The Twitter Files and the Future of the Democratic Party With Silicon Valley's Congressman

Listen now (68 min) | Ro Khanna is a progressive congressman representing California's 17th District, the wealthiest Congressional district in the U.S. He's the Silicon Valley congressman, and his constituents are the coastal elites of the elites. But if you didn't know any of th … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

TGIF: Just Another Week in the U.S.A

Trump's NFTs. SBF's vegan jail food. Plus: 'dragphobia,' nuclear fusion and, yes, more Twitter. | Continue reading | 1 year ago

Our Reporting at Twitter

If the story of Twitter's former overlords is about their prejudices and power trips, the question now is what Elon Musk will do with the powerful tools they created. | Continue reading | 1 year ago

Twitter's Secret Blacklists

Teams of employees were tasked with suppressing the visibility of accounts or subjects deemed undesirable or dangerous—all in secret, without informing users. | Continue reading | 1 year ago