Entscheidungshilfe: get_post() oder WP_Query

WordPress stellt oft verschieden Wege bereit um an Daten zu kommen. Im Umfeld von Inhalt – Einzelne Artikel, Kommentare, … – beschränkt sich dies im Grunde auf zwei Wege. Beide sind im Netz zigfach in Tutorials hinterlegt und oft ist die Nutzung des jeweiligen Weges nicht zu Ende … | Continue reading

@bueltge.de | 10 years ago


Rakkaat ystävät!  Kiitän suuresti siitä huomiosta ja kommenteista, joita blogini on saanut osakseen! Se on ilahduttanut ja h... | Continue reading

@joskusmietin.blogspot.de | 10 years ago


Rakkaat ystävät! Kiitän suuresti siitä huomiosta ja kommenteista, joita blogini on saanut osakseen! Se on ilahduttanut ja hämmentänyt minua kovin. Olen ehkä maailman ainoa ihminen, joka menee aina lukkoon saadessaan positiivista palautetta. Tulee sellainen olo, että ei ole o … | Continue reading

@joskusmietin.blogspot.com | 10 years ago

The Road to Geekdom

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@hypercritical.co | 10 years ago

GitHub Ribbon Using CSS Transforms

You know those ‘Fork me on GitHub’ ribbons that you often see on websites for open source projects? Tom Preston-Werner released them in December 2008! Gosh, I feel old. | Continue reading

@unindented.org | 10 years ago

Comparing Filesystem Performance in Virtual Machines

First up is a sequential read of a 64 KB file, tested over various read record sizes. A real world application of a small sequential read would be loading the source files of an application to run, compile, or test. | Continue reading

@mitchellh.com | 10 years ago


  ONLY FOR THE BRAVE HEARTEDHow does six months worth of free coffee delivered to your home sound? You don't even need to step outside your front door. Get your daily caffeine fix delivered first class to you. Wow. Got you thinking? Good. What we need from you is two names: * One … | Continue reading

@artisanroast.co.uk | 10 years ago


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@artisanroast.co.uk | 10 years ago

The International Exhibition of Frames and Graphic Arts returns to BolognaFiere in March 2014 Agreement signed with the FAMA Europe consortium

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@bolognafiere.it | 10 years ago

The Company I’m Watching in 2014

There's one company I've got my eye on in this new year. I don't necessarily expect them to succeed or fail, but do think that this will be a pivotal year in their history. | Continue reading

@fabisevi.ch | 10 years ago

The Need for an Open Barcode Database

Next time you're in the store, grab a random product and look turn it around. You'll probably see one of these: Encoded in that bar code is the product's Global Trade Item Number (GTIN). It's 8-14 digits long and almost every product sold in the world has one of these numbers. T … | Continue reading

@conroy.org | 10 years ago

2014 Tech Predictions

Here we go again: the annual review of last year's predictions, and a set of new ones for the new year. 2013 Retrospective Without further ado, first we examine last year's Gregorian prognostications: THEN: "Big data" and "data analytics" will dominate the e … | Continue reading

@blogs.newardassociates.com | 10 years ago

Apple’s 2013 Scorecard

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@hypercritical.co | 10 years ago

Five Reasons to be and not be a developer in New York in 2014

The Good 1. You can’t just get funding for any old idea. Being the financial capital world means that people are wary of giving money to stupid ideas. Ok, ok, less wary, but it still happens. But New York is very grounded with respect to technology, and that gives me [some] confi … | Continue reading

@fabisevi.ch | 10 years ago

New Years Resolution - 2014 Edition

Last year I spent a lot of time gathering pieces, and in 2014 I'd like to put them together. | Continue reading

@fabisevi.ch | 10 years ago

New Years Resolution Advice

Eat as much as you can tonight so you can make your New Years resolution to lose weight easier! | Continue reading

@fabisevi.ch | 10 years ago


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@chris.eidhof.nl | 10 years ago

Fill Your TV

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@hypercritical.co | 10 years ago

Digital Security: Cybersecurity, Privacy and Trust

Identifier: H2020-DS-2014-2015Pillar: Societal ChallengesOpening Date: Deadline: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)Modification Date: Fri, 20 Dec 2013Latest information: The submission session is now available for: DS-01-2014(IA), DS-02-2014(IA), DS-06-2014(IA) | Continue reading

@ec.europa.eu | 10 years ago


Identifier: H2020-MSCA-ITN-2014Pillar: Excellent ScienceOpening Date: Deadline: Wed, 9 Apr 2014 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)Modification Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2013Latest information: Please note that a revised version of the Guide for Applicants has been uploaded. The document now … | Continue reading

@ec.europa.eu | 10 years ago

European Researchers' Night (NIGHT)

Identifier: H2020-MSCA-NIGHT-2014Pillar: Excellent ScienceOpening Date: Deadline: Tue, 4 Mar 2014 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)Modification Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2013Latest information: The submission session is now available for: MSCA-NIGHT-2014(CSA) | Continue reading

@ec.europa.eu | 10 years ago

Linux CLI: File Text Search & Replace

Occasionally you need to change the contents of some files easily to save a lot of manual work. In my case it was a server migration, the old IP address of a server was referred to from numerous DNS records. This meant the contents of a couple of hundred Bind… | Continue reading

@development-cycle.com | 10 years ago

On (Free) Speaking

Remember when I posted about speaking for free at conferences? And everybody got so upset? Because, you know... community! Somebody tell me how this is any different. When a conference chooses not to offer its speakers even a modest stipend beyond expenses (and let's not even beg … | Continue reading

@blogs.newardassociates.com | 10 years ago

Earth Observation-2014-LEIT SPACE

Identifier: H2020-EO-2014Pillar: Industrial LeadershipOpening Date: Deadline: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)Modification Date: Wed, 11 Dec 2013Latest information: Dear applicant, please carefully read the documents made available in the 'Topic Conditions' and the … | Continue reading

@ec.europa.eu | 10 years ago

H2020-LEIT-Space-Competitivenessof the European Space Sector-2015

Identifier: H2020-COMPET-2015Pillar: Industrial LeadershipOpening Date: Deadline: Wed, 8 Apr 2015 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)Modification Date: Wed, 11 Dec 2013Latest information: Dear applicant, please carefully read the documents made available in the 'Topic Conditions' and … | Continue reading

@ec.europa.eu | 10 years ago

Protection of European assets in and from Space-2015-LEIT SPACE

Identifier: H2020-PROTEC-2015Pillar: Industrial LeadershipOpening Date: Deadline: Wed, 8 Apr 2015 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)Modification Date: Wed, 11 Dec 2013Latest information: Dear applicant, please carefully read the documents made available in the 'Topic Conditions' and … | Continue reading

@ec.europa.eu | 10 years ago

Protection of European assets in and from Space-2014-LEIT SPACE

Identifier: H2020-PROTEC-2014Pillar: Industrial LeadershipOpening Date: Deadline: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)Modification Date: Wed, 11 Dec 2013Latest information: Dear applicant, please carefully read the documents made available in the 'Topic Conditions' and … | Continue reading

@ec.europa.eu | 10 years ago

H2020-LEIT-Space-Competitiveness of the European Space Sector-2014

Identifier: H2020-COMPET-2014Pillar: Industrial LeadershipOpening Date: Deadline: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)Modification Date: Wed, 11 Dec 2013Latest information: Dear applicant, please carefully read the documents made available in the 'Topic Conditions' and … | Continue reading

@ec.europa.eu | 10 years ago

Agenda for Field Trials in January

A detailed agenda for the upcoming field trials in January, held at RAI in Turin and at VRT in Brussels is now available. As the event has limited capacity, advance registration is required. Please register at http://tosca-mp.eventbrite.com indicating your preferences on the loca … | Continue reading

@tosca-mp.eu | 10 years ago

Agenda for Field Trials in January

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@tosca-mp.eu | 10 years ago

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@tosca-mp.eu | 10 years ago

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@tosca-mp.eu | 10 years ago


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@chris.eidhof.nl | 10 years ago

The 20 Best Lessons from Social Psychology

Last spring, I took a class on social psychology. It was one of the most useful classes I’ve ever taken, so I figured I’d share some of the more interesting findings. Each paragraph has a citation to its right so you can get more information or read the original study. 1. Recipro … | Continue reading

@blog.zmh.org | 10 years ago

Minimal contents of a .git folder

What does a minimal usable .git folder look like? Let’s try it out! | Continue reading

@manuel-strehl.de | 10 years ago

Conference: “Unlocking Sources – The First World War online & Europeana”

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@project.efg1914.eu | 10 years ago

Healthcare.gov and the Gulf Between Planning and Reality

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@shirky.com | 10 years ago

Simple Flash Messages in Go

Often in web applications you need to temporarily store data in-between requests, such as an error or success message during the Post-Redirect-Get process for a form submission. Frameworks such as Rails and Django have the concept of transient single-use flash messages to help wi … | Continue reading

@alexedwards.net | 10 years ago

Exploring LXC Networking

Daily Dilemma Recently I’ve been finding myself in various conversations about Docker and Linux Containers (LXC). Most of the time the conversations eventually end up with one and the same question and that is whether we should run containers in production. Initially this post ha … | Continue reading

@cybernetist.com | 10 years ago

The Asia’s Premier Beauty Exhibition Opens its Doors in Hong Kong

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@bolognafiere.it | 10 years ago

What Screens Want

These thoughts on digital canvases were first presented on November 14, 2013 at Build in Belfast, N. Ireland. This page is an adaptation of my talk. The past two years were a wild chase for answers. I read books, looked at art, listened to my heroes, and sketched out scratchy tho … | Continue reading

@frankchimero.com | 10 years ago

IDFA 2013 – The First World War: The First War on Screen

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@project.efg1914.eu | 10 years ago

Betrayal at House on the Hill - very thematic fun

I watched Tabletop’s playthrough, and decided to pick it up at my local FLGS, Gamescape. I don’t have many of this sort of heavily-thematic, strategy-light game in my collection, and it’s good to mix it up a bit. Turns out it was a good decision. Sus, A.C., and I had a ton of fun … | Continue reading

@emoses.org | 10 years ago

About me

My name is Milos. I’m a software engineer currently living in London, UK. I graduated from Czech Technical University in Prague with Masters degree in Technical Cybernetincs, which is basically a fancy word that encompasses machine learning, control engineering and artificial int … | Continue reading

@cybernetist.com | 10 years ago

Let's work together

I am always open to new interesting consulting opportunities. My areas of interst and expertise are Go, AI agents and general backend engineering. If you do anything interesting in those areas we should work together! Pop an email to my GitHub email address. You can read aabout m … | Continue reading

@cybernetist.com | 10 years ago

Let's Work Together

I am always open to new interesting opportunities. My current areas of interest are Go, AI agents and Rust. But I enjoy all aspects of backend engineering and I’m no stranger to frontend either. If you do anything interesting in those areas we should work together! Drop an email … | Continue reading

@cybernetist.com | 10 years ago

About me

My name is Milos. I’m a software engineer currently living in London, UK. I graduated from Czech Technical University in Prague with Masters degree in Technical Cybernetincs, which is a fancy word that encompasses machine learning, control engineering and artificial intelligence. … | Continue reading

@cybernetist.com | 10 years ago

Long Term Web Semantics

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@infrequently.org | 10 years ago