I’ve run numerous workshops in recent years. It’s intriguing to see different ways people solve the same problem. Some start from general… | Continue reading
Having a single source of truth and data point is a sweet spot for running business logic. We check the data from one place and update it… | Continue reading
One team win is a loss for the other. For some people, money loss is a gain for others. In the same way, the challenging parts of Event… | Continue reading
Boom, I got this week such a nice picture from the Substack. My Architecture Weekly newsletter appears to have become the Substack… | Continue reading
I was recently asked what drove me to mostly use immutable data and methods rather than the Aggregate Pattern in my samples and videos. I… | Continue reading
One of the biggest pains in traditional software design is accidental complexity. We want to understand and reflect on the business process… | Continue reading
Coding is an underestimated part of the design. When we think about the design, we immediately fall to whiteboard diagrams, sticky notes, or… | Continue reading
Why did I name the testing library Ogooreck? Between my friends, I’m well known for my lame jokes. Ogooreck is one of them. Ogooreck is a… | Continue reading
I realised that I could do more to help you and other folks. I’ve been sharing online content for free in the last few years on this blog… | Continue reading
Continuing an effort to explain DevOps scenarios, today I’d like to show you a simple way to set up integration tests that I’m using in my… | Continue reading
If you’re not a new reader of this blog, you probably know already that I’m not so fond of the Will it scale? question. I believe that, too… | Continue reading
XUnit is not my favourite testing tool; I already mentioned that in How to set up a test matrix in XUnit?. To be fair, none of the .NET test… | Continue reading
I’m a preacher for the CQRS, Vertical Slices, and Feature Folders. I won’t hide that, and I won’t even try. I believe that structuring code… | Continue reading
Containerisation is something that pushed our industry much further. Generating immutable artefacts is a foundational aspect of the DevOps… | Continue reading
I’m a preacher for the CQRS, Vertical Slices, and Feature Folders. I won’t hide that, and I won’t even try. I believe that structuring code… | Continue reading
I noticed that we, developers, struggle to follow the money. And that’s impacting our design in the wrong way. Of course, we’re pretty good… | Continue reading
A diverse system with multiple pathways and redundancies is more stable and less vulnerable to external shock than a uniform system with… | Continue reading
InfoQ claims that it’s in the late majority adoption phase. That means that if you haven’t started to use it, you better start doing it, as… | Continue reading
cover I got a surprising question during my workshop this week: It seems that communication with the business is critical to make Event… | Continue reading
_ Our industry is harmed by the disease of “There has to be something more!” also called “The Holy Graal syndrome”.** Instead of trying to… | Continue reading
Programming origins are in mathematics. Scientists like John Von Neumann and Alan Turing built the foundations for today’s computers. That… | Continue reading
Usually, one of the main drivers for Event Sourcing is the audit log capability. Indeed event stores are append-only logs, theoretically, we… | Continue reading
cover Usually, one of the main drivers for Event Sourcing is the audit log capability. Indeed event stores are append-only logs… | Continue reading
A few notes on running the open source project after the Marten v6 release. Last week we released the next major Marten release, and I’d… | Continue reading
Projections in an event-driven world are a way to interpret registered events. We can take a sequence of events and build from them read… | Continue reading
Integrations have different names, shades and colours, but only one adjective: challenging. Trying to glue systems together requires… | Continue reading
Look! Up in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s Superman!. I have such a thought quite often while working with Postgres. Why? Let’s… | Continue reading
Event stores are the foundational building block of Event Sourcing. They’re also one of the biggest sources of confusion. They are databases… | Continue reading
I started my career when StackOverflow didn’t exist. That’s how I quite often introduce myself. I’m that old. That’s, of course, nothing… | Continue reading
Unique constraint validation is one of those things that looks simple but is not always easy. I explained already that, in Event Sourcing… | Continue reading
I told you already that Projections are an Event Sourcing killer feature, and today I’d like to repeat that. In Marten, we embraced that and… | Continue reading
Let’s say that we’re starting a new project. It’s a small tool for internal needs, maybe even some sort of shadow IT project. It may also be… | Continue reading
JSON serialisation is so much fun. We can make jokes and curse, but we must live with it. Surprisingly, that’s not getting simpler if we use… | Continue reading
I see a lot of new terms like Command-Event, Event-Based Compute, etc., presented around Event-Driven Architecture. Let me clear that up… | Continue reading
If I had to select the Distributed Systems Song, I’d choose Land of Confusion. This is the world we live in. And these are the hands we’re… | Continue reading
Projections are a neverending story. One does not simply write a single guide. One needs to write more examples of more advanced cases. That… | Continue reading
Validation is a thriving concept. It enables incredible creativity in developers implementing it in various ways. I explained my general… | Continue reading
We, developers, are searching for Holy Grail, one pattern to rule them all. There’s no such. In his excellent book “Atomic Habits”, James… | Continue reading
If I had to choose the killer feature of Event Sourcing, I’d select projections. Why? I’ll explain that in detail in this article. Events… | Continue reading
cover Fox Mulder used to say: “trust no one”. I’m claiming that each software developer should define their level of paranoia. The thing… | Continue reading
**Last year, I completed two items from my speaker bucket list NDC Oslo and Domain-Driven Design Europe. I’m proud and happy, as those… | Continue reading
There is a cult of workaholism in our industry. Just like the guys from the gym brag about how much they pulled on the chest or did in the… | Continue reading
Events serialisation is an intriguing topic. On the one hand, it’s part of the campfire spooky tales, so (in)famous events versioning. On… | Continue reading
The magic is that there is no magic. Many patterns perceived as complicated appear to be simple or even simplistic under the cover. Take… | Continue reading
Event Sourcing is a concept that helps to build the bridge between business and technical implementation. It’s a storage pattern that takes… | Continue reading
Let’s say that you have an event-driven application. It has an event bus that listens for events from asynchronous processes (e.g. Kafka… | Continue reading
Events are an essential block of Event-Driven Architecture. They represent business facts that happened in our system. We can use them to… | Continue reading
Events are an essential block of Event-Driven Architecture. They represent business facts that happened in our system. We can use them to… | Continue reading