Are those hummingbirds in your pants, or are you just happy to see me?

These photos seem to be all over the internet, but the story is not. In 2010, French customs officers at the Rochambeau airport in Cayenne, French Guiana after noticing some suspicious bulges, conducted an intimate pat-down of a Dutch tourist and found some tiny parcels in some v … | Continue reading | 13 years ago

Communicate Often

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AirBnB for dogs

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Lost In Translation

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Be Visible

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Etude Acquired by Steinway & Sons

I'm happy to announce that my iPad music learning startup Etude has been acquired by Steinway & Sons. When they approached me about the idea of working together, it seemed like an odd idea. What would a piano company in New York want with an iPad app? It's not the usual acquisiti … | Continue reading | 13 years ago

Crossing the chasm between design and code

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So, you want to build an app together?

Continue reading | 13 years ago

Early Mowbray Photos

Early Mowbray Photos VIEW SLIDE SHOW DOWNLOAD ALL | Continue reading | 13 years ago

Why people love and hate Macs

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Birds in Space II: Quails in the Cosmos

In the previous account of poultry in space, I related the story of how chicken embryos were launched aboard Discovery STS-29, but I did not make it to the story of birds (ex ova) in space. Despite claims to the contrary, someone did indeed try to launch birds into space, and the … | Continue reading | 13 years ago

I've got an idea for an app

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How a burnout changed my life

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Pry Everywhere

I’m generally sceptical about alternatives of tools that work just fine like IRB. And I really like IRB. So why Pry? And why everywhere? Because Pry features blew my mind. When I wrote about IRB customization, I was doing what I always do when I like a tool: customize it in order … | Continue reading | 13 years ago

Birds in Space I: Eggstraterrestrial Chicken Embryos

This is a story of how an eighth grade imagination and Kentucky Fried Chicken launched chickens eggs into the the final frontier. | Continue reading | 13 years ago

How I dealt with a burnout

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How I got a burnout

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A review of The RSpec Book

As usual, my considerations grouped by chapter: Introduction # The book starts with an introduction to the reasons behind BDD. It’s a cool introduction, short and clear. It’s very useful if these topics are new for you. | Continue reading | 13 years ago

Lots of Test Projects

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A month of blogging

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On Minimalism

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Multiple files upload with carrierwave and nested_form

I wrote this post just to show how it’s possible to get a perfectly working form with multiple files upload within a few minutes. If you need to implement multiple file attachments to a given object with only one form quickly, this example could help you. | Continue reading | 13 years ago

Selecting which apps to build

Continue reading | 13 years ago

Compare-And-Set in Memcache

With the most recent release (1.5.3, last week) App Engine's Python API for Memcache has added a new feature, Compare-And-Set . This feature... | Continue reading | 13 years ago

10 iPhone apps for backpackers

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Book Review: Start Small, Stay Small

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A Suggestion for Replacing the Gregorian Calendar

In 2009 Tantek Çelik published a draft of a new calendar with 5-day-weeks solving issues with the Gregorian one. I am not convinced, that this is a useful way to re-structure the calendar. Back in the days we set up a calendar for our RPG world together with Sebastian Gerstl and … | Continue reading | 13 years ago

Rolling Releases are the Future

The Mozilla developers have received some critics for their decision to remove the version number from future Firefox releases. Many other open source projects, like GIMP, are speeding up their release cycles as well, al… | Continue reading | 13 years ago

Off on a holiday

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I shipped my first product

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Good coffeeshops in Berlin

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How to succeed as a freelance developer

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Why I want to become rich

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Why I develop for iOS

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Plan it the night before

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On Berlin

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The Big Plan

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30 day experiment: no more sugar

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New Layout, New CMS, New Everything

And here I go again. After three years using Sweetcron as my CMS of choice, and one year of WordPress before that, I once more go back to the drawing board and start everything from scratch. After I got into college, I didn't have any more time to write, and social agreggators we … | Continue reading | 13 years ago

New Layout, New CMS, New Everything

And here I go again. After three years using Sweetcron as my CMS of choice, and one year of WordPress before that, I once more go back to the drawing board and start everything from scratch. After I got into college, I didn’t have any more time to write, and social agreggators we … | Continue reading | 13 years ago

Before Python

This morning I had a chat with the students at Google's CAPE program. Since I wrote up what I wanted to say I figured I might as well blog ... | Continue reading | 13 years ago

Analyzing a MySQL database with R

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Hello World!

Continue reading | 13 years ago

Signup to the ENAT e-Bulletin

Subscription to the e-Bulletin is free of charge. (ENAT Members receive the more detailed Members' e-Bulletin). The mailing list is confidential. ENAT will not disclose or pass on any of your contact details to anyone. Please add or update your contact details using the form … | Continue reading | 13 years ago

About Attribution of my Works

The question came up quite regularly in the past, what would be an appropriate way to attribute me when using one of the CC-released works. Unfortunately the Creative Commons License itself proves to be no real help here. The license text (as of version 3.0) says: | Continue reading | 13 years ago

Cité de l’espace (CITE)

The Cité de l'espace (City of Space) is a theme park oriented towards space and the conquest of space. It was inaugurated in June 1997 and received more than 4 million visitors after 13 years of exploitation. The park makes it possible to visit full scale models of the rocket Ari … | Continue reading | 13 years ago

Cité de l’espace (CITE)

Continue reading | 13 years ago

Real Fusio (RF)

Founded in 2004, Real Fusio is an innovative SME providing cutting edge expertise and technology in the fields of interactive visualisation of complex digital content for e-learning and communication in the aerospace, energy and industry markets. Placing special emphasis on the c … | Continue reading | 13 years ago