People from 1955 Imagined Technology of the Future

From atomic-powered cars and trains to an 'electronic eye' grocery checkout, these technologies were the promises of yestermorrow. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

A Woman Murdered Her Boyfriend After Tracking Him to a Bar with an AirTag

Apple's tracking device has reportedly been used to stalk dozens of victims since launch last year. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

The Coolest–and Most Frightening–Spacewalks in History

No astronaut has been killed in the 57-year history of spacewalks, but there have been some close calls. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Amazon's Newest Ads Team Is Facebook's Worst Nightmare

The ecommerce giant is starting a new Local Ads division that could be a boon to small businesses and a blow to competitors. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Everyone Sees Something Different on New Face Recognition Airport Display

The screen will debut at the Detroit Metropolitan Airport starting at the end of the month. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Barbie's Latest Gig? Web3 Huckster

Mattel, the toy creator, announced a partnership with Web3 platform Cryptoys to create playable, customizable NFTs based on the company's top brands. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

IBM Fires Entire Workforce in Russia During Final Exit from Country

"Our colleagues in Russia have endured months of stress and uncertainty," IBM's CEO told staff before he "separated" those colleagues. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Apple loses “Think Different” trademark in EU

The European Union's highest court found that the company hadn't been using the slogan in any meaningful way for a decade. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

SCOTUS to Biden: Is NSO Group a Foreign Agent?

The Supreme Court is reportedly asking the Justice Department to weigh in on whether or not the spyware company is immune from a 2019 WhatsApp lawsuit. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Was the Queen's Virtual Carriage Ride a Real Hologram?

The tech used was likely a modified Pepper's Ghost, which dates to the 1860s. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Coffee Company's App Been Spying on Customers, According to the Canadian Gov

"You can’t spy on your customers just because it fits in your marketing strategy," British Columbia's privacy commissioner said of Tim Hortons. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Google Maps Contractors Get Return-to-Office Extension After Threat to Strike

Members of the Alphabet Workers Union won a 90 day return to work extension after threatening to strike. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Elon Musk’s Plan to Send a Million Colonists to Mars by 2050 Is Pure Delusion

There’s more to settling the Red Planet than just packing a whole lotta people into plus-sized rockets. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Researchers in Japan Just Set a Staggering New Speed Record for Data Transfers

The new transmission technique brings 8K content closer and is also compatible with existing fiber optic cable technologies. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Google Is Confusing Us All Again by Combining Meet and Duo into One Video App

Say goodbye to Duo. Later this year, you'll do voice and video calls exclusively through Google Meet. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

“Amazon Is Full of Shit” Consumer Groups Slam Bezos' Antitrust Argument

Amazon lashed out against looming antitrust legislation, claiming it would increase prices, reduce product selection and "degrade" Prime memberships. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

SpaceX CEO Elon Musk Talks Next Generation Starlink Satellites

The generation-2 satellites are meant to be more powerful than their earlier counterparts. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Smart Laser Helps Dog Owner Pick Up Forgotten Poop

Caleb Olson made the worst part about owning a dog slightly less awful. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Chinese Researchers Publish Strategy to Destroy Elon Musk's Starlink

China is increasingly worried about SpaceX's dominance of low Earth orbit, and by extension, the expanding reach of the U.S. in space. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Clearview AI Says It's Bringing Facial Recognition to Schools

The company revealed it's working with a U.S. company selling visitor management systems to schools within hours of a horrific school shooting. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Surveillance Tech Didn't Stop the Uvalde Massacre

Robb Elementary's school district implemented state-of-the-art surveillance that was in line with the governor's recommendations to little avail. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Apple Raising Employee Minimum Wage to $22 per Hour in U.S.

New York employees have campaigned for a $30 minimum. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Snap Stock Plunges by 40% as Company Slows Hiring

The CEO blamed the economy for what is set to be the tech company's worst day ever. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Predator' Spyware Let Government Hackers Break into Chrome and Android

Google's Threat Analysis Group says that a majority of the zero-day vulnerabilities they discovered last year were intentionally created by spyware companies. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Chicago Cops Can Use Fake Social Media Profiles to Spy on You, with the FBI

Police continue to use social media in questionable ways to monitor and track down protestors in photos and videos, according to a new report. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Russian Botnet Can Spam Social Media on 'Massive Scale'

Need to spread some disinformation all over the world? A Russian company apparently has a quick and easy recipe for that. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Tether Sinks Below $1 in Nightmare Scenario for Bitcoin

Binance U.S. has suspended withdrawals in the name of "maintenance." | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Coinbase Works to Calm User’s Bankruptcy Fears as Its Stock Price Plummets

If the crypto-exchange platform goes bankrupt, users with funds tied up with the company will no longer have access to them. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Ford's New Ad Pokes Fun at Elon Musk's Loud Mouth and Thin Skin

The ad jokes about people who want to "fly away on their personal spaceships when things get hard." | Continue reading | 2 years ago

SafeGraph Says Will No Longer Sell Planned Parenthood Visitors' Location History

The reversal from Peter Thiel backed SafeGraph comes as experts and lawmakers warn of anti-abortion vigilantes weaponizing data in a post Roe v Wade America. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Smartphone Selfie Cam Can See a Lot by Capturing Reflections in Your Pupils

One day, your devices could know how they're being used by staring deep into your eyes. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Europe Starts Its Own Social Networks

If Twitter and YouTube are skeeving you out, the bloc believes it can offer an alternative. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Kindle E-Readers Will Now Convert ePub to Kindle Format

The Send to Kindle system will automatically convert EPUB files to the Kindle's proprietary ebook format. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

We're Publishing the Facebook Papers

Facebook employees knew that a computer-curated feed increased the time users spent on the social network—and that it led to unhealthy behaviors. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

How to See the Internet Hiding in Plain Sight

Have you ever thought about what the internet looks like outside the router box hidden under your couch? If you live in a city, there’s a good chance that it’s visible all around you—if you know where to look. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Star Trek Strange New Worlds Review: Classic Trek Is Back

The first 5 episodes of Strange New Worlds more than prove there's a place in contemporary Star Trek for some breezy, exciting, and self-contained stories. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Netflix Layoffs Have Started

It’s a sign of continuing struggles for the streaming giant after it announced significant viewer loss earlier this month. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Meta Found Snooping on Student Aid Applicants

Once again, you can quit Facebook, but you can never leave. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

VR Researches Simulate Kisses with Ultrasonic Transducers

A modified VR headset can create the sensation of touch, either on a user's lips or even inside their mouths. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

The most funded kickstarter campaign ever ($41m) ended 3 weeks ago

As his crowdfunding campaign ends at $41 million raised, the best-selling author proves he has the range, but he's not a blueprint. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Quantum Computing Diamond Disc Could Store a Billion Blu-Rays

Quantum memory promises to be just as mind-meltingly amazing as quantum computers. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Twitter Admits It Hid Tweets About HBO's QAnon Docuseries

Twitter told the director of "Q: Into the Storm" it had "made the decision not to allow promotion of this documentary" when he tried to advertise the film. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

What's Inside Apple's Hefty DIY iPhone Repair Kit Rentals

What if I just need one torque driver and a few screw bits? | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Fort Worth Becomes First U.S. City to Mine Bitcoin in Texas Crypto Boom

The city began piloting a program that has questionable environmental impacts. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Drone Maker DJI Becomes First Chinese Company to Stop Selling in Russia

DJI says it doesn't want its drones used in warfare, but there are also U.S. sanctions to consider. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Gizmodo says Elon is Dumb on Hyperloop

America's dumbest smart guy strikes again with an idiotic take on subways. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Rise of Super Gonorrhea

Gonorrhea, once an easily treated and relatively mild STI, is becoming a superbug, with major public health implications. | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Ukraine's Postal Service DDoS'd After Printing Stamps of Russian Battleship

The stamp showed a Ukrainian guard telling the Moskova to "go f**k itself." The post office didn't disclose where the attack came from, but we have an idea. | Continue reading | 2 years ago