The 'Erin Brockovich town' is still toxic and nearly abandoned

More than 20 years after winning millions from PG&E, Hinkley, California, is fighting for clean water. | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Percent of Americans recently changed their minds on climate. What gives?

If you want to convince a climate skeptic, now could be a good time. | Continue reading | 5 years ago

This GIF shows how far the 100th Meridian has shifted since 1980

The migration aligns with what researchers tell us to expect from global warming. | Continue reading | 5 years ago

How did public land drilling rights become cheaper than a cup of coffee?

Hint: the problem predates the Trump administration

| Continue reading | 5 years ago

What Climate Change Will Do to the US, Region by Region

Yeah, we read each chapter of the report so you don’t have to. | Continue reading | 5 years ago

On Amazon’s Prime Day, the environment gets a raw deal

Your two-day shipping deal is releasing tons of carbon emissions. | Continue reading | 5 years ago

The science of self-care: How climate researchers are coping with the UN report

Climate scientists live in a world that’s still caught between where we are and where we need to be. | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Does nuclear power have a negative learning curve?

We’ve known for a while that the cost of new nuclear power plants in this country has been soaring. Before 2007, price estimates of $4,000 per kilowatt for new U.S. nukes were common, but by&… | Continue reading | 5 years ago

A trio of rapidly expanding wildfires are devastating the Golden State. | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Next-gen nuclear power is coming, if we want it

Scores of startups are aiming to solve the problems that plague nuclear power. | Continue reading | 6 years ago

With the world on the line, scientists outline the paths to survival

Hitting the 1.5-degrees C goal would require a radical rethink in almost every aspect of society. But not meeting the goal would upend life as we know it, too. | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Death by Fertilizer

It’s a crisis as big as the planet. Bezos, Gates, and friends are backing a fix. | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Personal Food Computers

Open-source farming could challenge Big Ag and take crop production to new heights. | Continue reading | 6 years ago

This Charges Everything: Seattle's latest foray into bikeshares

Behind the scenes of Seattle’s latest foray into bikeshares. | Continue reading | 6 years ago

As warming temperatures strengthen hurricanes, Caribbean states plead with Trump to rejoin the Paris climate deal. | Continue reading | 6 years ago

A groundbreaking study outlines what you can do about climate change. – Grist

Surprise! Individual actions do matter. | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Having kids makes people miserable, new study confirms (2015)

Life satisfaction plummets in the first years of parenthood, so just say no — for yourself and the planet. | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Bitcoin's energy use studied, you libertarian nerds look even worse than usual

Bitcoin is on track to consume 0.5 percent of the world’s electricity by end of the year. | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Bitcoin’s energy use studied, and you libertarian nerds look worse than usual

Bitcoin is on track to consume 0.5 percent of the world’s electricity by end of the year. | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Ticking Meatmares

Lone star ticks hunt in packs and spread an allergy to beef and pork. Thanks to climate change, they’re spreading. | Continue reading | 6 years ago

An especially dismal snowpack this past winter has raised tensions over water rights in the Southwest. | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Are you America’s most energy-inefficient person?

Just got word that Lowe's, Whirlpool, and the U.S. EPA Energy Star program will search this summer for the country's 10 most energy-inefficient families. The lucky winners will receive a home energy makeover "to lower their monthly bills and help save the environment" and a retur … | Continue reading | 18 years ago

It’s All in the List

The First Ever List of Grist Superlatives is now live. Who's the hottest eco-model? The mustachiest geo-green? What's the kinkiest eco-innovation? The most self-defeating anti-Kyoto argument? Check out our picks, then tell us what we botched, missed, or totally nailed. | Continue reading | 18 years ago

Chip in the news

Still more laudatory press coverage for our Maximum Leader, this time in the form of a story from the National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS), in which Chip participated lo many years ago. It's a great story, but if I can raise the question on everyone's mind: Why must every st … | Continue reading | 18 years ago

Death Rides a Slightly Less Pale Horse

Climate change may not totally wipe out the human species In what passes for good news on global warming these days, a new study has determined that climate sensitivity — the extent to which climate will react to increased greenhouse-gas levels — is likely within the mid-range of … | Continue reading | 18 years ago

Knock, Knock. Hu’s There.

Oil issue looms as Chinese prez visits White House Buying oil from unsavory regimes, thus ensuring their grip on power. Attempting to lock up oil supplies to increase geopolitical influence. Growing heedlessly and unsustainably, polluting the air and water. These are the kinds of … | Continue reading | 18 years ago

We’re So Vain, We Think This Party’s About Us

A dispatch from the launch party for Vanity Fair‘s green issue In case you haven’t noticed, we’re pretty dang excited that our own Chip Giller made the glossy green pages of the latest issue of Vanity Fair. And Vanity Fair‘s pretty excited to exclaim to the world that they’re tur … | Continue reading | 18 years ago

One for the Record Books, If They Survive the Floods

U.S. greenhouse-gas emissions hit record high This week, the feds quietly — as in, tiptoeing in socks, holding breath — released annual stats on U.S. greenhouse-gas emissions, as required by the U.N. climate-change convention. The news is roughly as good as you would expect: The … | Continue reading | 18 years ago

It’s All in the List

Our list of environmental goodies, oddities, and inanities We thought about being earnest this Earth Day — compiling some sort of inspiring list of in-the-trenches eco-heroes who need recognition and encouragement — but then we remembered: we’re Grist. So we bring you instead a c … | Continue reading | 18 years ago

Our Earth Day nod to the year’s goodies, oddities, and inanities

With Earth Day fast approaching, we’re pleased to bring you the First Ever List of Grist Superlatives. It’s our modest take on the year past, and a few predictions for things to come. Miffed about what we missed? You’re welcome to make additions in Gristmill. Soaking up the Sunda … | Continue reading | 18 years ago

Canadian tar sands

Everything you ever wanted to know about the burgeoning efforts to suck oil out of the Canadian tar sands in an enormous, magisterial story by Marianne Lavelle in U.S. News & World Report. | Continue reading | 18 years ago

A dispatch from the launch party for Vanity Fair’s green issue

Wednesday, 19 Apr 2006 New York, N.Y. Why was last night different from all other nights on which people have gathered to party for an environmental crusade? Because it was the launch party for the first green issue of Vanity Fair — a glossy, celebrity-drenched cry to mainstream … | Continue reading | 18 years ago

Really shameless plugging

Turns out CSPAN2 will be carrying our Climate & Culture panel live on Thursday at 12:30 pm EDT. Tune in or watch it here. It's not Vanity Fair, but it's a start ... | Continue reading | 18 years ago

A bipolar solar disorder

Last night, Nova tackled an interesting, less-discussed danger from pollution: global dimming. It hasn't gotten that much attention (outside of Grist, of course) but Nova presented a very compelling and rather harrowing picture. Basically, while the earth has been getting warmer … | Continue reading | 18 years ago

An eco-pentathlon puts students to work on Earth Day

As your Outlook/Blackberry/secretary administrative professional has no doubt alerted you, Saturday is Earth Day: a celebration of all things green and, um, earthly? A celebration not lost on the youth of today. And since lists of the best ways to help the planet on Earth Day are … | Continue reading | 18 years ago

A climate-change compendium

Dear Umbra, I know you don’t make up questions, but in this instance I think it’s acceptable. Could you suggest a collection of resources on climate change? I think it might help us all get better educated on this vital topic. Even if they don’t spend an hour of their Earth Day s … | Continue reading | 18 years ago

Gas prices

Since everybody else on the planet is commenting on the issue, I suppose I should as well: No, high gas prices are not the result of oil-company price gouging or nefariousness. It's the market balancing supply and demand (i.e., you, dear consumer). Yes, politicians -- mostly Demo … | Continue reading | 18 years ago

Green roof of doom

Wal-Mart is building a store inside Chicago city limits with a 67,000 square foot green roof. Unfortunately, Wal-Mart's plants do not absorb rainwater or prevent runoff. They only emit eeeevil. You've been warned. (via TH) | Continue reading | 18 years ago


Have you ever been shopping and wanted to know how environmentally friendly a particular item actually is? Me too, and I have been meaning to propose that someone create the very database that GreenScanner has now developed. | Continue reading | 18 years ago

Global warming wedding-crashers?

I was thinking a bit more about a point David raised yesterday: While it's dandy that groups outside the fold of the mainstream environmental movement, from sportsmen to evangelicals, are expressing concern about global warming, how do we know wily conservatives won't be able to … | Continue reading | 18 years ago

We Hope This Goes Better Than the Whole Dot-Com Thing

Internet bigwigs are putting their money on cleantech Some people know a good investment when they see one: Steve “Founder of AOL” Case, Bill “Founder of Microsoft and Stoopid Rich” Gates, and John “Early Investor in Amazon and Google” Doerr. Now they’re seeing in green technolog … | Continue reading | 18 years ago