My Three Favorite Scenes From The Bear

I heard about The Bear TV show from my brother a few times over the past couple of years but I never really felt like watching it. A TV show about a frantic family-run bistro in Chicago? Color me sceptical. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve got nothing against the catering or hospitality … | Continue reading | 2 months ago

Using Cuelang With Go for LLM Data Extraction

I have been aware of Cuelang (CUE) pretty much since the early stages of its development. It always seemed to me the language had the potential to solve a lot of problems in the ocean of YAML which we found ourselves drowning in the Cloud Native ecosystem. CUE excels in validatin … | Continue reading | 4 months ago

Go or Rust? Just Listen to the Bots

It all started as a joke. I was in a group chat with a few of my friends and we were talking about football (soccer for the American readers). I entered the chat during a mildly heated discussion about the manager of a team one of my friends supports. It was going on for a bit wh … | Continue reading | 4 months ago

Builders Are Happier But What Happens When AI Takes Over

I have been busy hacking since I got back from my long holidays. I didn’t miss computers while travelling around the world. Not for a second. When you hike up a volcano and engorge yourself in the beautiful views only this planet can reward you with it’s hard to think of computer … | Continue reading | 5 months ago

Rust tokio task cancellation patterns

I have been trying to pick up Rust again recently. It’s been a bit of a slow burn at the beginning but I think I’m finally starting to feel the compounding effects kicking in. Maybe it’s just my brain playing a trick on me, but I’m feeling at much more ease when writing Rust now … | Continue reading | 5 months ago

Circular Buffer Performance Trick

I have been hacking on AI agents recently for both fun and profit as part of the work I’m doing for one of my clients. They’re mostly text-to-speech (TTS) agents leveraging LLMs for generating text which is then turned into voice by a trained TTS model. As you [probably] know, ma … | Continue reading | 5 months ago

A Small Tool for Exploring Text Embeddings

Last year I wrote about the superpowers text embeddings can give you and how I tried using them to compare the song lyrics of some music artists. Though the results failed to paint the picture I hoped for – this was due to the methodology, or rather lack thereof – it made me appr … | Continue reading | 5 months ago

On The Importance of Getting The Foundations Right

Throughout my career, I’ve learnt, usually the hard way, the importance of getting the foundations of whatever I was working on right. Or at least as right as possible. I learnt how fundamental it is for setting your project — and by proxy, your team — up for success. I’d argue i … | Continue reading | 6 months ago

Fun With Embeddings

Before the end of last year, I visited San Francisco (SF) for a few weeks. It felt great meeting some old friends and ex-colleagues face-to-face after a long hiatus. There is something incredibly refreshing about being in the same room with the folks you’ve spent chatting to so m … | Continue reading | 8 months ago

Some [career] advice for engineers

This blog post is a collection of advice or rules I’ve learnt to live by as a software engineer.It’s an accumulation of experiences I’ve gained through working for software organizations of various sizes.Most of the advice in this post is aimed at software engineers, but some may … | Continue reading | 10 months ago

A Few Counterintuitive Ideas

The beginning of 2021 marked the point when some of us were bracing with hope for the year that lied ahead. The year that we hoped to be “better” than the one that we were leaving behind. Little did we know we should have braced for impact instead.For me personally, if 2020 was b … | Continue reading | 2 years ago

Getting Started with LDAP in Go

Recently I had to write a fair amount of Go code which interacts with Active Directory (AD) for one of my clients. AD uses Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) [1] for client-server communication. LDAP is a very mature and powerful protocol to interact with directory serv … | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Build a Graph of Kubernetes API Objects in Go

Over the past few months, I have been rekindling my interest in graph theory. I’m not quite sure what has caused this shift in my mind as I didn’t play with graphs too much since I graduated many moons ago, besides the occasional interview preparation. Maybe it was my reading abo … | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Happy 5th Birthday Kubernetes London

On 26th March Kubernetes London Meetup planned to host another event. It was supposed to be our 5th birthday so we had worked hard to make the event, to quote Kelsey Hightower, “Dope”. Unfortunately, it wasn’t to be as the coronavirus disrupted all levels of public life in a way … | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Building a simple ARKit app in Swift

If you happen to be one of the lucky people living in London you couldn’t miss we’ve had a bit of a sunlight crisis [not just recently]. Instead of the usual vitamin D deficiency which we are used to being brought to our attention during regular health checks things have been a l … | Continue reading | 4 years ago

Breadth-first search in a few lines using Go standard library

Just like many Go developers out there, I’m a big fan of Go standard library. Over the past few years I’ve been hacking on Go, I’ve discovered some real gems that not only made my life as a developer easier (no need to maintain unnecessary code), but they also made my code consid … | Continue reading | 5 years ago

WASM: Universal Application Runtime

WASM: universal application runtime Last summer, fresh off my last freelance gig, I was catching up with my friend Asim, the founder of the widely popular microservices company, Micro at one of our favourite coffee shops in London. We would end up meeting almost every week talkin … | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Weighted random draws in Go

When working on my last project I needed to find a way to draw a random number from a list based on some weight assigned to it i.e. given a list of numbers each of which has a weight assigned to it, I had to find a way to draw a number from the list based on the weight. The numbe … | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Apollo program, Kalman Filter and go-filter package

Before the end of the last year I went to see a movie made by one of my favourite movie directors, Damien Chazelle. The movie is called First Man and it tells the story of the journey of the first man on the Moon. I am also a bit of a space nerd, so my expectations were sky high. … | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Apollo program, Kalman Filter and Go

Before the end of the last year I went to see a movie made by one of my favourite movie directors, Damien Chazelle. The movie is called First Man and it tells the story of the journey of the first man on the Moon. I am also a bit of a space nerd, so my expectations were sky high. … | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Edge computing with Go and Intel Movidius Neural Compute Stick

This summer I spent quite a bit of time speaking to various people about “intelligent” Edge computing. I put double quotes around the word intelligent to avoid the wrath of the thought leaders on the internet as they fight each other over what intelligence is and what is not.The … | Continue reading | 5 years ago

Tensorflow conditionals and while loops

Tensorflow conditionals and while loops Recntly I found myself needing to implement more advanced control flow in some models I have been hacking on in my free time. In past I never really needed any graph conditionals or loops or any combinations thereof, so I had to dive into d … | Continue reading | 6 years ago

Hopfield networks in Go

As I continue to explore the realm of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) I keep learning about some really cool types of neural networks which don’t get much attention these days. Many of these networks have not found much practical use in the “real world” for various reasons. Neve … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Kubernetes services and ingress under X-ray

I haven’t blogged here for over 2 years. It’s not that I had nothing to say, but every time I started writing a new post I never pushed myself into finishing it. So, most of the drafts ended up rotting in my private Github gists. Although my interests have expanded way beyond the … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Self-organizing Maps in Go

Couple of months ago I came across a type of Artificial Neural Network I knew very little about: Self-organizing map (SOM). I vaguely remembered the term from my university studies. We scratched upon it when we were learning about data clustering algorithms. So when I re-discover … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Fun with neural networks in Go

My rekindled interest in Machine Learning turned my attention to Neural Networks or more precisely Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). I started tinkering with ANN by building simple prototypes in R. However, my basic knowledge of the topic only got me so far. I struggled to unders … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Principal Component Analysis - Part 2

This is the second post of the series about Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Whilst the first post provided a theoretical background, this post will discuss the actual implementation of the PCA algorithm and its results when applied to some example data.Theory Recap In the fir … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Principal Component Analysis - Part 1

This is the first of the two post series about Principal Component Analysis (PCA). This post lays down important knowledge bricks that are needed to understand the core principles of the PCA algorithm. The second post will discuss the actual implementation and its results by appl … | Continue reading | 8 years ago

Docker vs Rocket gimme a break

Alert! This is another rant blog post! I promise the next one will be more technical :-)Rocket launch me some opinions Past few days I’ve been playing around with Rocket, the new container runtime by CoreOS. Quite a few people have asked for my opinion so I figured I would put it … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Future of Docker networking

Disclaimer: I do not work for Docker nor for any company whose business is tied to Docker in any wayRecently there has been a lot of discussions about the future of Docker networking in various communication channels. It is due to hugely increased Docker usage over the past year. … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Tenus Golang Powered Linux Networking

2014-07-30 22:35 Update: I’ve updated the post with the link to netlink RFC. I’ve also replaced references to golang with Go programming language on majority of mentions in the article. I do agree with the people in discussions on the topic of Go/golang, but I’ve adpoted golang i … | Continue reading | 10 years ago

Exploring LXC Networking

Daily Dilemma Recently I’ve been finding myself in various conversations about Docker and Linux Containers (LXC). Most of the time the conversations eventually end up with one and the same question and that is whether we should run containers in production. Initially this post ha … | Continue reading | 10 years ago

Let's work together

I am always open to new interesting consulting opportunities. My areas of interst and expertise are Go, AI agents and general backend engineering. If you do anything interesting in those areas we should work together! Pop an email to my GitHub email address. You can read aabout m … | Continue reading | 10 years ago

About me

My name is Milos. I’m a software engineer currently living in London, UK. I graduated from Czech Technical University in Prague with Masters degree in Technical Cybernetincs, which is a fancy word that encompasses machine learning, control engineering and artificial intelligence. … | Continue reading | 10 years ago

Let's Work Together

I am always open to new interesting opportunities. My current areas of interest are Go, AI agents and Rust. But I enjoy all aspects of backend engineering and I’m no stranger to frontend either. If you do anything interesting in those areas we should work together! Drop an email … | Continue reading | 10 years ago

About me

My name is Milos. I’m a software engineer currently living in London, UK. I graduated from Czech Technical University in Prague with Masters degree in Technical Cybernetincs, which is basically a fancy word that encompasses machine learning, control engineering and artificial int … | Continue reading | 10 years ago

Toggle navigation Cybernetist Home About ← Previous Post Show comments Milos Gajdos • © 2024 • Cybernetist Hugo v0.123.8 powered • Theme Beautiful Hugo adapted from Beautiful Jekyll | Continue reading | 2025 years ago

Toggle navigation Cybernetist Home About ← Previous Post Next Post → Show comments Milos Gajdos • © 2024 • Cybernetist Hugo v0.123.8 powered • Theme Beautiful Hugo adapted from Beautiful Jekyll | Continue reading | 2025 years ago

Toggle navigation Cybernetist Home About ← Previous Post Next Post → Show comments Milos Gajdos • © 2024 • Cybernetist Hugo v0.123.8 powered • Theme Beautiful Hugo adapted from Beautiful Jekyll | Continue reading | 2025 years ago

Toggle navigation Cybernetist Home About Next Post → Show comments Milos Gajdos • © 2024 • Cybernetist Hugo v0.123.8 powered • Theme Beautiful Hugo adapted from Beautiful Jekyll | Continue reading | 2025 years ago