Floods show national security threat posed by climate change

The Missouri River floodwater surging on to the air base housing the U.S. military's Strategic Command overwhelmed round-the-clock sandbagging by airmen and others. They had to scramble to save sensitive equipment, munitions and dozens of aircraft. | Continue reading

@phys.org | 5 years ago

Avoidance or responsible moral choices—what is your supervisor like?

A study conducted in the Department of Psychology at the University of Jyvaskyla asked Finnish leaders to describe the moral decision-making in their working life. Based on their answers, four moral identity statuses were identified: achieved (34%), foreclosed (30%), diffused (23 … | Continue reading

@phys.org | 5 years ago

Coffee-based colloids for direct solar absorption

Solar energy is one of the most promising resources to help reduce fossil fuel consumption and mitigate greenhouse gas emissions to power a sustainable future. Devices presently in use to convert solar energy into thermal energy mostly rely on the indirect absorption of sunlight, … | Continue reading

@phys.org | 5 years ago

Chemists show that sodium can be safely used for cross-coupling reactions

A trio of chemists at Okayama University has published a paper in the journal Nature Catalysis outlining the manner in which sodium can be safely used for cross-coupling reactions. In their paper, Sobi Asako, Hirotaka Nakajima and Kazuhiko Takai describe relatively safe ways to p … | Continue reading

@phys.org | 5 years ago

Salamanders chew with their palate

The Italian Crested Newt – Triturus carnifex – eats anything and everything it can overpower. Earthworms, mosquito larvae and water fleas are on its menu, but also snails, small fish and even its own offspring. A research team led by Dr. Egon Heiss of Friedrich Schiller Universit … | Continue reading

@phys.org | 5 years ago

Decoding social media engagement with celebrities

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi engaged celebrities effectively on social media in the run-up to the 2014 general elections in India to raise his visibility and help his electoral ambitions, a new University of Michigan study shows. | Continue reading

@phys.org | 5 years ago

Astronauts take spacewalk to swap space station's batteries

Two American astronauts took a spacewalk Friday to replace aging batteries on the International Space Station. | Continue reading

@phys.org | 5 years ago

Many sharks closer to extinction than feared: Red List

Human appetites are pushing makos and other iconic sharks to the brink of extinction, scientists warned in a new assessment of the apex predator's conservation status. | Continue reading

@phys.org | 5 years ago

To stoke creativity, crank out ideas and then step away

There is an effective formula for unlocking employees' creative potential, according to new research from the McCombs School of Business at The University of Texas at Austin and the Gies College of Business at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Employers should incen … | Continue reading

@phys.org | 5 years ago

4-D-printed materials can be stiff as wood or soft as sponge

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@phys.org | 5 years ago

Volunteers wanted to help unlock the secrets of the universe

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@phys.org | 5 years ago

Treasure trove of marine fossils from 'Cambrian explosion' found in China

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@phys.org | 5 years ago

Boeing 737 Max: The FAA wanted a safe plane – but didn't want to hurt America's biggest exporter either

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@phys.org | 5 years ago

A laser focus on finding better ways to make renewable fuels

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@phys.org | 5 years ago

Make deep learning faster and simpler

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@phys.org | 5 years ago

A social bacterium with versatile habits

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@phys.org | 5 years ago

Research team develops material to separate oil and water for environmental remediation and wastewater treatment

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@phys.org | 5 years ago

Breakthrough in acidic water electrolysis via ruthenium-based catalysts

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@phys.org | 5 years ago

ExoMars landing platform arrives in Europe with a name

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@phys.org | 5 years ago

Lightweight tool boxes clever with heavyweight data

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@phys.org | 5 years ago

Snow may have delayed some blooms for the first day of spring

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@phys.org | 5 years ago

What can machine learning reveal about the solid Earth?

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@phys.org | 5 years ago

Chemical tracers untangle natural from agricultural methane emissions

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@phys.org | 5 years ago

What's in your drinking water?

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@phys.org | 5 years ago

Cannibalism helps fire ants invade new territory

Tropical fire ants (Solenopsis geminata), originally from central and South America, are a highly aggressive, invasive ecological pest. Our new research has shed light on how they successfully establish new colonies. | Continue reading

@phys.org | 5 years ago

A first glimpse deep beneath an ultraslow-spreading mid-ocean ridge

For the first time ever, researchers have been able to peek deep into the mantle of the Earth under an ultraslow mid-ocean ridge, where they have been able to observe mantle melting and growth of the Earth's crust. | Continue reading

@phys.org | 5 years ago

Hydrogen mobility from clean energy gaining momentum in Europe

Although the mass roll-out of fuel cell electric vehicles is still years away, efforts to make hydrogen-powered cars mainstream have intensified in recent years. With Europe's ambitions to become a leader in zero-emission mobility in the transition to a clean, low-carbon energy s … | Continue reading

@phys.org | 5 years ago

UN calls for urgent rethink as resource use skyrockets

The International Resource Panel of the United Nations Environment Programme, with CML researcher Ester van der Voet as member, has prepared a report called Global Resources Outlook 2019: Natural Resources for the Future We Want. It examines the trends in natural resources and th … | Continue reading

@phys.org | 5 years ago

Motorless pumps and self-regulating valves made from ultrathin film

The valves and pumps being developed by the research group led by Professor Stefan Seelecke at Saarland University are made from electroactive silicone film and offer a lot more than just the typical 'open/close' or 'on/off' functionality. The researchers control the film electri … | Continue reading

@phys.org | 5 years ago

Pork essentially free of veterinary drug residues

In a basic survey of more than a thousand pork kidney samples, almost no veterinary drug residues were found and none at levels that even approached U. S. regulatory limits, according to a study just published by an Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientist in Food Additives … | Continue reading

@phys.org | 5 years ago

Video: World Water Day—what's space got to do with it?

UN Sustainable Goal 6 is crystal clear: Water for all by 2030. For World Water Day we take a look at ways that space can help this global challenge. | Continue reading

@phys.org | 5 years ago

Ancient birds out of the egg running

The ~125 million-year-old Early Cretaceous fossil beds of Los Hoyas, Spain, have long been known for producing thousands of petrified fish and reptiles (Fig. 1). However, researchers have uncovered an extremely rare, nearly complete skeleton of a hatchling bird. Using their own l … | Continue reading

@phys.org | 5 years ago

Scientists propose a new benchmark skill for decadal prediction of terrestrial water storage

Terrestrial water storage (TWS) includes all phases of water over land (e.g., surface and groundwater, snow, etc.) and comprises an important freshwater resource. It is a critical component of the terrestrial water cycle, so reliable TWS decadal prediction would be beneficial for … | Continue reading

@phys.org | 5 years ago

How spin dances with dipole

The key physical property of multiferroic materials is the existence of a coupling between magnetism and polarization. The origin and manifestations of magnetoelectricity can be very different in the available multiferroic systems, with multiple possible mechanisms hidden behind … | Continue reading

@phys.org | 5 years ago

Image: Bangkok's green lung

Captured on 22 January 2019 by the Copernicus Sentinel-2B satellite, this true-colour image shows Thailand's most populous city Bangkok, and its 'Green Lung' Bang Kachao. | Continue reading

@phys.org | 5 years ago

Not all stem cells are created equal, study reveals

Researchers from the University of Toronto's Institute for Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering (IBBME) and the Donnelly Centre have discovered a population of cells – dubbed to be "elite" – that play a key role in the process of transforming differentiated cells into stem cel … | Continue reading

@phys.org | 5 years ago

Making solar cells is like buttering bread

Formamidinium lead iodide is a very good material for photovoltaic cells, but getting the correct stable crystal structure is a challenge. The techniques developed so far have produced poor results. However, University of Groningen scientists, led by Professor of Photophysics and … | Continue reading

@phys.org | 5 years ago

ATLAS experiment finds evidence of three massive vector boson productions

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@phys.org | 5 years ago

New light into the recent evolution of the African rift valley

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@phys.org | 5 years ago

WOW Air back in talks with Icelandair after Indigo goes

US private equity firm Indigo Partners has withdrawn its offer to buy a stake in Iceland's loss-making carrier WOW Air, and Icelandair is now back in talks to buy the no-frills airline, the carriers said. | Continue reading

@phys.org | 5 years ago

Energy giants spent $1bn on climate lobbying, PR since Paris: watchdog

The five largest publicly listed oil and gas majors have spent $1 billion since the 2015 Paris climate deal on public relations or lobbying that is "overwhelmingly in conflict" with the landmark accord's goals, a watchdog said Friday. | Continue reading

@phys.org | 5 years ago

Mexico launches plan to mark vaquita porpoise reserve

The Mexican government said Thursday it will use buoys to mark the reserve of the world's most endangered marine mammal, in a bid to save the last remaining 10 or so vaquita marina porpoises. | Continue reading

@phys.org | 5 years ago

Plastic microparticles threaten unique Galapagos fauna

Armed only with gloves and large sacks, park rangers and volunteers are battling the scourge of plastic waste blighting the idyllic Galapagos Islands and their unique creatures. | Continue reading

@phys.org | 5 years ago

Tesla chief Musk calls on workers to help deliver cars

Tesla chief Elon Musk on Thursday urged workers to make helping with the "biggest wave" of deliveries in the electric car maker's history their top priority, Business Insider reported. | Continue reading

@phys.org | 5 years ago

Unprecedented spring flooding possible, US forecasters say

The stage is set for unprecedented major flooding this spring for most of the nation, U.S. weather officials said Thursday. | Continue reading

@phys.org | 5 years ago

Boeing to make safety feature standard on troubled Max jets

Boeing will make standard on its troubled new airliner a safety feature that might have helped the crew of a jet that crashed shortly after takeoff last year in Indonesia, killing everyone on board. | Continue reading

@phys.org | 5 years ago

Highlighting social identity and peer group norms can increase water conservation

New research suggests that targeted use of behavioural 'nudges' can encourage people to conserve water. | Continue reading

@phys.org | 5 years ago

Elevation shapes species survival in changing habitats

Luke Frishkoff, University of Texas at Arlington assistant professor of biology, explores how human land use expedites biodiversity loss in a paper recently published in Nature Ecology & Evolution. | Continue reading

@phys.org | 5 years ago