Weekly Platform News: Emoji String Length, Issues with Rounded Buttons, Bundled Exchanges

In this week's roundup, the string length of two emojis is not always equal, something to consider before making that rounded button, and we may have a | Continue reading

@css-tricks.com | 5 years ago

Buddy on CSS-Tricks

Here's a little direct product endorsement for ya: I literally use Buddy for deployment on all my projects. Buddy isn't just a deployment tool, we'll get | Continue reading

@css-tricks.com | 5 years ago

Git Pathspecs and How to Use Them

When I was looking through the documentation of git commands, I noticed that many of them had an option for . I initially thought that this was just a | Continue reading

@css-tricks.com | 5 years ago

Web Developer Search History

Sophie Koonin blogged "Everything I googled in a week as a professional software engineer," which was a fascinating look into the mind of a web developer | Continue reading

@css-tricks.com | 5 years ago

A Comparison of Static Form Providers

Let’s attempt to coin a term here: "Static Form Provider." You bring your HTML , but don’t worry about the back-end processing that makes it work. There | Continue reading

@css-tricks.com | 5 years ago

A Color Picker for Product Images

Sounds kind of like a hard problem doesn't it? We often don't have product shots in thousands of colors, such that we can flip out the with . Nor do we | Continue reading

@css-tricks.com | 5 years ago

An Introduction to the Reduced Motion Media Query (2017)

The open web's success is built on interoperable technologies. The ability to control animation now exists alongside important features such as zooming | Continue reading

@css-tricks.com | 5 years ago

A Proof of Concept for Making Sass Faster

At the start of a new project, Sass compilation happens in the blink of an eye. This feels great, especially when it’s paired with Browsersync, which | Continue reading

@css-tricks.com | 5 years ago

An Updated List of Our Favorite Jetpack Features for WordPress

It's hard to articulate every reason to use Jetpack for your WordPress site. It's taken us a series of posts to unpack it because it's capable of doing so | Continue reading

@css-tricks.com | 5 years ago

Web Development Merit Badges

A collection of front-end development achievements. How many can you collect? | Continue reading

@css-tricks.com | 5 years ago

Where should “Subscribe to Podcast” link to?

For a while, iTunes was the big dog in podcasting, so if you linked "Subscribe to Podcast" to like: https://podcasts.apple.com/podcast/id493890455 ...that | Continue reading

@css-tricks.com | 5 years ago

Ghost Buttons with Directional Awareness in CSS

It would surprise me if you'd never come across a ghost button 👻. You know the ones: they have a transparent background that fills with a solid | Continue reading

@css-tricks.com | 5 years ago

Weekly Platform News: Apple Deploys Web Components, Progressive HTML Rendering, Self-Hosting Critical Resources

In this week's roundup, Apple gets into web components, how Instagram is insta-loading scripts, and some food for thought for self-hosting critical | Continue reading

@css-tricks.com | 5 years ago

Using Custom Properties to Wrangle Variations in Keyframe Animations

Have you ever wondered how to customize CSS animations keyframes without using any preprocessor feature, like mixins? I keep reaching for preprocessors | Continue reading

@css-tricks.com | 5 years ago

Fast Static Sites with Netlify and AnyMod

In about 10 minutes, we'll set up a workflow that makes static sites dead simple. You'll get the following: Free https Free or cheap hosting Build sites | Continue reading

@css-tricks.com | 5 years ago

Logical Operations with CSS Variables

Very often, while using switch variables (a variable that's either 0 or 1, a concept that's explained in a greater detail in in this post), I wish I could | Continue reading

@css-tricks.com | 5 years ago

Some HTML is “Optional”

There is a variety of HTML that you can just leave out of the source HTML and it's still valid markup. Doesn't this look weird? Paragraph one. Paragraph | Continue reading

@css-tricks.com | 5 years ago

Hamburger Menu with a Side of React Hooks and Styled Components

We all know what a hamburger menu is, right? When the pattern started making its way into web designs, it was both mocked and applauded for its minimalism | Continue reading

@css-tricks.com | 5 years ago

“Off The Main Thread”

JavaScript is what they call "single-threaded." As Brian Barbour puts it: This means it has one call stack and one memory heap. We all feel a symptom of | Continue reading

@css-tricks.com | 5 years ago

CSS Security Vulnerabilities

Don't read that headline and get worried. I don't think CSS is a particularly dangerous security concern and, for the most part, I don't think you need to | Continue reading

@css-tricks.com | 5 years ago

How to Contribute to an Open Source Project

The following is going to get slightly opinionated and aims to guide someone on their journey into open source. As a prerequisite, you should have basic | Continue reading

@css-tricks.com | 5 years ago

The SVG 2 Conundrum (2016)

The SVG we know and love today is "SVG 1.1 2nd edition". SVG 2 is in Editor's Draft status at the W3C, and it's at serious risk of never getting past | Continue reading

@css-tricks.com | 5 years ago

Various Methods for Expanding a Box While Preserving the Border Radius

I've recently noticed an interesting change on CodePen: on hovering the pens on the homepage, there's a rectangle with rounded corners expanding in the | Continue reading

@css-tricks.com | 5 years ago

Weekly Platform News: Text Spacing Bookmarklet, Top-Level Await, New AMP Loading Indicator

In this week's roundup, a handy bookmarklet for inspecting typography, using await to tinker with how JavaScript modules import one another, plus | Continue reading

@css-tricks.com | 5 years ago

Using a PostCSS function to automate your responsive workflow

A little while back, you might have bumped into this CSS-Tricks article where I described how a mixin can be used to automate responsive font sizes using | Continue reading

@css-tricks.com | 5 years ago

Model-Based Testing in React with State Machines

Testing applications is crucially important to ensuring that the code is error-free and the logic requirements are met. However, writing tests manually is | Continue reading

@css-tricks.com | 5 years ago

Fast Software

There have been some wonderfully interconnected things about fast software lately. We talk a lot of performance on the web. We can make things a little | Continue reading

@css-tricks.com | 5 years ago

Recreating Netlify’s Neat-o Sliding Button Effect

Have you seen Netlify's press page? It's one of those places where you can snag a download of the company's logo. I was looking for it this morning | Continue reading

@css-tricks.com | 5 years ago

Need to scroll to the top of the page?

Perhaps the easiest way to offer that to the user is a link that targets an ID on the element. So like... Jump to top of page But we've got a few options | Continue reading

@css-tricks.com | 5 years ago

Should a website work without JavaScript?

The JS Party podcast just had a fun episode where they debated this classic question by splitting into two groups of two. Each group was assigned a "side" | Continue reading

@css-tricks.com | 5 years ago

A Beginner's Journey to Launching a Website

In September 2018, I was just a few months into my journey of learning web development. As I'm sure is the case with many new developers, it was a big | Continue reading

@css-tricks.com | 5 years ago

Styling Links with Real Underlines

Before we come to how to style underlines, we should answer the question: should we underline? In graphic design, underlines are generally seen as | Continue reading

@css-tricks.com | 5 years ago

Working with Attributes on DOM Elements

The DOM is just a little weird about some things, and the way you deal with attributes is no exception. There are a number of ways to deal with the | Continue reading

@css-tricks.com | 5 years ago

The Best (GraphQL) API is One You Write

Listen, I am no GraphQL expert but I do enjoy working with it. The way it exposes data to me as a front-end developer is pretty cool. It's like a menu of | Continue reading

@css-tricks.com | 5 years ago

Maskable Icons: Android Adaptive Icons for Your PWA

There is a new web feature called maskable icons that is coming soon to Firefox Preview and other web browsers. This new icon format will let your PWAs have their own adaptive icons on Android. | Continue reading

@css-tricks.com | 5 years ago

A Glassy (and Classy) Text Effect

The landing page for Apple Arcade has a cool effect where some "white" text has a sort of translucent effect. You can see some of the color of the | Continue reading

@css-tricks.com | 5 years ago

Nested Gradients with background-clip

I can't say I use background-clip all that often. I'd wager it's hardly ever used in day-to-day CSS work. But I was reminded of it in a post by Stefan | Continue reading

@css-tricks.com | 5 years ago

Creating a Maintainable Icon System with Sass

One of my favorite ways of adding icons to a site is by including them as data URL background images to pseudo-elements (e.g. ::after) in my CSS. This | Continue reading

@css-tricks.com | 5 years ago

Can you rotate the cursor in CSS?

Kinda! There is no simple or standard way to do it, but it's possible. You can change the cursor to different built-in native versions with CSS with the | Continue reading

@css-tricks.com | 5 years ago

Going Buildless

I'm in a long distance relationship. That means I’m on a plane to England every few weeks, and every time I'm on that plane, I think about how nice it | Continue reading

@css-tricks.com | 5 years ago

More Flexible Online Stores WooCommerce and Gutenberg Blocks

Blocks have become an indispensable component for managing content in WordPress since the Gutenberg editor was officially released earlier this year. Not | Continue reading

@css-tricks.com | 5 years ago

Reusable Popovers to Add a Little Pop

A popover is a transient view that shows up on top of a content on the screen when a user clicks on a control button or within a defined area. For | Continue reading

@css-tricks.com | 5 years ago

Multiplayer Tic Tac Toe with GraphQL

GraphQL is a query language for APIs that is very empowering for front-end developers. As the GraphQL site explains it, you describe your data, ask for | Continue reading

@css-tricks.com | 5 years ago

Weekly Platform News: Improving UX on Slow Connections, a Tip for Writing Alt Text and a Polyfill for the HTML loading attribute

In this week's roundup, how to determine a slow connection, what we should put into alt text for images, and a new polyfill for the HTML loading | Continue reading

@css-tricks.com | 5 years ago

Advice for Technical Writing

In advance of a recent podcast with the incredible technical writer and Smashing Magazine editor-in-chief Rachel Andrew, I gathered up a bunch of thoughts | Continue reading

@css-tricks.com | 5 years ago

Navbar Nudging on @keyframers

I got to be the featured guest over on The Keyframers the other day. We looked at a Dribbble shot by Björgvin Pétur Sigurjónsson and then slowly built it, | Continue reading

@css-tricks.com | 5 years ago

HTML vs. Body in CSS: where to put global styles?

The difference between and is easy to overlook. It seems to be one of those things that falls into the category of trivial. Admittedly, I have a bad habit | Continue reading

@css-tricks.com | 5 years ago

Using requestAnimationFrame with React Hooks

Animating with requestAnimationFrame should be easy, but if you haven’t read React’s documentation thoroughly then you will probably run into a few things | Continue reading

@css-tricks.com | 5 years ago