JavaScript and CSS have lived beside one another for upwards of 20 years. And yet it’s been remarkably tough to share data between them. There have been | Continue reading
Austin Gil has kicked off the first in a five-part series about "HTML Forms Right" and to starts with semantics. It's talking to the "we build our | Continue reading
The internet has been around for a long while, and over time we’ve changed the way we think about web design. Many old techniques and ways of doing things | Continue reading
The other day, I realized that web performance is an enormous topic covering so very much — from minimizing assets to using certain file formats, it can | Continue reading
I knew that Cloudinary worked with video as well as images but, the other day, I was curious if Cloudinary offered a video player embed just like other | Continue reading
Animations have come a long way, continuously providing developers with better tools. CSS Animations, in particular, have defined the ground floor to | Continue reading
I didn’t realize this until it was far too late, but one of the biggest mistakes that’s made on a design systems team is a common mismanagement issue: | Continue reading
The first “A” in the Jamstack stands for “APIs” and is a key contributor to what makes working with static sites so powerful. APIs give developers the | Continue reading
Laura Kalbag wrote How to read RSS in 2020. This would be a nice place to send someone curious about RSS: what it is, what it's for, and how you can start | Continue reading
CSS Grid provides us with a powerful layout system for websites. The CSS-Tricks guide gives you a comprehensive overview of Grid’s properties with layout | Continue reading
Remember Tabletop.js? We just covered it a little bit ago in this same exact context: building editable websites. It’s a tool that turns a Google Sheet | Continue reading
In this piece, Eric Meyer argues that performance is more important than ever right now — especially for websites that contain critical information for | Continue reading
Article Series Why should you care?What can go wrong?What are the barriers to adoption?How do new algorithms help? In previous articles, we explained what | Continue reading
There’s a design trend I’ve seen popping up all over the place. Maybe you’ve seen it too. It’s this sort of thing where text is repeated over and over. A | Continue reading
Perhaps you know Unsplash? I'd wager it's the most popular stock photography site out there for two big reasons: Every photo on there is pretty darn | Continue reading
HTML5 range inputs, in supported browsers and by design, don't show the user the actual value they are submitting. If you want to use the cool slider, but show the value, you'll have to do that yourself. Here we use the output element and jQuery to show the current value in a bub … | Continue reading
The other day I was helping my pal Jez work Dept. of Enthusiasm, the site for his newsletter, and I had a thought. What if we made the word “enthusiasm” | Continue reading
Markdown has traditionally been a favorite format for programmers to write documentation. It’s simple enough for almost everyone to learn and adapt to | Continue reading
I sure didn't! Tomek Sułkowsi shows how we can reverse the numbering of ordered lists with a simple HTML attribute:
Lea Verou had a dang genius idea to use an emoji as a favicon. The idea only recently possible as browsers have started supporting SVG for favicons. Chuck | Continue reading
Scrolling is something we all know and do on the web to the extent that it’s an expectation or perhaps even a habit, like brushing our teeth. That’s | Continue reading
I've had a number of browser tabs open to articles all related to web performance and gosh darn it if blogging them is a way for me get some closure. They | Continue reading
I bet a lot of us tend to have the production website and the development website up simultaneously a lot. It's almost a developer cliché at this point to | Continue reading
In this article, we’ll cover key concepts for authenticating a user with Firebase in a real-time chat application. We’ll integrate third-party auth | Continue reading
I'm sure most of us have used the ol' Wayback Machine to access some site that's gone offline. I don't actually know how it decides what sites to archive | Continue reading
Neumorphism (aka neomorphism) is a relatively new design trend and a term that’s gotten a good amount of buzz lately. It’s aesthetic is marked by minimal | Continue reading
This post is about understanding how Suspense works, what it does, and seeing how it can integrate into a real web app. We'll look at how to integrate | Continue reading
There are very few scenarios in which an eventually consistent database is preferable over a strongly consistent database. Further, in a multi-region application scenario where scaling is necessary, choosing either an undistributed database or an eventually consistent database is … | Continue reading
If I need a quick background pattern to spruce something up, I often think of the CSS3 Patterns Gallery. Some of those are pretty intense but remember | Continue reading
I got myself confused about this the other day, went around searching for an answer and came up empty on finding something clear. The answer actually is | Continue reading
When it comes to motion and animations, there is probably nothing I love more than particles. This is why every time I explore new technologies I always | Continue reading
CSS has a special calc() function for doing basic math. Here's an example: .main-content { /* Subtract 80px from 100vh */ height: calc(100vh - 80px); } In | Continue reading
Command Line Tools The biggest (and maybe only?) player in this space: SVGO. It's even used under the hood of other tools. Using with a Task Runner | Continue reading
Skip links are little internal navigation links that help users move around a page. It’s possible you’ve never actually seen one before because they’re | Continue reading
Y'all know WooCommerce: it's a plugin for WordPress that adds robust eCommerce functionality to your site. Notably, like WordPress itself, it's | Continue reading
I just saw this cool little site from Max Bittker: broider. You design an image on a 9-slice grid (except the middle part) and it will produce an image | Continue reading
In this tutorial, I’ll show you step by step how to create a simple tool in Node.js to run Google Lighthouse audits via the command line, save the reports | Continue reading
We all have a number of interests and passions. For example, I’m interested in JavaScript, 90’s indie rock and hip hop, obscure jazz, the city of | Continue reading
We are always looking to make the web more accessible. Color contrast is just math, so Sass can help cover edge cases that designers might have missed. | Continue reading
Article Series Why should you care?What can go wrong?What are the barriers to adoption? (Coming soon)How do new algorithms help? (Coming soon) In the | Continue reading
I'm no English major, but as a writer and consumer of loads of educational (mostly tech) writing, I've come to notice a number of words and phrases that | Continue reading
Line, bar, and pie charts are the bread and butter of dashboards and are the basic components of any data visualization toolkit. Sure, you can use | Continue reading
IN A WORLD of responsive and fluid layouts on the web, ONE MEDIA TYPE stands in the way of perfect harmony: video. There are lots of ways in which video | Continue reading
As we noted in our complete guide, you can put an link around whatever chunks of HTML you like. Let's call that a "block link." Like you | Continue reading
As a front-end developer working for clients all over the world, I've always struggled to deal with multilingual websites — especially cases | Continue reading
Here's an example of a nice little use case for cloud functions. Glitch has this great package of friendly words. Say you wanted to randomly generate | Continue reading
Recently, I was asked to make some tweaks to a landing page and, among the things I found in the code, there were two semitransparent overlays — both with | Continue reading