I have always said that is not the best choice for event storage, and guess what? I just released the stable version of the MongoDB event… | Continue reading
“Are you command handling idempotent?” Sounds like a douchebag question to ask. Actually, that’s not a question but a statement that we want… | Continue reading
The leitmotif of this blog is the event-driven approach. I truly believe that it’s a way to keep our applications closer to business. By… | Continue reading
**If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans. ** My plans were simple: recharge during summer, take a break in July, and then… | Continue reading
When you think upfront and want to make things right, there’s an interesting feedback loop. Quite often, things start to click, often in a… | Continue reading
I don’t feel like an authority or an expert. I prefer to think about myself as a practitioner. Our industry is filled with self-proclaimed… | Continue reading
Some time ago, I wrote about the dangers that come from the I’ll just add one more field” attitude. Have you heard about the Broken Window… | Continue reading
In the previous article, I told what happened when Emmett and Pongo walked into a bar. In other words, I announced that you can now do Event… | Continue reading
Last week, I announced Pongo - Mongo, but it was on PostgreSQL. So, the Node.js library allows using PostgreSQL as a document database… | Continue reading
Flexibility or Consistency? Why not have both? Wouldn’t it be great to have MongoDB flexible schema and PostgreSQL consistency? MongoDB is a… | Continue reading
Regular expressions are one of the classic examples of hate and hate relationships. Yes, it’s not a typo; hate and hate. Do you know anyone… | Continue reading
Developer experience is a phrase repeated in multiple ways. In our industry, we finally realised how important it is to reduce the cognitive… | Continue reading
“Just put the load balancer in front of it, and call it a day”. But is it really that simple? Was it ever “just do XYZ?“. I was preparing a… | Continue reading
Managing processes is non-trivial. I have written about it in multiple posts and told you the horror story of the case that should have… | Continue reading
Everyone likes to talk about best practices. I went the other way around and gathered all the worst practices on how to build the worst… | Continue reading
AsyncEnumerable is a sneaky abstraction. It allows simplified and performant usage for iterating on pull-based and push-based sources. “Pull… | Continue reading
Erik Shafer asked me on the Emmett Discord if I could provide a sample of how to run the WebApi application using Emmett. Of course, I said… | Continue reading
Last week, we covered the latest improvements to Java 22 around pattern matching and records. They enable explicit business logic modelling… | Continue reading
I like learning new things. It stimulates my creativity, helps me gain diverse perspectives, and helps me be humble. When you’re a notorious… | Continue reading
Testcontainers became a popular way of setting up dependencies for integration testing. They’re not ideal, as configuring them to run your… | Continue reading
Last week, we discussed an overused but applicable pattern: in-memory bus. This time, we’ll continue with the leitmotif and talk about… | Continue reading
I’m writing this article on Friday, and it’s about time to have some fun. As this is a programming blog, let’s have some fun coding. Let’s… | Continue reading
Have you heard about Passive Aggressive Events or CRUD sourcing? Or maybe about the Clickbait event? If you don’t, you better check the talk… | Continue reading
Folks, I’d like to inform you that I’m no longer a Marten maintainer. As you know, sometimes in the project’s lifetime, there’s a moment… | Continue reading
I’ve been going pretty down the rabbit hole in the last few years. What am I searching for? A way to deliver better software. And that’s, of… | Continue reading
Event Sourcing is a pattern that is quickly gaining popularity. Many companies see the advantages it brings, e.g. business focus and keeping… | Continue reading
Do you recall moments when you’re sitting and closing dozens or more browser tabs? Most of them are Google, GitHub, Blogs, and others. You… | Continue reading
Being busy is not something we strive for; it’s an axiom. Social media are not helping; our whole lives are on the plate. And we’re chefs… | Continue reading
In the last article and others I did my best explaining why keeping streams short is important in Event Sourcing. I also showed you how… | Continue reading
No one knows who invented Event Sourcing. I overheard that Hammurabi did. Why? Because he standardised the first set of rules of accounting… | Continue reading
Simple is not easy. Each person has its definition of it. For me, it means that when I look at the solution, I think: _“So simple. Why didn… | Continue reading
Putting the career bets is not easy; I made boring and pragmatic choices for most of my career. They took me far. Yet, I always felt that… | Continue reading
TypeScript is an intriguing language. Some say that its type system, by itself, is Turing Complete. Some take it to the extreme and even… | Continue reading
You’re reading much more code than you’re writing. Readability is a highly subjective term. That’s probably why some call what we’re doing… | Continue reading
Asking people for feedback is an intriguing story. I like to get constructive criticism for my work, as that allows me to learn something… | Continue reading
Cynefin’s framework states that we have four types of decision-making contexts (or domains): clear, complicated, complex, and chaotic. They… | Continue reading
Dune series has a lot of great thoughts. They’re more than just sci-fi books. Let me share one with you: Moneo: For what do you hunger, Lord… | Continue reading
When you’re angry, take a breath, take your time and then talk. So I did after I tested .NET Aspire yesteday. I hoped it could be a decent… | Continue reading
Knock knock? Who’s there? It’s me, Oskar, the end is near, did you know that? Ah, you know it but don’t know how to proceed? Let’s talk… | Continue reading
I’m feeling like a surgeon in recent days. Who knew that changing the connection management would be a delicate thing to do? I did, but it’s… | Continue reading
I’m always saying that the Marten community is one of the things that keeps me doing Open Source and staying in the .NET community. It’s… | Continue reading
The law to be forgotten and immutable data sounds like fire and water. How to remove data if you’re building an event-driven system based on… | Continue reading
We just introduced support plans for Marten, and here’s why. We’re really committed to providing tools that are accessible, safe and bug… | Continue reading
This year, we had the fifth anniversary of the Developers’ Doomsday. In 2018, on the 25th of May, the European General Data Protection… | Continue reading
Doctors Hate Her! Discover the Simple Trick to Lose Weight Overnight! This One Weird Trick Can Save You Hundreds on Your Energy Bills! The… | Continue reading
**I used to play football. I wasn’t talented, but still, I loved it. Football is a team sport, and playing is not the only essential part of… | Continue reading
I’m happy I didn’t have to use Object-Relational Mapping tools in the last few years. They’re solutions to some set of problems, but those… | Continue reading
One of the things that we’re learning too late in the Event-Driven approach is that we should have been splitting events into internal and… | Continue reading