3 Ways the IoT Can Offer Innovative Solutions to Serious Environmental Problems

Effective environmental solutions are overdue, and the IoT provides several, aligning businesses' and environmentalists' interests in meaningful ways. | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

How These Apps Will Make You A Better Photographer

In the world of photography apps it can quickly become overwhelming to know what app can help you improve your techniques and push your creativity forward. | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

What the Rise of Blockchain can Teach the Regulatory Environment - ReadWrite

ICOs may have come on the scene as a deregulated, controversial way for companies to attract investors, but they raise important questions for companies. | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

How Kanban Methodology Is Driving Agile Project Management

Kanban methodology has become a driving force in Agile project management. Here's why it continues to grow and gain more influence. | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

Silicon Valley Entrepreneurs Conquering Pain With Backmate

Every item that comes on the market for pain relief is a quest for which many thousands search. Detailed tech requires sharp brains devoid of relief meds. | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

How Omnichannel Contact Center Software Helps Your Business in 2019

One tool that every business should have if it aims to deliver a superior experience to customers is an omnichannel contact center software. | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

How IoT Will Change Content Marketing

Content marketers can harness the power of connected devices and the data these devices provide to create more robust campaigns. | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

Banking is the Next Personal Assistant

Companies that figure out how to leverage data and bridge the trust gap between consumers and banks will become the next big unicorn companies. | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

Is Bitcoin Accelerating Our Global Warming?

There are valid arguments to consider when asking if Bitcoing (and other crypto's) are part of the Global Warming problems. | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

Looking to Disrupt? A Digital Optimization Won’t Cut It

From blockchain and AI to the emerging IoT, businesses are investing in technology and improving outcomes with every dollar spent. | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

The Cloud-Based Company’s 4-Step Guide to Mobile Device Management

To operate effectively in this environment, take these precautions and work with employees and your vendor to keep your company and information safe. | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

Why Businesses Need to Switch from Manually Signing of Docs to Digital Signing

Digital Signing is a way forward in this fast paced world. As digital signing have many advantages over physical signing and at the same time legally valid. | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

Top 14 IoT Mobile App Development Trends to Expect in 2019 (and Beyond)

IoT is fostering the forthcoming revolution and is changing the trend for IoT mobile app development. Below are the 14 trends to expect in 2019 and beyond. | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

AI-Based Framework for Agile Project Management

With the recent trends towards automation, machine learning and artificial intelligence as it appears that just the application of AI can not transform the enterprise computing as now, it has the power to change project management as well. A well-known core concept with AI system … | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

What the Rise of Blockchain can Teach the Regulatory Environment

ICOs may have come on the scene as a deregulated, controversial way for companies to attract investors, but they raise important questions for companies. | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

7 Uses for Virtual Reality That You Haven’t Explored Yet

Do you want to learn about the advancements being made in the field of VR technology? Read this article to get some amazing insights regarding VR. | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

3 Ways to Make Customer Experience Your Differentiator

Customer experience is an integral part of your brand’s success, and we’re surrounded by examples that demonstrate how it can make or break a company. | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

5 Key Metrics You Should Be Tracking in Your Business

There are many different ways that your business can establish a competitive advantage. Some of these methods will be much more accessible than others. For example, while some business strategies may require a large amount of capital up front, creating a competitive advantage thr … | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

Smart Speakers Are Useful and Fun, but Don’t Let Them Reign as the Queen of All Knowledge

Natural language processing requires a considered focus, as the potential benefits are just as big as the liability of things going wrong. | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

Is Data the Next Front in the Trade Wars?

The ramifications of the tit-for-tat tariffs strategy is disastrous for a wide range of industries on both sides of the pond. | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

How To Create a Successful Crowdfunding Campaign for Your Startup

When you are trying to get some help with your crowdfunding campaign, it helps to have a few details about how to go about it. | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

The FinTech Revolution in Insurance

Fintech Is Making Insurance More Affordable, it is an emerging industry that uses technology to improve activities in finance. Fintech is assisting the Insurance industries to make a stronger which has sustainability to innovate and operate. | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

5 Ways to Personalize Your Customer Experience With AI

When it comes to building customer relationships, nothing comes close to personalization. Eight in 10 consumers are more likely to purchase from brands that offer personalized experiences, Epsilon research shows. No wonder personalization is a priority for so many of today’s orga … | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

Reason to Invest in Online Stock Trading

For those who don’t know Forex Trading, Forex is a combination of two words; Foreign Exchange. Forex market is seen as the biggest | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

Dear Senior Citizens – You Folks are the Easy Target of Hackers

Seniors are at higher risk, when it comes to online security following these tips, they can prevent the potential threats and get away from scammers’ access | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

The Biggest Challenges of Building a Custom Chat App and How to Overcome Them

Users seek social connectivity causing creations in messaging applications. Building a custom chat app will pose a few challenges. | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

Virtual Tech Resources For Teaching Math

To help today’s students improve their math skills, the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) recommends leveraging technology to engage students. Technology can address different learning styles, plus it provides a way to make learning more entertaining. Thanks to t … | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

Is Crypto the Missing Ingredient for Universal Basic Income?

Over the past few decades, a growing suite of technologies and advances in artificial intelligence (AI) has given rise to a significant trend toward automation in almost every industry imaginable. Depending on who you ask, though, that trend is either going to lead to a future fi … | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

Building a Predictive Analytics Model From Scratch

There’s a lot of talk right now about the potential value AI can bring to businesses, and the logistics business – because of its complexity and how much e-commerce depends on it – is no exception. Imagine your e-commerce business needs to ship an order from San Francisco to Seat … | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

5 Ways IoT can Help to Reduce Automatic Vehicle Accidents

Do you know that about 1.25 million people lose their lives as a result of road crashes annually? It is also worthy to note that between 20 to 50 million more suffer injuries with a lot resulting in lifetime disabilities. These injuries have caused considerable economic losses to … | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

Invoking Emotional Advertising to Engage Your Audience

Nothing will catapult your marketing efforts forward as quickly as emotion-infused ad campaigns. Research suggests the use of humor. | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

Ultimate Guide to Re-branding Your Business: The Major Do’s and Dont’s

It should go without saying that your brand is who you are, what you stand for, and the one thing unifying the goals, ideals, and mission of your business. In short, your brand is an integral part of your business identity, so you want to make a good one right out of the gate. Of … | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

The Top 10 AR/VR Trends for 2019, According to the Founders of the Upcoming AWE Show

This year the AR/VR industry feels like it is finally progressing toward mainstream adoption. The AWE show, which takes place in Santa Clara, California at the end of May, celebrates its tenth anniversary this year. This year’s theme is “Enter the Next Dimension” and the organiza … | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

How to Create an Effective Cybersecurity Routine

Cybersecurity is a vital part of any business, but how can everyone in the company support your cybersecurity measures on a daily basis? | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

Profiling Hackers: Defining the Good, Bad, and Ugly Personas

It’s easy to put all hackers in one box. In reality, there are a few types of hackers — some good, some bad. And, yes, some ugly in terms of what they do. While you are used to hearing about those hackers that steal your personal and payment data, there are ethical hackers out th … | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

Trade-In: Exchange or Deception?

Take a long look at all of the aspects of trading in your old car before you make that committment. This of the carbon footprint. | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

4 Keys to a Kid-Safe App

Rather than turn parents into the smartphone police, software companies should be more responsible in how they build and market their products to teens. | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

The Bright Future of Online Banking

Will online banking be the bright data security and safety we are hoping for in the future? We hope so because it is here -- ready? | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

Can AI Save the Supply Chain From its Own Destruction?

Artificial Intelligence will save many businesses -- if they are wise enough to use it -- most likely even the Supply Chain. | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

How Website Design Integrates with the Internet of Things (IoT)

Know the ins and outs of your website and how to make your website design work well within the Internet of Things and be optimized for mobile. | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

Focusing On Debt Consolidation Helps Startups To Be More Organized

The workload on startup businesses is harder when compared to established businesses. The high chance of financial failure causes loans to happen slowly. | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

3 Ways Deep Learning Can Help Your Sales Team Thrive

The only way to make deep learning an invisible member of your sales department is to get over the fear of a would-be takeover by robots. | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

How New Tech Startups Can Differentiate Themselves

Most tech entrepreneurs get lost in the logistical plans for their businesses. You’re worried about the timetables and deadlines for your developers or how you’re going to stretch your initial capital investment to last a full six months. These are important considerations, espec … | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

Why Your eCommerce Business Should Have a Pop-Up Shop

Ecommerce is booming, and there’s no doubt about that. The numbers speak for themselves. After all, in 2017, ecommerce sales reached $2.3 trillion, and it’s expected to grow. However, while the foundation of your business is online, it’s important to start considering other sales … | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

How Women Are Changing Our Worldview, One Ad at a Time

Stereotypes in advertising are bad for business. As brands ignore women's perspectives, women fight to make their voices — and consumers' — heard. | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

Evolving from Decentralization to Centralization – Back to a Decentralized Future

Believe it or not, decentralization is nothing new. It first began with the social organization of ancient human societies. They lived together in small Neolithic decentralized communities of less than 100 people where everyone was accountable for one another. Small populations s … | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

How to Enhance Customer Service Through AI

AI is revolutionizing technology for customer service which improves customer experience with automation and gives digital empowered to businesses. | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago

These 5 Tech Startups Prove Household Innovation Is Accelerating

Tech's progress may have "slowed" in the past 50 years, but just about the only thing today’s tech can’t do is predict what home life will be like in 2050. | Continue reading

@readwrite.com | 5 years ago