I love it when people redesign "in the open" and write about it. I'd just like to shout out to our own Geoff who has been doing this for 3 months now. He | Continue reading
I see Google Fonts rolled out a new design (Tweet). Compared to the last big redesign, this feels much more iterative. I can barely tell the difference | Continue reading
You might reach for | Continue reading
Funny timing on this I was just looking at the website for Utopia (which is a responsive type project which I hate to admit I don't fully understand) and | Continue reading
Have you ever clicked on an image on a webpage that opens up a larger version of the image with navigation to view other photos? Some folks call it a | Continue reading
More than ever, new products aim to make an impact on a global scale, and user experience is rapidly becoming the determining factor for whether they are successful or not. | Continue reading
A fascinating new site called The Markup just launched. Tagline: Big Tech Is Watching You. We’re Watching Big Tech. Great work from Upstatement. The | Continue reading
You know what the best thing is about building and running automated browser tests is? It means that the site you're doing it on really matters. It means | Continue reading
Tartan is a patterned cloth that’s typically associated with Scotland, particularly their fashionable kilts. On tartanify.com, we gathered over 5,000 | Continue reading
Let’s create a pure CSS effect that changes the color of a text link on hover… but slide that new color in instead of simply swapping colors. There are | Continue reading
I've had a bunch of tabs open that just so happen to all be related to typography, so I figured I'd give myself the mental release of closing them by | Continue reading
Looking at the CMS scene today, there are upwards of 150 options to choose from — and that’s not including whatever home-grown custom alternatives people | Continue reading
Here's a Card component in React: const Card = props => { return(
I was extremely excited when I first heard that clip-path: path() was coming to Firefox. Just imagine being able to easily code a breathing box like the | Continue reading
Not long ago, I posted about PHP templating in just PHP (which is basically HEREDOC syntax). I'm literally using that technique for some super basic | Continue reading
Gosh bless the element. Toss some content inside it and you have an accessible expand-for-more interaction with just about zero work. See the Pen Simple | Continue reading
A standard e-commerce site has a few common pages. There are product pages, shop pages that list products, and let’s not forget pages for the user | Continue reading
Over a decade ago, I did a little three-part video series on Designing for WordPress. Then I did other series with the same spirit, like videocasting the | Continue reading
Here’s a great thread by Kevin Powell that's making the rounds. He believes so many folks see CSS as a frustrating and annoying language: | Continue reading
Here’s a fun one. How might we create a set of those cool Matryoshka dolls where they nest inside one another... but in CSS? I toyed with this idea in my | Continue reading
This is not that blog post. I'm saying let's say you were. This is not a knock any other blog posts out there about Dark Mode. There are lots of good | Continue reading
Earlier this year, I came across this demo by Florin Pop, which makes a line go either over or under the letters of a single line heading. I thought this | Continue reading
GraphQL is becoming popular and developers are constantly looking for frameworks that make it easy to set up a fast, secure and scalable GraphQL API. In | Continue reading
I was recently working on a modern take of the blogroll. The idea was to offer readers a selection of latest posts from those blogs in a magazine-style | Continue reading
Learn how to create a custom CodePen block with a preview for Sanity Studio, inspired by Chris Coyier’s implementation for Wordpress’ Gutenberg editor. | Continue reading
I posted about parsing an RSS feed in JavaScript the other day. I also posted about my RSS setup talking about how Feedbin is at the heart of it. Dave | Continue reading
It's been over a year since the big WordPress launch of Gutenberg, the new editor. It seems to me most of the controversy around it has died down. There | Continue reading
A big checklist of things you could/should be doing to make your website the best it can be. 80% of which is a good idea for any website, not just a | Continue reading
The problem: you click a jump link like Jump which links to something like
The developer’s debugging console has been available in one form or another in web browsers for many years. Starting out as a means for errors to be | Continue reading
Every once in a while I'm motivated to attempt to draw some shapes with
The advantages of using SVGs in web development are well known. SVGs are small in size, can be made quite accessible, are scalable while maintaining their | Continue reading
They are special superset numbers that are sometimes perfect for footnotes. Here they are: ¹ ² ³ ⁴ ⁵ ⁶ ⁷ ⁸ ⁹ I generally prefer to superscript the number | Continue reading
What should you do when you get a complaint about the color contrast in your web design? It might seem perfectly fine to you because you’re able to read | Continue reading
Andrew Welch had a little CSS challenge the other day to make an ordinary div: • centered vertically + horizontally• scales to fit the viewport w/ a | Continue reading
The inline-template directive allows us to build rich Vue components as a progressive enhancement over existing WordPress markup. | Continue reading
We'll get to that, but first, a long-winded introduction. I'm still not in a confident place knowing a good time to use native web components. The | Continue reading
Everything you ever wanted to know about data attributes in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. | Continue reading
I recently wrote an article explaining how you can create a countdown timer using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Now, let’s look at how we | Continue reading
A clever idea from Tom Hicks combining MutationObserver (which can "observe" changes to elements like when their attributes, text, or children change) and | Continue reading
Our comprehensive guide to CSS flexbox layout. This complete guide explains everything about flexbox, focusing on all the different possible properties for the parent element (the flex container) and the child elements (the flex items). It also includes history, demos, patterns, … | Continue reading
Since I first chimed in on the CSS4¹ thing, there's been tons of more discussion on it. I'm going to round up my favorite thoughts from others here. There | Continue reading
The elements in HTML are useful for making content toggles for bits of text. By default, you see the
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One thing that caught my eye on the list of features for Lea Verou's conic-gradient() polyfill was the last item: Supports double position syntax (two | Continue reading
Our complete guide to links, buttons, and button-like inputs in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. | Continue reading
Web development is always changing. One trend in particular has become very popular lately, and it fundamentally goes against the conventional wisdom | Continue reading
Sometimes, we have to go a little further than HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create the UI we need, and instead use other resources, like SVG, | Continue reading