I'm 47

Last Saturday, the 15th I completed 47 years. I had a great time celebrating at my uncle’s place, whose birthday is on the same day as mine. My cousins were there and it was fun to see everyone. A few things happened in the last 12 months but the most exciting one is that Gabi an … | Continue reading

@antonio.is | 3 months ago

20 years of blogging

Last Tuesday, on Feb 27th it was the twentieth anniversary of this blog. I’m far from an active blogger but I like to think that this still exist 20 years later. I’ve have started blogging (Portuguese) in a moment of change in my life, I was moving to Australia (Portuguese) to st … | Continue reading

@antonio.is | 6 months ago

Fixing My RSS Feed

Today I have finally fixed my RSS feed. When I set it up due to my lack of knowledge on Hugo static site generator I have ended up leaving it as a excerpt instead of full text post. Now it is fixed and if you subscribed to my RSS feed you will get the full posts in your reader of … | Continue reading

@antonio.is | 8 months ago

Learning New Tricks

I never had a hobby. If someone’s ask me if I have a hope right now I might say I do and it is creating little projects to learn new things on the web. My latest learning was Eleventy a static generator website built in Node / Javascript. One thing that I loved about Eleventy is … | Continue reading

@antonio.is | 8 months ago

When You Need An Exact Match

I’m sure this has happen with me before. This week I was recommended a store near by that I didn’t know about. On the next day when I went to search for the store online to find out where it was I made a mistake and thought of a different popular name starting with the same sylla … | Continue reading

@antonio.is | 8 months ago

A Newsletter Platform Alternative

There is a lot of struggles when maintaining a newsletter platform, but I believe that similarly with hosting your own website outside a platform, one could host their own newsletter. If you are looking to self-host your own newsletter solution, check out listmonk, it has a nice … | Continue reading

@antonio.is | 8 months ago

What I am looking foward in 2024

This is sort of a new years resolution. I don’t remember doing any post like that in this almost 20 years that I am blogging. Oh! That is right! 2024 I will celebrate 20 years of blogging. I will make sure I write something special on the day to celebrate. But for now let’s put t … | Continue reading

@antonio.is | 8 months ago

App Defaults

Inspired by Hemispheric Views 097 - Duel of the Defaults! and this list of other people posts by Robb here. Those are mine: 📨 Mail Client Mail.app (iOS) / Proton Webmail (Desktop) 📮 Mail Server Protonmail / Migadu for custom domains 📝 Notes Notes.app ✅ To- … | Continue reading

@antonio.is | 9 months ago

My Own Digital Garden On The Web

I’ve been hearing and seeing some examples about Digital Gardens around the IndieWeb, and I always wonder if I should create one for myself. So when I saw Mark Sutherland’s call for the August’s carnival challenge on the topic of Gardening I thought it would be the perfect opport … | Continue reading

@antonio.is | 1 year ago

I did it

Well a full month with 30 posts, one per day. It was a bit challenged at some days. Sometimes I didn’t know what to write about. But I didn’t shy. A lot of my posts were for myself in the future. I think I will appreciate look how I was thinking and what interested me in say 10 o … | Continue reading

@antonio.is | 1 year ago

Zone out activities

There are some activities that I can do with out have to pay attention to much and they ended up been enjoyable because have a relaxing feeling to it since a little effort is need to engage with it. Two that come to mind are washing the dishes and hanging the clothes in the cloth … | Continue reading

@antonio.is | 1 year ago


Another great project that I found out about Redecentralize, besides this fantastic name, the project tries to bring attention to the original intent of the internet to be open and are focused on privacy, transparency and autonomy. The website has a few good coursed and they had … | Continue reading

@antonio.is | 1 year ago

Writing more online

I’ve been considering to write more online and diverge a bit from a personal blog like that. The ideia would be to setup a different domain with a blog and have a long article about topics that interesting me. Such topics would be the IndieWeb and the open web as well as decentra … | Continue reading

@antonio.is | 1 year ago

Writing as Affirmation

If you have been reading the recently posts you may have noticed that a lot what I write are thoughts that sound like affirmations on things that I want to myself. I find that if I write something it brings clarity to myself about the topic. Another point is when I write I confir … | Continue reading

@antonio.is | 1 year ago

Alarm clock

Ever since I started working later in the day I stopped using alarm clocks. Now I am considering starting to use it again to have a better morning routine and perhaps even a better evening routine too. When you don’t have an exact time to wake up in the morning you end up getting … | Continue reading

@antonio.is | 1 year ago

Content consumption

Early this week I’ve talked about centralized and decentralized social networks. Today I want to talk about the different types of content consumption. I think anything from read a book to watch tv is content consumption. But I think you can consume entertainment or educational c … | Continue reading

@antonio.is | 1 year ago


Do something small everyday with consistency and when you look on the long run we will have accomplished a lot. A few examples are: read ten pages of a book everyday and in a year will be over 3000 pages or a video course with 30 hours so you study one hour a day and the course w … | Continue reading

@antonio.is | 1 year ago

Social vs Social

I’m going to talk about the social networks the centralized form and the decentralized one. Decentralization itself is a extensive topic so what I will talk about here is the federation aspect of a decentralized network. Think email. I’m giving Instagram a break. I’ve stopped pos … | Continue reading

@antonio.is | 1 year ago

First day of winter

It’s the start of the winter here in the south hemesphere and the only thing that I can think is: When it will be over. I am not a big fan of winters. I prefer the autumn (fall) or spring since both have a mild temperatures. In theory today was the shortest day with sunlight of t … | Continue reading

@antonio.is | 1 year ago

Cutting trees

We live in the rural area and near our house many years ago eucalyptus trees were planted. This ended up been a mistake and last week we had to ask someone to come around and cut those trees. The trees were gigantic at least 20 meters tall. There is something about a tree so tall … | Continue reading

@antonio.is | 1 year ago

Community organized hosting

Ever since I learned about these communities organized services and tools hosting I have been considering to start one but also thinking that the internet would be a very different place if that was the norm. These are communities like sdf.org, that is completing 35 years this ye … | Continue reading

@antonio.is | 1 year ago

Thinking about how to promote art

My father in law makes some beautiful digital paintings, and I have been talking to Gabi about how we could help him sell his paintings. The technical part of creating a website to sell his art wouldn’t be difficult, it may take some time since I haven’t done anything like that b … | Continue reading

@antonio.is | 1 year ago

I signed up for Uberspace

I have been hearing for a while about this VPS hosting service called Uberspace.de and I finally decided to signed up. The service is really interesting for various reason. First there are three pricing tiers and you selected the price, starting from 5 euros per month, if you can … | Continue reading

@antonio.is | 1 year ago

Playing with PHP

Today I had to write a very small (three lines) script in PHP for something I need tested at work. And that brought back some memories from a project that I had to do for the school in Australia, when I was studying there. For that school project I had to build an entire website, … | Continue reading

@antonio.is | 1 year ago

I'm 46

Today I have turned 46 years old. Last time that I did a post about my birthday it was 10 years ago. Since today was a working today my birthday celebration was postponed to Saturday. On this birthday I feel blessed that I have Gabi with me and that we are here in Brazil living o … | Continue reading

@antonio.is | 1 year ago

Getting back to Gemini

My Gemini capsule (gemini://gmi.antonio.is) is up and running now but is out of date. I initially had my Gemini running on my Odroid but since I can’t have the Odroid setup right now I decided to use Flounder for my Gemini needs. If you are not familiar with Gemini is a protocol … | Continue reading

@antonio.is | 1 year ago

Hacker Public Radio

One podcast that I enjoy listen to from time to time is the Hacker Public Radio or HPR for short. Most of the episodes are about geek stuff. But what I find most interesting about HPR is who it is a community organized podcast, meaning that each episode is submitted by a communit … | Continue reading

@antonio.is | 1 year ago

The power of sleep

I find that there isn’t anything more restoring that a good night of sleep. I’ve been trying to get at least eight hours of sleep per night. Sometimes I don’t get to bed until late but most of my mornings I don’t have anything to pressing so I can stay in bed a bit longer. When I … | Continue reading

@antonio.is | 1 year ago

A Twitter Spaces like service on Mastodon

Today I will talk about another open source project, this time it is a platform that brings Twitter Spaces to Mastodon. The project is called Audon and named after Audio + Mastodon. I think the killer feature of this platform is that it works with Mastodon. I tested it today and … | Continue reading

@antonio.is | 1 year ago

Smol web

Today I have learned about this Smol Pub base on the ideas of the Small Web, which are loosely defined but basically is to create websites in a fun and creative way. And Smol Pub goes beyond when it publishes all the content not only for the web but in Gemini and Gopher. The proj … | Continue reading

@antonio.is | 1 year ago


Yunohost is a fenomenal tool if you want to quickly run and administrate open source software on your own server, may be at home (as I did in the past) or in a VPS (as I started doing now).It allow you to install a large number of apps with basically one click, the apps range fro … | Continue reading

@antonio.is | 1 year ago

My dream chocolate bar

Before someone asks, where does this topic came from? Let me explain. I have been playing around with the Jetpack app and I noticed that they have a Prompt of the Day.So today’s Prompt is Describe your dream chocolate bar.Well for me, my dream chocolate bar is dark chocolate 80%+ … | Continue reading

@antonio.is | 1 year ago

AI Songs

Today I have stumbled upon this AI Song from Kurt Cobain singing Hey by Pixies. I am not a specialist on peoples voices or anything like that but I do think it sounds like Kurt Cobain. | Continue reading

@antonio.is | 1 year ago

Three blogs

Ok, here I am already getting too excited about this 30 day blogging challenge that I gave myself. I started thinking that I should have a different blog here and that I could blog in Portuguese and a third one that would be a photo blog.The Portuguese blog I would write less oft … | Continue reading

@antonio.is | 1 year ago

Looking back at old blog posts

The main reason I’ve started posting again on this blog, is that I like to look back at old blog posts, like this one. There is something special about them. They magically take me back to that time and let me revive those moments of my life. Having those memories registered in t … | Continue reading

@antonio.is | 1 year ago

An Internet History - The AOL CDs

Today I had a four hour drive and as usually when I am traveling by myself I put on some podcasts to listen to.Internet History Podcast by Brian McCullough from Techmeme Ride Home had an episode that dropped on Saturday interviewing Jan Brandt whom worked at AOL and was responsab … | Continue reading

@antonio.is | 1 year ago

Your Own Website Setup VS Convenience

When I made the first post for the challenge I’m doing this month, which involves writing a post and a journal entry every day, I encountered some scripting issues with the setup I’m using Hugo and Netlify.I couldn’t figure out what was wrong and decided to upgrade the Hugo versi … | Continue reading

@antonio.is | 1 year ago

Day One app

Back in 2019 I did a few entries in the journaling app Day One. I didn’t go to far on my journaling journey but a couple of weeks ago I was surprised by a notification on my phone that went something like: On this day 25th of May. Tapping on the notification allowed me to read wh … | Continue reading

@antonio.is | 1 year ago

The challenge

This morning has I woke up and realized that we were already in June and I can’t recall exactly how but I thought I should do a challenge which would be writing everyday, for the month of June, something on this blog.They say it takes 30 days to form a habit so June is perfect si … | Continue reading

@antonio.is | 1 year ago

La casa de papel part 5

This post can also be found on Gemini at gemini://gmi.antonio.is/glog/2021-09-07-la-casa-de-papel-part-5.gmiWe watched this past Friday all five episodes of Money Heist part 5 on Netflix, the Spanish show also know in Spain by the name of La Casa de Papel.Spoiler alert: I will be … | Continue reading

@antonio.is | 3 years ago

The Truffle Hunters

This post can also be found on Gemini at gemini://gmi.antonio.is/glog/2021-08-30-the-truffle-hunters.gmiWe watch this amazing movie, The Truffle Hunters. For me the movie is a mix of a movie and a documentary but the way the creators convey the movie is more like a movie than a d … | Continue reading

@antonio.is | 3 years ago

Marvel Black Widow

This post can also be found on Gemini at gemini://gmi.antonio.is/glog/2021-07-30-marvel-black-widow.gmiWe watched all the movies from Marvel that have Black Widow in them before watching the newly released Black Widow movie.It was a nice marathon. Disney Plus facilitated it for u … | Continue reading

@antonio.is | 3 years ago

Watching the Jason Bourne movie series

This post can also be found on Gemini at gemini://gmi.antonio.is/glog/2021-06-30-rewatching-jason-bourne-movie-series.gmiWe started watching the Jason Bourne movie series which is my favorite action movie of this type that features a super agent.So far we have seen The Bourne Ide … | Continue reading

@antonio.is | 3 years ago

Blockbuster's podcast season 2

This post can also be found on Gemini at gemini://gmi.antonio.is/glog/2021-05-13-blockbuster-podcast-season-2.gmiThe season 2 from Blockbuster is the story of James Cameron. This is a well produced podcast, one of the best I have ever listened to. Season one was about George Luca … | Continue reading

@antonio.is | 3 years ago

Watching Bond's movies

This post can also be found on Gemini at gemini://gmi.antonio.is/glog/2021-04-04-watching-bonds-movies.gmiWhen we learned that Sean Connery passed we got together with friends (virtually speaking ;-)) and decided to watch some James Bond movies.The initial problem was where to st … | Continue reading

@antonio.is | 3 years ago


Disconnecting This post can also be found on Gemini at gemini://gmi.antonio.is/glog/2021-03-01-disconnecting.gmiOver the weekend I managed to disconnect for a bit. It wasn’t perfect I still used my phone but at least I didn’t use my computer. This my sounds crazy but I have been … | Continue reading

@antonio.is | 3 years ago

RSVP Homebrew Website Club Feb 3rd 2021

Antonio Rodrigues : RSVP yes to INDIEWEB EVENT | Continue reading

@antonio.is | 3 years ago

Kill the newsletter

Part of my RSS fun is this little service that I found and have been using for the past two months called Kill the newsletter. The service is very simple, which I love it, and all it does is to give you an email address and a RSS feed URL. You subscribe to the feed URL using you … | Continue reading

@antonio.is | 3 years ago