” should be the true focus of your procurement strategy. | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

Is Workplace Privacy Dead?

Is employee monitoring killing workplace privacy? What can you do to protect employee privacy and still monitor their computers or calls? | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

How Emerging Technologies Are Changing the Future of Work

Rapidly emerging technologies such as automation and AI are changing the nature of our work, how we work, where we work and who does the work. | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

How Can Big Data Benefit Marketers?

Big data might be difficult for marketers but a thorough search with the help of different analytical tools and comprehension of data gained is needed. | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

igloohome Smart Padlock: Easy to Set-Up, Hard to Crack

There are many reasons to need a study and durable padlock that is difficult to crack. How about your Airbnb or storage unit? | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

Using Nano-Influencers to Promote Your Brand on Social Media

The presence of your product in an educational account -- means that millions of people will see your product or service. | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

Is Your VPN Masking your Online Privacy or Exploiting Your Data? 6 Ways to Find Out

The rise in the VPN market as a result of the need for cybersafety has also resulted in many VPN service providers exploiting user data for their gain. | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

Manufacturers Aspire to Digital Twinning and Virtual Commissioning

Technology providers assert that a digital twin is an enabler of data-driven production, automation and a key component for the transition to Industry 4.0. | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

How to Design a Mobile App for Outstanding User Experience

UX is recognized as a discipline, and UX design has registered voluminous growth in the mobile app market. Make a good mobile design! | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

Trump’s AI Initiatives and the Future of AI and Governments

Whether the Accelerating America’s Leadership in AI executive order will bring about tangible change in the artificial intelligence field is yet to be seen. | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

IoT Tech Helps Oil and Gas Industry’s Skills Shortage

The oil and gas industry is facing a huge skills shortage. Could IoT technologies form part of the solution to this looming crisis? | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

Beyond Remote Security: 6 Smarter Uses for Your VPN

Whether you’re an experienced user or someone who just downloaded your first VPN this morning, you can make more of an exciting and effective online tool. | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

Logitech BRIO Webcam: Optimum Video Picture Quality for Video Conferences and Webinars

If you are looking for a webcam you can use for work and conferencing, this one fits quite nicely. The heavier weigh makes it easier to trust it won't break | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

Dear Fintech Companies, Debit Cards Won’t Solve All Your Problems

Instead of just chasing the latest fad, like debit cards, companies need to truly create the most value for their customers.  | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

Solar Panels Installation: 6 Unexpected Factors to Consider

Over the past 10 years, rooftop houses with solar panels have evolved from curiosity to a common phenomenon. This technology has been available for decades – astronauts have been using solar-powered satellites since 1960, and in the Second World War, passive solar heating systems … | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

Why a Web App is Important for Your Business

If you have a small business or a large organization a web application development company will be an ideal choice to increase customer traffic. | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

Deep Work vs. Shallow Work – How Your Distracted Habits Could Cost You Your Career in the New Economy

There’s so much happening in the world right now. It’s easy to forget that we’re living through a major upheaval in the way we work and live. In fact, being constantly distracted by the latest political scandal or viral video is part of the problem: with so many shiny objects con … | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

Business Loan? Budding Entrepreneurs Raise Their Chances

Entrepreneurs running in search of seed capital or liquidity injection for their business enterprises are a common sight in business circles. | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

Past Bitcoin to Making Money from the Blockchain

We are heading past Bitcoin to making money from the blockchain -- and the whole system is being revamped and developed. Grab a piece of the pie. | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

How Does Color Affect Your Potential Customers?

What color for a site is a question of understanding the psychological aspect of the influence of colors and using this knowledge to best advantage. | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

Why More Businesses Are Choosing Android Application

Today everyone is using app development services. Why not check out Android app development for the 800 million users waiting for your app? | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

Sony Digital Paper: A Step Forward in the Digital Transformation Process

Sony Digital Paper: A Step Forward in the Digital Transformation Process. This digital "paper" is fun to write on, and fun to earase. | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

Purpose, Balance and Interface Are Keys to Successful Teams

Capital efficiency is the name of the game, as access to financing rounds is narrowing. Investors are more nervous about bets that may not pay off for some time. They are focused on the business that works today – provided it has the potential to make real money.To develop that p … | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

9 Critical Questions to Consider When Assessing a Conversational AI Solution

These questions represent a critical starting point for evaluating your conversational AI solution. The right conversational AI solution is about more | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

The Potential “Holy Shit” Threats Surrounding AI and ML

What are the "holy shit" potential threats surrounding AI and ML? If you don't understand what that means -- you better learn. | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

Alexa, Where’s My Data?

Connected devices, particularly those designed for the smart home and health/wellness, are always listening, always recording data. | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

7 Best Free Tools for Bootstrapped Startups

As a small business owner, you might feel like everyone's out to get a piece of your income. These great tools prove that’s not the case. | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

People First: The Golden Rule of Retail Digital Transformation

Various technologies are powerful tools, but their potential means little without people-oriented objectives to drive technology implementation and use. | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

How to Generate a 5-Step Facebook Marketing Strategy for Your Blog

When you really want to kick up your blog traffic and make it sing with authenticity -- think Facebook and the edge it will give you. | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

6 Best Business Phone Services for Small Business in 2019

Looking to get the best business phone service in 2019? See our list of the best business phone services for your small business. | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

How Blockchain Can Put an End to Conflict Minerals

Blockchain has the potential to ensure compliance, reduce audit costs, and protect human rights, also eliminating forced and child labor in mineral mining. | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

Best Ways to Encourage Users to Review Your Mobile App

We all want to encourage our clients and customers to review our company's mobile apps -- but how? The first consideration is to make your app memorable. | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago