Revamps are in the air, because Libra still can’t get its bad idea past the regulators — the same ones who said “LOL, what on earth, absolutely not” within hours of Libra’s … | Continue reading
The crypto media frantically circles a dwindling pool of promotional cash. | Continue reading
How big an exit scam could you set up, given three years free? | Continue reading
When you’re a serial foulup — with other people’s money, not just your own — running a conference is ill-advised. | Continue reading
User convenience is king. Your market is users, not other vendors. | Continue reading
After Quadriga, Canadian regulators feel they need a much bigger stick to deal with crypto. | Continue reading
Telegram’s big-ticket investors may have a robust attitude to perceived shenanigans. | Continue reading
Guest post by Cali Haan. Includes WEX, Alexander Vinnik and BTC-e. | Continue reading
“In Every Trade There Is An Idiot And If You Don’t Know Who It Is, It Is You.” This of course being crypto, where everyone is pseudonymous, and no one knows who anyone is, I figured tha… | Continue reading
Fake addresses, disappearing customer funds, stock option shenanigans, and sanctions violations — allegedly. | Continue reading
If you were having problems getting your head around this case, this is a good and useful summary. Plus — iFinex’s response! | Continue reading
It’s nearly the end of 2019, and the Wall Street Journal is still running puff-pieces on stupid blockchain tricks. | Continue reading
There’s engineer arrogance, and then there’s whatever heady brew Griffith was huffing. | Continue reading
The narrative fails — and the bitcoiners just … never mention that one again! | Continue reading
HOW DOES THIS KEEP HAPPENING? Oh yeah, I forgot — it’s crypto. | Continue reading
Yes, Facebook Pay does international remittances precisely as effectively as Libra will. | Continue reading
Summary: The Howey test is so vague, and cryptos are so new. Who could know anything, really? See you in court. | Continue reading
With bonus taster from forthcoming Libra thing. | Continue reading
“In a way it’s liberating” — David Marcus on almost all the payment companies leaving Libra. | Continue reading
Telegram’s whole scheme was to skin precisely the retail buyers who securities registration is meant to protect from being ripped off. | Continue reading
Libra wasn’t Facebook’s first foray into payment systems. A decade ago, it set up Facebook Credits — to cash in on pay-to-win games market. | Continue reading
Advocates of failed technologies grasp at the Gartner Hype Cycle because it tells them their success is inevitable. | Continue reading
One piece of cryptocurrency transparency I’d really like to see from UNICEF — a full conflict-of-interest accounting of the crypto hodlings of everyone there promoting “blockchain.̶… | Continue reading
What are some of the ways things could go bad if Libra gets huge — even given Marcus’ responses? | Continue reading
One for crypto fans, but surprisingly good for a Kindle Unlimited quickie. | Continue reading
Burniske and Tatar published this book in the throes of a manic asset bubble, explicitly encouraging naive retail investors — retirees — to throw their savings into the bubble. Let’s see how … | Continue reading
When you take dumb ideas, but you put some serious real-world power behind them … they’re still dumb ideas. | Continue reading
I asked some crypto contacts what questions normal people have been asking them about Facebook’s whacky crypto-Bitcoiny thing — and any questions they had themselves. | Continue reading
“Dr. Wright’s story not only was not supported by other evidence in the record, it defies common sense and real-life experience.” | Continue reading
“Respondents’ contention that this proceeding should be dismissed because Petitioner failed to properly serve the April 24 Order is meritless.” This correctly translates as “don&#… | Continue reading
Craig Wright sued Bitcoin podcaster Peter McCormack for calling him a “fraud” on Twitter. McCormack’s lawyers responded on 9 August. | Continue reading
I wonder how Telegram’s regulatory efforts are going — given how much their GRAM plan looks like Facebook’s Libra. | Continue reading
I wrote on my Patreon last night “Now I’m going to get on with book writing and hoping that no more amazing documents drop this week …” | Continue reading
iFinex needs to deny that 2+2=4. Their strategy is to deny the existence of 2 and 2, and cast doubt on the concept of addition. | Continue reading
If you buy into the idea that a “token burn” might make number go up — you’re the sucker in the relationship. | Continue reading
Physicists might tell you that two atoms of a given isotope are literally indistinguishable — but apparently we need “living and synthesized elements, as recommended by Taoist masters.” | Continue reading
Craig Wright has to explain why he shouldn’t be found in contempt. Never piss off your judge. | Continue reading
Facebook are stressing that everyone should call their coin Libra, and not Facebook-anything. And definitely not ZuckerBucks. | Continue reading
Aion and Java: the first to be … second or third. | Continue reading
“Is that thing still going?” — my wife on KodakOne. | Continue reading
It would probably help if the CEO hadn’t literally said “value goes up”. | Continue reading
Some quick linguistic trivia, for Spring Bank Holiday Monday. | Continue reading
The word “blockchain,” and any mention of the planned ICO, have disappeared from Woolf University’s web site. What’s happening? | Continue reading
No answer to the biggest question — why on earth would you do this on a blockchain in the first place? | Continue reading
What can Wright do with this? Not a lot, really. | Continue reading
Bitcoin ideology bought into the entire Federal Reserve conspiracy package from the start | Continue reading
I told you so. Thanks everyone, for this week’s game of “Bitcoin: Moon or Toilet”! | Continue reading
Number go up! This is totally organic market activity! People just really like Bitcoin 40% more than they did last week! | Continue reading