3,100 Miles to Nowhere

Can 14 people running around in circles for 52 days straight bring about world peace? Evidently not. | Continue reading

@thefp.com | 11 months ago

TGIF: Guilty Until Proven Innocent

Casual blood libel in your local paper. Plus: NATO, Jon Stewart, McGriddle Wars, reparations, and much more. | Continue reading

@thefp.com | 11 months ago

Matti Friedman: My Phone Says 2023. It Feels Like 1948.

When the Hamas men stormed the border, they removed any pretense about the issue at stake. Not a state alongside Israel. Not even the existence of Israel. But the existence of Israelis. | Continue reading

@thefp.com | 11 months ago

Free Speech in a Time of War

Plus: a conversation with Michael Walzer, author of ‘Just and Unjust Wars.’ | Continue reading

@thefp.com | 11 months ago

Even Antisemites Deserve Free Speech

In the wake of the brutal Hamas massacre, there have been calls to silence grotesque speech against our community. It’s understandable. But it’s wrong. | Continue reading

@thefp.com | 11 months ago

What Makes a War Just?

‘It’s a situation where every decision is agonizing.’ A conversation with Michael Walzer, the author of ‘Just and Unjust Wars.’ | Continue reading

@thefp.com | 11 months ago

The Stories—and Stakes—of War in Israel

‘I didn’t think you could live much longer in that smoke, in that hellish place. And now I see it was so much worse for other people. So much worse.’ | Continue reading

@thefp.com | 11 months ago

The Stories—and Stakes—of War in Israel

Listen now (76 mins) | If you’ve been following our coverage at The Free Press, you’ve noticed that we’ve been covering the war in Israel nonstop since it began. We’ve never produced this much content in this short of a time about a single subject. Some of … | Continue reading

@thefp.com | 11 months ago

When the Misinformation Comes From Inside the House

Plus: the power of a bad idea. And the college donor revolt continues. | Continue reading

@thefp.com | 11 months ago

Is It Wrong to Cure Blindness?

MrBeast’s act of kindness exposed one of the big debates roiling the medical profession: should disabilities be fixed—or celebrated? | Continue reading

@thefp.com | 11 months ago

We Went to a Pro-Palestine Protest. This Is What We Heard.

At a rally in Ottawa, everyone believed Israel had to be wiped off the map. They were unclear about what should happen to the Jews living there. | Continue reading

@thefp.com | 11 months ago

Niall Ferguson, Vinay Prasad, and Global Jihad Day at UCLA

The British historian on ‘an unpleasant 1930s feeling.’ The disinvitation of our favorite wrongthinking doctor. Plus: stories we are following. | Continue reading

@thefp.com | 11 months ago

Vinay Prasad: Why Was My Talk at a Medical Conference Canceled?

My job is to terrify cancer cells. But apparently it's not just malignant cells that get uneasy around me. | Continue reading

@thefp.com | 11 months ago

Two Voices from Gaza

A Palestinian and a former IDF soldier on the place the world is watching. Plus: Hamas’s strategy of human sacrifice. | Continue reading

@thefp.com | 11 months ago

Hamas’s Strategy of Human Sacrifice

Never before has a party adopted a war strategy to maximize civilian deaths on its own side. | Continue reading

@thefp.com | 11 months ago

What I Saw When I Guarded the Border with Gaza

I saw children through the fence playing with an empty tear gas canister. I wonder what my life would have been like if I’d been born on the other side. | Continue reading

@thefp.com | 11 months ago

So Much of My Beloved Gaza Is Gone

This week, nine of my family members were killed. I weep for them and the place I once called home. | Continue reading

@thefp.com | 11 months ago

Can a Donor Revolt Save American Universities?

After universities both-sides the mass slaughter of Jews, Bill Ackman, John Huntsman, and others are saying ‘the buck stops here.’ | Continue reading

@thefp.com | 11 months ago

Things Worth Remembering: When the World Went Mad

World War I poet Edward Thomas symbolized the breakdown of stability. | Continue reading

@thefp.com | 11 months ago

Condoleezza Rice: The New Axis of Evil and a Changed World

A conversation with the former secretary of state. Plus: George Packer on what Israel can learn from America’s 9/11 response. | Continue reading

@thefp.com | 11 months ago

The New Axis of Evil: Condoleezza Rice on War in Israel and a Changed World

The former secretary of state says an attack on Israel is an attack on America. | Continue reading

@thefp.com | 11 months ago

America Made Mistakes After 9/11. Here’s How Israel Can Avoid Them.

Comparisons between 10/7 and 9/11 might lead to unexpected places. | Continue reading

@thefp.com | 11 months ago

The New Axis of Evil: Condoleezza Rice on War in Israel and a Changed World

Listen now (64 mins) | In the early hours of Saturday morning on October 7, Israel was invaded by Hamas terrorists by land, air, and sea, which The Free Press has been covering all week in detail. With over 1,300 Israeli civilians dead, hundreds taken hostage into Gaza, and many … | Continue reading

@thefp.com | 11 months ago

Once, I Was a Peace Advocate. Now, I Have No Idealism Left.

After terrorists killed my cousin Daniel Pearl, my family called for peace. But after the worldwide celebration of our people’s slaughter, my hope for peace is dead. | Continue reading

@thefp.com | 11 months ago

TGIF: Hot Takes on Terrorism

Playboy has a stronger moral compass than the whole Ivy League. Plus: students offended by the phrase ‘master bedroom’ chant ‘glory to the martyrs.’ | Continue reading

@thefp.com | 11 months ago

Young Jews Brace for ‘A Day of Global Jihad’

At our institutions of higher education, the quads are alive with hate. | Continue reading

@thefp.com | 11 months ago

Campus Cowardice and Where the Buck Stops

Microaggressions are met with moral condemnation. But actual violence is tolerated—even glorified. On the rot inside our universities and what to do about it. | Continue reading

@thefp.com | 11 months ago

Exodus of the Wrongthinkers from American Universities

Colleges used to encourage the exchange of challenging beliefs. Now faculty members who challenge students’ beliefs are being forced to leave the profession. | Continue reading

@thefp.com | 11 months ago

Marc Rowan: University Donors, Close Your Checkbooks

Trustees, myself included, have sat in silence as our schools were taken over by ideologues. It's time to wake up. | Continue reading

@thefp.com | 11 months ago

How Israel Got Ambushed

The country’s world-famous defenses failed on four levels. The worst was underestimating the enemy. | Continue reading

@thefp.com | 11 months ago

The Gaza Hostage Crisis Is an American Hostage Crisis

The U.S. could be facing the most serious hostage crisis since the Tehran embassy attack of 1979. | Continue reading

@thefp.com | 11 months ago

Justin Trudeau is coming for Joe Rogan

A new media mandate could mean Canadians will no longer be able to access popular Spotify podcasts. | Continue reading

@thefp.com | 11 months ago

The Gaza Hostage Crisis Is an American Hostage Crisis

If the estimates are right, this is the largest mass abduction of Americans since the Tehran embassy crisis of 1979. | Continue reading

@thefp.com | 11 months ago

When People Tell You Who They Are, Believe Them

This is what ‘decolonization’ really looks like. Look carefully at who is cheering it on. | Continue reading

@thefp.com | 11 months ago

When People Tell You Who They Are, Believe Them

This is what ‘decolonization’ really looks like. Look carefully at who is cheering it on. | Continue reading

@thefp.com | 11 months ago

‘It Is Right to Rebel! Israel, Go to Hell!’

After the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust, hundreds rejoiced on the streets of New York. | Continue reading

@thefp.com | 11 months ago

This Is What ‘Decolonization’ Looks Like

Fancy-sounding academic jargon is not a curious intellectual exercise. Words make worlds. Words make nightmares. | Continue reading

@thefp.com | 11 months ago

‘All I’m Asking Is to Have My Babies Back Home’

An Israeli mother pleads for help. Plus, everything you need to know about Hamas's war—and the U.S. response so far. | Continue reading

@thefp.com | 11 months ago

Delusion in the White House. Bloodshed in Israel.

This administration thought it could tame the world’s rogue actors. It was wrong. | Continue reading

@thefp.com | 11 months ago

Hamas’s War on Israel: Everything You Need to Know

Answering your questions on Hamas, Iran, the occupation, and more. | Continue reading

@thefp.com | 11 months ago

Bring Back My Children: An Israeli Mother's Plea

Listen now (29 mins) | Two boys taken from their home by Hamas terrorists. | Continue reading

@thefp.com | 11 months ago

War in Israel: Michael Oren Explains How ‘Evil’ Infiltrated the Country

The former Israeli ambassador to the U.S. explains why yesterday’s Hamas attack ‘might be even worse than 9/11.’ | Continue reading

@thefp.com | 11 months ago

Things Worth Remembering: A Time of War

A passage from the Bible reminds us that the line between peace and horror is alarmingly thin. | Continue reading

@thefp.com | 11 months ago

Today Is Israel’s 9/11

Three pieces and a podcast that tell the truth—plainly—about a catastrophic day. | Continue reading

@thefp.com | 11 months ago

War in Israel: Michael Oren Explains How ‘Evil’ Infiltrated the Country

Listen now (53 mins) | On October 7, Hamas terrorists streamed across the border in pickup trucks, on foot, by motorcycle, and even on paragliders. Once inside Israel, they abducted and murdered Israelis. They shot people in cars and at bus stops, they rounded up women and childr … | Continue reading

@thefp.com | 11 months ago

I Was at a Music Festival When the Terror Began

We hid in a grove of banana plants and made a t-shirt tourniquet for a friend who was shot by terrorists. | Continue reading

@thefp.com | 11 months ago

From Joy to Terror: A Postcard from Jerusalem

We began the day with singing in our synagogue. It ended with my son being called to war. | Continue reading

@thefp.com | 11 months ago

Today Is Israel’s 9/11

The terrorists went house to house. They maimed. They murdered. They mutilated. | Continue reading

@thefp.com | 11 months ago