Pizza and pasta are pretty obviously out, but what are the other no-nos? | Continue reading
Since the initial release of Vagrant in 2010, Vagrant has grown to be used by hundreds of companies and thousands of people. While I don't have hard numbers to back this up, a majority of the Vagrant users I meet are not Ruby developers. | Continue reading
Your stock options are unlikely to make you rich, so make sure you enjoy the work enough to make it through the tough times. | Continue reading
This post contains all the sources and thoughts behind my PyCon 2013 talk launching The video and slides are available.If the influx of private, independent schools for learning how to code is any indication, the ever-growing list of moocs, or the financial smack in … | Continue reading
This post contains all the sources and thoughts behind my PyCon 2013 talk launching The video and slides are available.If the influx of private, independent schools for learning how to code is any indication, the ever-growing list of moocs, or the financial smack in … | Continue reading
Gillian Flynn’s Gone Girl is a breakout success, so much so that she is apparently writing a screen version of it at the moment. I have read her debut novel, Sharp Objects, and found it a cynical and bleak thriller about broken people who break others (that is not a complaint, by … | Continue reading
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Mitchell Hashimoto About Writing Misc Mitchell Hashimoto APPLE: My Key to Success March 4, 2013 No, not the company or the fruit. APPLE is an acronym ingrained into every Apple store employee before they ever even step on the retail floor. And it has continued to guide me ever si … | Continue reading
Redmine is an excellent web-based project management tool. It’s open source, free and is built using Ruby on Rails. We use Redmine as our main tool for planning, issue tracking and documenting processes. It’s an everyday tool so we need to have an always ready Redmine instance wi … | Continue reading
To start out, I’ve got a confession to make: I’m a pretty big nerd. I know, I know, it’s hard to believe, but it’s true. I also like games, which might be a little easier to swallow. Beyond the tabletop board and card games I’ve been writing about here, I’m also a fan of video ga … | Continue reading
Have you just updated your local of WordPress and its now all broken on MAMP, I've had this problem a few times now so thought it would be worth sharing how to fix this. The problem is caused by the load-scripts.php file being compressed with zlib, I first did as suggested on thi … | Continue reading
A summary of the paper ‘A Cautious Prometheus? A Few Steps Toward a Philosophy of Design’ by Bruno Latour. | Continue reading
This rule takes an SVG file as input and returns two PNGs. One is rendered with 72 dpi, which maps 1 SVG pixel to one output pixel. The other, target@2.png, is rendered with twice the solution to fit for Retina displays. | Continue reading
This small experiment allows to try out interactively the so-called Gutenberg canon for page layout on different page sizes. | Continue reading
The thesis investigates how content produced by end-users on the World Wide Web --- referred to as user-generated content --- can enhance the news vertical aspect of a universal Web search engine, such that news-related queries can be satisfied more accurately, comprehensively an … | Continue reading
The thesis investigates how content produced by end-users on the World Wide Web --- referred to as user-generated content --- can enhance the news vertical aspect of a universal Web search engine, such that news-related queries can be satisfied more accurately, comprehensively an … | Continue reading
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This week’s review took us the Red Squirrel in Maida Vale, at which I arrived a solid 25 minutes late thanks to a complete Bakerloo line fail. Thankfully, notable locals @richardgay and @dext37 were on good form, and enjoying a warming ale as I arrived. The Red Squirrel is owned … | Continue reading
Pub and burger number three led us to Idlewild, in W9. When giving feedback, I was taught always to start with the positives, so… it’s a lovely pub inside. Sadly, that’s probably the highlight of this review. I was joined on this occasion by media lawyer @taylortim, and we both o … | Continue reading
Finally, I can actually do some show & tell!The US is trying to recover from the economic crises of the late decade. We’re still a bit high on unemployment at 7.8%, and a bit too low with inflation below 2%. People are depressed - job hunting, competing with hundreds of other can … | Continue reading
Finally, I can actually do some show & tell!The US is trying to recover from the economic crises of the late decade. We’re still a bit high on unemployment at 7.8%, and a bit too low with inflation below 2%. People are depressed - job hunting, competing with hundreds of other can … | Continue reading
Last game night we sat down for a 4-way game of Power Grid, with me, Sus, A.C., and L.S., an old friend who moved to town relatively recently. We had all played the game before (some of us more recently than others), but this was the first time we played on Italy, one of the expa … | Continue reading
EPALE – Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe | Continue reading
My first critical new normal happened when I was 12 years old. I participated in an online BBS dedicated to writing cheat programs for a popular web-based game. I would spend two to four hours per day after school on this BBS, socializing with a group of people that spent their f … | Continue reading
Object-Oriented Design is a big part of the debate the Ruby community has had in the last couple of years. People are writing blog posts, giving talks at conferences and writing books on the subject. | Continue reading
I had completely forgotten about the :not selector until today, when a colleague asked me if there was away to apply a style to a class but exclude one of the child elements with CSS. Typically this wouldn’t be the ideal solution to the problem but we were unable to change the HT … | Continue reading
Twitter is a well known source of information regardingbreaking news stories. This aspect of Twitter makes it idealfor identifying events as they happen. However, a key problemwith Twitter-driven event detection approaches is thatthey produce many spurious events, i.e., events t … | Continue reading
Twitter is a well known source of information regarding breaking news stories. This aspect of Twitter makes it ideal for identifying events as they happen. However, a key problem with Twitter-driven event detection approaches is that they produce many spurious events, i.e., event … | Continue reading
2012 was a great year for Artisan Roast. We received awards as well as lot of press attention during the year. A big thank you to all our loyal customers that have supported us for the last 5 years!Some of the most relevant ones:Glenfiddich Spirit of Scotland Award 2012 in the fo … | Continue reading
A month or two ago, I signed up for a lightning talk for today’s Women Who Code event. I didn’t submit a title - I was more, “sure, I could talk!”Only on Tuesday did I find out I was actually on the bill to speak! Welp, here’s a just-in-time presentation. My slides are here - but … | Continue reading
A month or two ago, I signed up for a lightning talk for today’s Women Who Code event. I didn’t submit a title - I was more, “sure, I could talk!”Only on Tuesday did I find out I was actually on the bill to speak! Welp, here’s a just-in-time presentation. My slides are here - but … | Continue reading