That rhymed lolz. I mentioned on a podcast the other day that I sorta think WordPress should ship with Turbolinks. It's a rather simple premise: Build a | Continue reading
A lot of people are confused about what JAMstack is. The acronym stands for JavaScript, APIs, and Markup, but truly, JAMstack doesn’t have to include all | Continue reading
Milica Mihajlija: Adding rel=preconnect to a informs the browser that your page intends to establish a connection to another domain, and that you'd like | Continue reading
Let's say you were gonna bounce an element all around a screen, sorta like an old school screensaver or Pong or something. You'd probably be tracking the | Continue reading
Yep. Let's take a look at how to do it in different browsers. Although note the date of this blog post. This stuff tends to change over time, so if | Continue reading
The line-clamp property truncates text at a specific number of lines. The spec for it is currently an Editor's Draft, so that means nothing here is set in | Continue reading
The React ecosystem offers us a lot of libraries that all are focused on the interaction of drag and drop. We have react-dnd, react-beautiful-dnd, | Continue reading
This week I’ve been brooding about web performance and accessibility. It all began when Ethan Marcotte made a lot of great notes about the accessibility | Continue reading
In this week's roundup of platform news, Chrome introduces a new attribute for loading, accessibility specifications for web developers, and the BBC moves | Continue reading
It’s the first thing your eyes look for when you’re switching tabs. That’s one way of explaining what a favicon is. The tab area is a much more precious | Continue reading
Let's say you wanted to move an element on :hover for a fun visual effect. @media (hover: hover) { .list--item { transition: 0.1s; transform: | Continue reading
In CSS, we have the ability to access currentColor which is tremendously useful. Sadly, we do not have access to anything like currentBackgroundColor, and | Continue reading
Some people outright hate the idea of CSS-in-JS. Just that name is offensive. Hard no. Styling doesn't belong in CSS, it belongs in CSS, a thing that | Continue reading
The ECMAScript standard has been updated yet again with the addition of new features in ES2019. Now officially available in node, Chrome, Firefox, and | Continue reading
I've tried a handful of websites based on "tip with micropayments" in the past. They come and go. That's fine. From a publisher perspective, it's | Continue reading
Many developers write about how to maintain a CSS codebase, yet not a lot of them write about how they measure the quality of that codebase. Sure, we have | Continue reading
There was a fun article in The New York Times the other day describing the fancy way Elizabeth Warren and her staff let people take a selfie with Warren. | Continue reading
One of my favorite developments in software development has been the advent of serverless. As a developer who has a tendency to get bogged down in the | Continue reading
In this week's roundup, variable fonts get oblique, a new browser extension for linting, and the very first version of CSS Modules. Use font-style: | Continue reading
It is technically true that anyone can cook. But there’s a difference between actually knowing how to prepare a delicious meal and hoping for the best as | Continue reading
We make use of state to keep track of application data. States change as users interact with an application. When this happens, we need to update the | Continue reading
You should for sure be setting far-out cache headers on your assets like CSS and JavaScript (and images and fonts and whatever else). That tells the | Continue reading
We live in an era of webpack and npm scripts. Good or bad, they took the lead for bundling and task running, along with bits of Rollup, JSPM and Gulp. But | Continue reading
You know what a "reduced test case" is, right? We've talked about it here. I imagine the concept is useful in many walks of life, but in the world of | Continue reading
Netlify has their own docs for Custom Domains, so if you're looking for horse's mouth technical docs on this stuff, that should be treated as the source | Continue reading
As you could guess from the title, this tutorial is dedicated to Mavo: a new, approachable way to create complex, reactive, persistent web applications | Continue reading
Yes, you can, and it doesn't really matter in what order. A CSS preprocessor is not required. It works in regular CSS. This works: @supports(--a: b) { | Continue reading
I like the term Front-End Developer. It's encapsulates the nature of your job if your concerns are: Building UIs for web browsers The spectrum of devices | Continue reading
Building and maintaining your own website is a great idea. Not only do you own your platform, but you get to experiment with web technologies along the | Continue reading
In this week's week roundup of browser news, a trick for loading images conditionally using the picture element, your chance to tell bowser vendors about | Continue reading
I’m in love with SVG. Sure, the code can look dense and difficult at first, but you’ll see the beauty in the results when you get to know it. The bonus is | Continue reading
You’re probably used to fetching data in React using axios or fetch. The usual method of handling data fetching is to: Make the API call. Update state | Continue reading
December 6th, 2018 was a special date for WordPress: it marked the release of version 5.0 of the software that, to this day, powers more than one-third of | Continue reading
I got this question the other day. My first thought is: weird question! Specificity is about selectors, and at-rules are not selectors, so... irrelevant? | Continue reading
In this post, we’ll be using an ecommerce store demo I built and deployed to Netlify to show how we can make dynamic routes for incoming data. It’s a | Continue reading
React has a built-in hook called useEffect. Hooks are used in function components. The Class component comparison to useEffect are the methods | Continue reading
Let me just frame this for you: we're going to take a piece of production UI from a Sketch file, break it down into pieces of information and then build | Continue reading
Have you ever had a form that needed to accept a short, arbitrary bit of text? Like a name or whatever. That's exactly what is for. There are lots of | Continue reading
In this week's roundup, WebKit's method for truncating multi-line text gets some love, a note on calculations using custom properties, and a new OpenType feature that prevents typographic logjams. | Continue reading
👋 Hey folks! Silvestar pitched this post to us because he is genuinely enthusiastic about JAMstack and all of the opportunities it opens up for | Continue reading
This is all the stuff you need to do to make an iframe responsive on a website. It's trickier than it looks and CSS is definitely involved. | Continue reading
In this article, we uncover how PageSpeed calculates it’s critical speed score. It’s no secret that speed has become a crucial factor in increasing revenue and lowering abandonment rates. Now that Google uses page speed as a ranking factor, many organizations have become laser-f … | Continue reading
David DeSandro has loads of super cool JavaScript libraries he's created over the years. His latest is Zdog, a "round, flat, designer-friendly pseudo-3D | Continue reading
I really like :focus-within. It's a super useful selector that allows you to essentially select a parent element when any of its children are in focus. | Continue reading
Yonatan Doron wrote a post on Medium not long ago called "Art of Code — Why you should write more Pseudo Code." Love that title, as a fan of pseudo code | Continue reading
It's sorta sad by funny that that big Zoom vulnerability thing was ultimately related to web technology and not really the app itself. There is this idea | Continue reading
Say you want to select an element when it doesn't have a certain class. That's what the :not() selector is for. body:not(.home) { } But what if there are | Continue reading
In September 2018, I was just a few months into my journey of learning web development. As I'm sure is the case with many new developers, it was a big | Continue reading