Reasoning about asyncio.Semaphore (article by Guido van Rossum)

 In Silicon Valley is a very exclusive fast-food restaurant, which is always open. There is one table, where one guest at a time is served a... | Continue reading | 1 year ago

Reasoning about asyncio.Semaphore

 In Silicon Valley is a very exclusive fast-food restaurant, which is always open. There is one table, where one guest at a time is served an absolutely fabulous hamburger. When you arrive, you wait in line until the table is available. Then the host takes you to the table and, t … | Continue reading | 1 year ago

Meeting Mike Burrows

  In late 2005 I joined Google. The interviews took a surprising long time, which is a tale for another time. Today I want to tell a story t... | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Meeting Mike Burrows

  In late 2005 I joined Google. The interviews took a surprising long time, which is a tale for another time. Today I want to tell a story t... | Continue reading | 2 years ago

What to do with your computer science career

I regularly receive questions from students in the field of computer science looking for career advice. Here's an answer I wrote to one of... | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Why Python uses 0-based indexing

This is a repost of something I wrote on Google Plus long ago, in October 2013. Thanks to for reminding ... | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Why operators are useful

This is something I posted on python-ideas, but I think it's interesting to a wider audience. There's been a lot of discussion recently ab... | Continue reading | 5 years ago

What to do with your computer science career

I regularly receive questions from students in the field of computer science looking for career advice. Here's an answer I wrote to one of... | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Guido van Rossum: Union Syntax (PEP 484) (2016)

Union syntax (I'm trying to do this as a quick post in response to some questions I received on this topic. I realize this will probably ... | Continue reading | 6 years ago

About spammers and comments

I'm turning off commenting for my blogs. While I've enjoyed some feedback, the time wasted to moderate spam posts just isn't worth it. Thank... | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Adding type annotations for fspath

Type annotations for fspath Python 3.6 will have a new dunder protocol , __fspath__() , which should be supported by classes that repr... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

The AnyStr type variable

The AnyStr type variable I was drafting a blog post on how to add type annotations for the new __fspath__()  protocol ( PEP 519 ) when... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

King's Day Speech

Today the Netherlands celebrates King's Day. To honor this tradition, the Dutch embassy in San Francisco invited me to give a "TED talk" to ... | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Book review: Introduction to Computer Science Using Python (by Charles Dierbach)

After much back and forth I received a nice new Python book in the mail. The book's full title is " Introduction to Computer Science Using P... | Continue reading | 10 years ago

Letter to a young programmer

Dear (insert name here), I heard you enjoy a certain programming language named Python. Programming is a wonderful activity. I am a little... | Continue reading | 10 years ago

Compare-And-Set in Memcache

With the most recent release (1.5.3, last week) App Engine's Python API for Memcache has added a new feature, Compare-And-Set . This feature... | Continue reading | 12 years ago

Before Python

This morning I had a chat with the students at Google's CAPE program. Since I wrote up what I wanted to say I figured I might as well blog ... | Continue reading | 12 years ago

The depth and breadth of Python

As of late I'm noticing a trend: I'm spending more time having in-person in-depth conversations, and less time coding. While I regret the la... | Continue reading | 13 years ago

Asynchronous RPC in App Engine Today

While I was laying the groundwork for a new datastore client library with support for asynchronous requests, I added some low-level support... | Continue reading | 13 years ago

A new App Engine datastore API

This post is primarily intended for App Engine users (and of those, only Python users :-). Over the past months I've been working on a new ... | Continue reading | 13 years ago

While-you-type Searching

Here's an idea that is just begging to be implemented as a Firefox extension. You know how there's a while-you-type spell checker that's al... | Continue reading | 14 years ago

Python in the Scientific World

Yesterday I attended a biweekly meeting of an informal a UC Berkeley group devoted to Python in science (Py4Science), organized by Fernando ... | Continue reading | 14 years ago

Lovely Python!

I just heard from Bill Xu in China. His book "Lovely Python", an introduction to Python in Chinese, was just published and shot to the top-5... | Continue reading | 14 years ago

Scientists Discover That Hidden Persuaders Are Real

In yesterday's post I mentioned reading George Lakoff 's book, The Political Mind. While I agree with the politics of the book in almost ev... | Continue reading | 14 years ago

Progressive vs. Conservative

[Warning: loose thoughts ahead!] Microsoft's Eric Meijer gave a talk at Google yesterday, and afterwards I had lunch with him. One of his r... | Continue reading | 14 years ago

IronPython in Action and the Decline of Windows

While CPython still rules on python-dev, especially with the excitement around Py3k, Python's alternative implementations are growing up: Py... | Continue reading | 15 years ago

Highs and Lows of IEEE Computer Magazine

I still read a few print publications, including IEEE Computer. Today's issue contained a high and a low: Today's high point was a detailed... | Continue reading | 15 years ago

New App Engine Book

At Google I/O I received a copy of Using Google App Engine by Charles Severance, published by O'Reilly. I haven't kept track, but this appe... | Continue reading | 15 years ago

So you want to learn Python?

There's never a lack of books to use for learning Python. I occasionally receive books for review, but I don't have a particularly good yard... | Continue reading | 15 years ago

Final Words on Tail Calls

A lot of people remarked that in my post on Tail Recursion Elimination I confused tail self-recursion with other tail calls, which proper T... | Continue reading | 15 years ago

People Who Annoy Me

It's Grumpy Saturday. If I didn't respond to your email or "friend" request, maybe you fall in one of the following categories. 1. People ... | Continue reading | 15 years ago