Collage for September 15th

Day 15 for the collage challenge. Here are the original photos and credits: Photo by David Clode on Unsplash Photo by Andres Urena on Unsplash Photo by Divyanshi Verma on Unsplash Photo by Patti Black on Unsplash Photo by Hans Eiskonen on Unsplash Photo by Jordan Bebek on Unsplas … | Continue reading | 22 hours ago

Collage for September 14th

Day 14 for the collage challenge. Here are the original photos and credits: Photo by Gaelle Marcel on Unsplash Photo by Ben White on Unsplash Photo by ben o'bro on Unsplash Photo by Brendan Church on Unsplash Photo by Diego Jimenez on Unsplash Photo by Vidar Nordli-Mathisen on Un … | Continue reading | 1 day ago

Collage for September 13th

Day 13 for the collage challenge. Here are the original photos and credits: Photo by Ethan Sykes on Unsplash Photo by Brittany Eliason on Unsplash Photo by Silas Baisch on Unsplash | Continue reading | 2 days ago

Collage for September 12th

Day 12 for the collage challenge. Here are the original photos and credits: Photo by Daniel Eledut on Unsplash | Continue reading | 3 days ago

Collage for September 11th

Day 11 for the collage challenge. Here are the original photos and credits: Photo by Roman Empire Times on Unsplash | Continue reading | 4 days ago

Collage for September 10th

Day 10 for the collage challenge. Here are the original photos and credits: Photo by Oscar Sutton on Unsplash Photo by Ryan Walton on Unsplash Photo by Joe Caione on Unsplash Photo by Alvan Nee on Unsplash Photo by Alexander Milo on Unsplash Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsp … | Continue reading | 5 days ago

Collage for September 9th

Day 9 for the collage challenge. Here are the original photos and credits: Photo by Julia Kadel on Unsplash | Continue reading | 6 days ago

Collage for September 8th

Day 8 for the collage challenge. Here are the original photos and credits: Photo by Érik González Guerrero on Unsplash Photo by Azmaan Baluch on Unsplash Photo by Navi on Unsplash Photo by Pegah Wennergren on Unsplash Photo by Anna Storsul on Unsplash Photo by Mark Eder on Unspla … | Continue reading | 7 days ago

Collage for September 7th

Day 7 for the collage challenge. Here are the original photos and credits: Photo by Johnny Briggs on Unsplash Photo by Olu Gbadebo on Unsplash Photo by Bruce Kee on Unsplash Photo by Tom Larsen on Unsplash Photo by Eugene Triguba on Unsplash | Continue reading | 8 days ago

Collage for September 6th

Day 6 for the collage challenge. Here are the original photos and credits: Photo by Nicholas Lazarine on Unsplash Photo by Nicolas Houdayer on Unsplash Photo by Drakery 3D on Unsplash Photo by Peter Burdon on Unsplash | Continue reading | 9 days ago

Collage for September 5th

Day 5 for the collage challenge. Here are the original photos and credits: Photo by Jeremy Thomas on Unsplash Photo by Štefan Štefančík on Unsplash Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash Photo by Jeremy Thomas on Unsplash Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash Photo by Dawid Zawiła on Uns … | Continue reading | 11 days ago

Collage for September 4th

Day 4 for the collage challenge. Here are the original photos and credits: Photo by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash Photo by Aedrian Salazar on Unsplash Photo by Julian Berengar Sölter on Unsplash Photo by K. Mitch Hodge on Unsplash Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash Photo by Khanh Do … | Continue reading | 11 days ago

Collage for September 3rd

Another collage for the challenge. Here are the original photos and credits: Photo by Aleks Marinkovic on Unsplash Photo by Eric Prouzet on Unsplash Photo by Louis Moncouyoux on Unsplash Photo by Sérgio Rola on Unsplash Photo by Mark Thompson on Unsplash | Continue reading | 12 days ago

Collage for September 2nd

Creating my second collage for the challenge. | Continue reading | 13 days ago

Collage for September 1st

My first collage for the month long challenge. | Continue reading | 14 days ago

Indieweb Movie Club - The Matrix (1999)

Well, well, where do I begin. I’ve just finished watching the The Matrix movie, the original. I’ve seen this movie so many times now. I left to the last they of the month but I wanted to participate in the first [IndieWeb Movie Club](IndieWeb Movie Club), so much so that it felt … | Continue reading | 15 days ago

Recovering space with Daisy Disk

I have been having out of space issues on my personal Mac and I mentioned that to a colleague. My colleague recommended using Daisy Disk to clean up unused data. Here it is a screenshot of the used data: When you run Daisy Disk it will scan your disk and create a break down like … | Continue reading | 16 days ago

A collage challenge

A couple of days ago I posted a collage I did using ProCreate on an iPad. Now that this month’s challenge is almost over I’ve decided to try another challenge, this time posting a collage per day for the month of September. Since I don’t own an iPad and used one that I had access … | Continue reading | 17 days ago

Almost there

I am almost done with my 30 days challenge and I managed to stay on track. What should I do next? Challenges are hard but they push you through, so when I first post about this idea of the 30 day challenge, Sven mentioned on Mastodon and told me about the 100 days to off load so … | Continue reading | 18 days ago


Today I have decided to create a collage using the iPad. I used Procreate. Here is the result: Below are the credits for the images I used: Photo by Sebastian Unrau on Unsplash Photo by Filip Zrnzević on Unsplash Photo by Ivan Bandura on Unsplash Photo by Anastasiya Badun on Unsp … | Continue reading | 19 days ago

Fun accounts to follow on the fediverse

There are a few accounts in the fediverse that are quite fun to follow, some are bots other are maintained by people that usually do a great job keeping the fun stuff coming. Here are a few that I follow: Punkrock History publishes fun fact and pho … | Continue reading | 20 days ago

My slashes page

As I was adding my /slashes page yesterday I noticed that it always take me a while to remember all the steps I have to do to create a new page and add it to the nav bar of this blog/website. So this is a post to remind me of this steps: Create a new .md file under the /content/ … | Continue reading | 22 days ago

My slashes page

I was browsing the Slash pages website to see what would be the next page I would add to my website when I saw the /slashes page listed there and I thought this would be an easy one to add and also one that I can update has I added more pages. It would be also a great page to hav … | Continue reading | 22 days ago

Activitypub microblogging alternatives

There are a few alternatives to Mastodon in the fediverse. You can easily find some list in websites like Join the fediverse, Fediverse Party and Fediverse Info. But I want to list someone that I found interesting: misskey - Built with typescript has a really cool Reactions featu … | Continue reading | 23 days ago

Converting playlists

I use Tidal for my music streaming and I’ve seen quite a feels people on the fediverse sharing their playlists from Spotify. So I looked around and found this app SongShift that allows you to convert from one music service to the other. And it works great. I’ve connected my free … | Continue reading | 24 days ago

A music podcast idea

I’ve stumbled upon a video on YouTube the other day that was talking about the guitarist from Pearl Jam, Mike McCready and how he said once in an interview that the solo for the song Alive was copied from the solo of Kiss’ song She. This blew my mind and I had to go and listen to … | Continue reading | 25 days ago

Openvibe App

I have started using the Openvibe app that is like an aggregator app allowing you to connect to Nostr, Mastodon and Bluesky. I am definitely a Mastodon user more than any other these social networks or any social network for that matter but I still like to have a place for the al … | Continue reading | 26 days ago

Radio Free Fedi

There is this project called Radio Free Fedi created to promote music from artists from the fediverse. Musicians can release their songs using a Creative Commons license or simply give permission to the radio to stream their music. I’ve been listening to a lot of the RFF Comfy th … | Continue reading | 27 days ago

A simple blog

Back on my post Design webpages to last I’ve promised I would put together a simple blog that anyone can edit and call their on. Why you would do that? Because it is fun. At the end of this post I will give you some pro and cons but spoilers alerts… there are more cons. You can d … | Continue reading | 29 days ago

Finding new blogs with feedle

I’ve been using Feddle for a while but recently I’ve started signing up for RSS from Feedle searches in my feed reader. The way I have it setup is I create a search on Feedle for a specific term, let’s say “fediverse”, then I use the URL like this … | Continue reading | 29 days ago

This cool bird id app

My work colleagues introduced me to this amazing Bird Id app (iOS/Android). I have been having lots of fun identifying birds around me. The screenshot above is what I see as the birds are been identified while the sound it’s been recorded by the app. Even though sometimes is hard … | Continue reading | 1 month ago

My defaults page

I’ve put together my /defaults page. This is one of the pages listed in the SlashPages website. This particular one is inspired by the podcast episode from Hemispheric Views where they talked about their go to default apps. Last year I have made a blog post listing my defaults ap … | Continue reading | 1 month ago

Fun casual puzzle game

Someone in the fediverse posted about this simple old school puzzle game called Zeek the Geek, originally developed in 1995, but recently some made a open source version using HTML5. This is the type of casual game that you can simply pick up and relax, it could be a five minutes … | Continue reading | 1 month ago

My morning coffee ritual

Every morning a prepare coffee as part of breakfast. I usually drink a full cup (8 oz) of coffee every morning. Half of the cup I have with my breakfast and the other half I finish while going through my blogroll feeds. This has become a ritual that is quite joyful as I start my … | Continue reading | 1 month ago

ActivityPub projects

I know others have written about this wait more in depth that I could ever do but I want to list some ActivityPub projects that I have played with. First if you don’t know ActivityPub is a protocol for decentralized social networks and it is an oficial W3C open standard. Second, … | Continue reading | 1 month ago

Tracking reading and watching

I’ve seen some people keeping tracking of what they are reading and watching on their blogs. I have done some posts in the past talking about tv shows and movies I’ve seen but never made tracking a habit. As I consider starting tracking things I read and watch I have been thinkin … | Continue reading | 1 month ago

Your opinion is important

I get a lot of the content a read from blogs you can find in my blogroll page. This has became important to me and I have found that reading other peoples opinions have helped me to expand my thinking and understand the world better. Everyone have its own point of view and when y … | Continue reading | 1 month ago

Things that make me happy

In a blog post by Kev Quirk back in June I got thinking about what makes me happy. Here a try to compile a list, by no means exhaustive, of what makes me happy. eat a fruit salad for breakfast drink a cup of coffee in the mornings walk around in nature watch a good movie or tv sh … | Continue reading | 1 month ago

Design webpages to last

A while ago, I can’t remember when or how, I came across an article titled This Page is Designed to Last, by Jeff Huang, an Associate Professor and Associate Chair of Computer Science at Brown University. He talks about how websites eventually die of because the maintainer gets t … | Continue reading | 1 month ago

My Blogroll page

Today I finally got to create a blogroll page. I’ve added blogs that a follow whenever possible on a daily bases. Like with the now page I will try to keep this updated as much as possible. | Continue reading | 1 month ago

My Now page

I just put together my Now page. As part of my efforts to add pages to my blog that are common to the IndieWeb and as described on Slash Pages that I’ve talked about here, the Now page was the first one from the list. My goal is to keep this updated as much as possible to reflect … | Continue reading | 1 month ago

Mastodon community

I’ve been spending sometime on Mastodon recently. I’ve also created a account in a Mastodon instance for Brazilians. And I’ve started participating in some of the hashtag organized posts the Brazilian community is doing on Mastodon. And it’s been awesome. My favourite is #musiqui … | Continue reading | 1 month ago

IndieWeb Movie Club

This weekend I’ve learned about the IndieWeb Movie Club that Mark Sutherland is hosting this month. I thought this is a very cool idea and I will be joining. If you want to join too, all that you have to do is to watch the movie of the month, for this month is The Matrix (1999), … | Continue reading | 1 month ago

Slash Pages

A while ago I was listening to one of the Hemispheric Views podcast episodes where they talked about a project Robb Knight has put together called Slash Pages. The project is gathering the common used pages in indie websites, some are well known pages such as the /about and the / … | Continue reading | 1 month ago

My Favourite Albums

Listening to music has always been a favourite thing to do since my early teenager years. I like to think that it is a big part of my life today. These days when we have all the songs at our fingertips or ears buds, there is no excuse not to listen to music. There is a specific s … | Continue reading | 1 month ago

Already August

It’s August already. Time is flying by. I thought I would be writing more on my blog this year. I’ve started the year every excited about my blog. But in the end life gets busy as always and blogging is not a priority. It ended up hat I only have six posts this year so far. Yet t … | Continue reading | 1 month ago

I'm 47

Last Saturday, the 15th I completed 47 years. I had a great time celebrating at my uncle’s place, whose birthday is on the same day as mine. My cousins were there and it was fun to see everyone. A few things happened in the last 12 months but the most exciting one is that Gabi an … | Continue reading | 2 months ago

20 years of blogging

Last Tuesday, on Feb 27th it was the twentieth anniversary of this blog. I’m far from an active blogger but I like to think that this still exist 20 years later. I’ve have started blogging (Portuguese) in a moment of change in my life, I was moving to Australia (Portuguese) to st … | Continue reading | 6 months ago