Philly Criticized for Devices That Blare High-Frequency Noise at Young People

There is growing criticism of Philadelphia officials’ decision to install sonic devices called the Mosquito that constantly emit extremely loud, high-frequency noise from 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. every night designed to be audible only to persons aged 13 to 25, according to a Frid … | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Enormous 5,500-Mile-Long Patch of Atlantic Seaweed Might Be the ‘New Normal’

Scientists in Florida have detected the largest seaweed bloom in the world. Extending from the Gulf of Mexico to the African coast, the unusually large bloom is threatening marine life and coastal regions, with the researchers warning it’s likely a sign of things to come. | Continue reading | 5 years ago

All Four Major Mobile Networks in the UK Are Using Huawei 5G Gear

UK telecoms aren’t taking warnings from U.S. intelligence agencies that telecommunications gear produced by Chinese tech giant Huawei could pose a security risk incredibly seriously, at least according to a report from the Observer, which reported on Saturday that all four major … | Continue reading | 5 years ago

For 20 Years the Nuclear Launch Code at US Minuteman Silos Was 00M

Today I found out that during the height of the Cold War, the US military put such an emphasis on a rapid response to an attack on American soil, that to minimize any foreseeable delay in launching a nuclear missile, for nearly two decades they intentionally set the launch codes … | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Ebooks Purchased from Microsoft Deleted April 2019 as DRM Servers Shutdown

Anyone who bought ebooks through the Microsoft Store is in for a rude shock in the coming days. The good news? You can get a refund. The bad news? All of your books are going to be deleted this month. | Continue reading | 5 years ago

If You Solve This Math Problem, You Could Steal All the Bitcoin in the World

You may have heard of the famous P versus NP problem. If you can prove or disprove its cryptically short equation, you’d be a million dollars richer—and maybe even billions of dollars richer, depending on your scruples. | Continue reading | 5 years ago

London Considers Bubbling, Beeping, and Other Sci-Fi Sounds for EV Bus Fleet

The European Union is making a major safety push to add fake noises to electric vehicles, but some may sound goofier than others and that’s causing disagreement in the UK. | Continue reading | 5 years ago

The Big Evil Companies Are Right

You probably have not heard of the Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA), but by its name could likely guess, correctly, that it’s a trade group representing the likes of Walmart, Target, Dollar General, Coca Cola and other world-swallowing corporations, most of which have d … | Continue reading | 5 years ago

NASA Successfully Completes Dramatic In-Flight Test of Orion’s Abort System

NASA reached an important stepping stone to a crewed mission to the Moon today, with a successful demonstration of the Orion spacecraft’s launch abort system. | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Florida City Fires IT Employee After Paying $460k Bitcoin Ransom to Hackers

Lake City, Florida paid out a bitcoin ransom worth $460,000 to hackers who disabled the city’s computer systems with sophisticated ransomware last month, hot on the heels of a $600,000 ransom paid out in similar circumstances by Riviera Beach, Florida just weeks later. Now, as fl … | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Ebooks Purchased from Microsoft Will Be Deleted This Month

Anyone who bought ebooks through the Microsoft Store is in for a rude shock in the coming days. The good news? You can get a refund. The bad news? All of your books are going to be deleted this month. | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Mozilla's New Tool for Tricking Advertisers into Believing You're Filthy Rich

If you notice the ads being served to you are eerily similar to stuff you were just browsing online, it’s not all in your head, and it’s the insidious truth of existing online without installing a bunch of browser extensions. But there’s now a tool that, while comically absurd in … | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Trump White House Reportedly Debating Encryption Policy Behind Closed Doors

The latest chapter of a largely behind-the-scenes encryption fight unfolded on Wednesday when Trump administration officials held a National Security Council meeting focused on the challenges and benefits of encryption, according to a report in Politico. | Continue reading | 5 years ago

New Video Shows How Humanity Could Spread Throughout the Galaxy

A fascinating competition to devise an efficient way of colonizing the galaxy has resulted in this beautiful—and provocative—visualization. | Continue reading | 5 years ago

China’s Mission on the Moon's Far Side Resumes After Recent Glitch

China’s mission exploring the lunar far side has now entered into its seventh lunar day, with the Chang’3 lander and Yutu 2 rover resuming activities despite a recent communication problem with a relay satellite. | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Will NASA Find Life on Titan?

JoAnna Wendel is a science cartoonist and writer in Washington, DC. She loves space, planets, rocks, and her cat, Pancake. You can find her work at and follow her on Twitter at @JoAnnaScience. | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Ajit Pai's Silence on Phone Tracking Abuse Is Eroding Faith in His Competence

The Federal Communication Commission’s investigation into the unauthorized sale of Americans’ location data is now in its second year and still, no one outside of FCC Chairman Ajit Pai’s office knows a thing about it. On Capitol Hill, faith in his ability to properly handle these … | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Facebook Agrees to Hand over Hate Speech Data to French Courts

France just scored what it’s characterizing as a major victory in the battle to curb online hate speech—one that potentially carries significant implications for privacy and free speech online. | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Eruption of Raikoke Volcano Off of Kamchatka Peninsula Photographed from ISS

Astronauts aboard the International Space Station caught the spectacular eruption of the Raikoke volcano off of Russia’s Kamchatka Peninsula over the weekend. | Continue reading | 5 years ago

You're Being Manipulated

At a preliminary Senate hearing today on the subject of potentially putting legislative limits on the persuasiveness of technology—a diplomatic way of saying the addiction model the internet uses to keep people engaged and clicking—Tristan Harris, the executive director of the Ce … | Continue reading | 5 years ago

A Commodore 64 Clone with a Working Retro Keyboard Will Finally Arrive This Year

The most disappointing thing about the miniature Commodore 64 released last year was that its tiny keyboard didn’t actually work—it was just for show. Those cryptically labeled dirt-brown keys were one of the most iconic features of the C64 back in the ‘80s. But come December, th … | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Researchers Send Fake Presidential Alerts to Stadium of 50k Using LTE Vuln

Researchers figured out a way to exploit the system that sends presidential emergency alerts to our phones, simulating their method on a 50,000 seat football stadium in Colorado with a 90 percent success rate. | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Investigators Say Late Owner of QuadrigaCX Crypto Exchg Siphoned Client Holdings

The late founder of catastrophically failed Canadian cryptocurrency exchange QuadrigaCX (QCX) “took most of the money entrusted to him by clients and spent much of it on himself and his wife,” the Wall Street Journal reported, citing a report released last week by court-ordered m … | Continue reading | 5 years ago

The New Raspberry Pi Is Basically a $35 Desktop Computer

It’s rare to come across a bespoke gadget or a cleverly hacked device that doesn’t have a tiny Raspberry Pi inside it. It’s long been one of the easiest and cheapest ways to power a custom creation, but the new Raspberry Pi, announced earlier today, packs significant upgrades tha … | Continue reading | 5 years ago

The new service wars are here to empty your wallet

Canon versus Nikon. Dell versus HP. Microsoft versus Apple. Tech companies have been battling over their piece of the pie for years, that ain’t new. But recently, tech and non-tech companies alike have started changing up their business models so that instead of simply selling yo … | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Microsoft Bans Employees from Using Slack, Has AWS and Google Docs

PC giant Microsoft has informed its staff not to use popular chat app and competitor Slack, adding it to a list of “prohibited and discouraged technology” comprised of software and services that it does not want employees using outside of specific circumstances, Geekwire reported … | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Oregon's Prisons Are Banning Books That Teach Inmates How to Code

The Oregon Department of Corrections [DOC] has barred inmates from reading dozens of books about technology and programming—many of which teach basic skills for many entry-level jobs. | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Ex-Telecom CEO and Ajit Pai Adviser Sentenced to 5 Yrs for Fraud Totaling $270M

The former CEO of an Anchorage-based telecom was sentenced on Friday to five years in prison after pleading guilty to defrauding New York investors of more than $270 million. | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Nasa's Curiosity Rover Detects Spike in Methane on Mars

NASA’s Curiosity rover discovered “startlingly high amounts of methane in the Martian air” on Wednesday in what could potentially be a sign of life on the Red Planet, the New York Times reported on Saturday. | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Hack of US Border Control Contractor Way Bigger Than Government Is Letting On

Even as Homeland Security officials attempted to downplay the impact of a security intrusion that reached deep into the network of a federal surveillance contractor, secret documents, handbooks, and slides concerning the nation’s border control operations are beginning to be wid … | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Facebook Co-Founder: Libra Will Empower Companies and Weaken Developing Nations

Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes sure is an interesting person to talk to about Facebook. | Continue reading | 5 years ago

The New Monopoly Has a Voice Controlled AI Banker That Will Never Cheat

There are few activities that can turn the polite and civil discourse of a family gathering into a shouting match faster than a game of Monopoly. The latest edition replaces the designated banker with an intelligent, voice-activated top hat that handles all of the game’s financia … | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Fire at Oil Refinery in South Philadelphia Causes Explosions

A massive fire rocked an oil refinery in South Philadelphia early Friday morning, causing explosions that could be felt as far away as New Jersey, according to early news reports. No evacuations have been issued for the area, but those in neighborhoods near the blaze were ordered … | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Researchers 'Lost' 17K Wallets in Hundreds of Cities to See What People Would Do

Plenty of people around the world, it turns out, are willing to return a stranger’s lost wallet—especially if it’s filled with cash, according to a counterintuitive study. | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Ajit Pai Is Still Withholding Facts About Location-Data Abuse from Commissioners

Democratic commissioners at the FCC are still in the dark when it comes the agency’s ongoing investigation into the unauthorized sale of Americans’ geolocation data, Gizmodo has learned. | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Google Calendar Dies One Hour After Google Tweets About How Great It Is

No, it’s not you. Google Calendar really does appear to be down. Navigating to will present you with a 404 error. | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Spectacular New Crater Discovered on Mars

A fresh Martian crater has been detected in a stunning new image taken by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. | Continue reading | 5 years ago

A Norwegian City Wants to Abolish Time

Every day, the Earth rotates. The Sun appears on the horizon in the morning, and then some time later, it sets. We’ve built our lives and societies around this periodicity, with days that are divided into hours, minutes, and seconds, all kept track of by clocks. But in some place … | Continue reading | 5 years ago

How to Survive the Next Catastrophic Pandemic

Experts say it’s not a matter of if, but when a global scale pandemic will wipe out millions of people. And we are grossly unprepared for the next major outbreak. But in the event of a devastating pandemic—whether it be triggered by a mutated strain of an existing virus or a bioe … | Continue reading | 5 years ago

California tests mental health app which tracks patients' usage of their phones

The way we interact with our devices is to an increasing extent an extension of our innermost selves. It’s no wonder startups view the data gleaned from these behaviors as a window into our mental health—and the foundation for their business model. | Continue reading | 5 years ago

People Experiencing Hardship Using Tech Don't Need Your Judgmental Bullshit

Roughly 553,000 Americans are currently experiencing homelessness, according to the latest figures available from the Department of Housing and Urban Development. But that doesn’t mean those people should be judged for owning technology like laptops and smartphones, no matter wha … | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Hilarious Video Imagines Black Mirror as a Morality Play in the Middle Ages

It doesn’t matter if it’s 2019 or 1319, we’re always afraid of the dangers of “technologee.” This comedy video imagines Black Mirror in ye olden times—when it was less about the dangers of smartphones or virtual reality, and more about “holy shite, puteth down thine book!” | Continue reading | 5 years ago

The Ruthless Reality of Amazon's One-Day Shipping

Amazon has rapidly expanded its internal shipping services as the company shifts toward one-day delivery shipping from its default two-day shipping service. The company is pledging to spend $800 million this quarter to achieve one-day delivery as the default shipping option for a … | Continue reading | 5 years ago

AMD Plans 64-Core Threadripper CPU: Report

AMD has been leading Intel into a friendly rivalry based on the number of cores one can pack into a CPU, and it’s been all fun and games for the last two years as each has fought to overwhelm the other with the sheer number of cores. Yet Wccftech claims that AMD is planning a mon … | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Spy Used AI to Create Fake LinkedIn Photo to Fool Targets, Report Finds

LinkedIn might be where you go to find jobs, but it’s also apparently where spies lurk. Experts are now saying they’ve found an instance where a spy used an AI-generated face to connect with targets, according to a report from the Associated Press. | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Will Self-Driving Cars Turn People into Even Bigger Assholes?

People like to fuck with Uber self-driving cars, according to an executive leading the autonomous program. | Continue reading | 5 years ago

La Liga mobile app spied on fans through phone microphones to catch

Spain’s data protection agency has fined La Liga, the nation’s top professional soccer league, 250,000 euros ($283,000 USD) for using the league’s phone app to spy on its fans. With millions of downloads, the app was reportedly being used to surveil bars in an effort to catch est … | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Case Lets You Add Buttons and Scroll Wheels to Your Smartphone

It won’t be long before smartphones ditch every last physical button, but is that necessarily a good thing? Fewer components in a device means more profit for manufacturers, but users are left having to learn awkward touchscreen gestures to compensate. Researchers at Columbia Uni … | Continue reading | 5 years ago