Company Turns Shipping Containers into Sustainable Swimming Pools

A Canadian company came up with an ingenious idea to upcycle single-use shipping containers to turn them into swimming pools for all households to enjoy. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

US Could Save Billions of Dollars by Electrifying Light-Duty Vehicles

A new report shows that the United States could save more than $1 billion by electrifying nearly all of its light-duty vehicles by the end of 2030.  | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Swedish Government Had to Reimburse a Drug Dealer $1.5M in BTC

Theirty-three bitcoins, worth about $1.5 million, have to be returned to the prisoner despite the fact that they were procured selling drugs.  | Continue reading | 3 years ago

See the First Fully Operational Flying Taxi Factory in Full Motion

In a new video, EHang shows off the world's first fully operational eVTOL flying taxi production facility. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

The Extraordinary Power of Japan's Sixth-Gen F-X Fighter Jet

Japan is planning on making its first domestic fighter aircraft for many decades. Called the F-X or "Godzilla" it will be a beast of fighter once finished. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Tesla Features That Prove We're Living in the Future

Tesla has broken many molds about electrical vehicles throughout its history. But, as you are about to find out, they may have gone further than we think. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Boston Dynamics' Robots Can Do Parkour. Should We Worry?

Boston Dynamics' humanoid robots can perform some basic parkour moves! And while no, they aren't coming for you, it's still a scary sight. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Swiss Scientists Just Broke the Record for Calculating Pi

Researchers used a supercomputer to calculate pi to a new world record level of precision, reaching 62.8tn figures in 108 days and nine hours. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Solar-Powered Trucks Can Tackle Refrigeration Emissions

A solar energy provider is partnering with eNow to fit a thousand refrigeration trucks with solar panel roofs to help cut emissions of power-intensive vehicles. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Engineers Solve Major Problem in Quantum Computer Design

Quantum engineers from UNSW Sydney claim to have found "the missing jigsaw piece" in the quantum computer architecture. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

World’s Largest Solar-Powered Battery Is Now 75% Complete

The battery will store energy in order to bring electricity to homes even when the sun’s not shining (at night and on cloudy days), meaning other more polluting power sources will not be required. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Watch a Fully Solar-Powered Yacht Travel the Ocean

The video takes you on a tour of Silent Yacht 55, showing you its living quarters, its first silent voyage, and an explanation of how it operates. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Twitter Reverts Design Changes Due to Eye Strain and Headache

The platform also announced it had "identified issues with the Chirp font for Windows users" and said it was "actively working on a fix." | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Dubai “Rain Drones” Use Electric Shocks to Kickstart Storms

The method, known as cloud seeding, could stop parts of the Middle East from becoming uninhabitable. But the idea comes with its own set of drawbacks. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

MIT Researchers Make Hydrogen Fuel from Aluminum and Water

A group of researchers from MIT has found a way to make hydrogen fuel from scrap aluminum and water, and transport it safe. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

NASA's 'Quiet' Supersonic X-59 Jet Approaches First Flight

NASA just released a footage showing major aircraft section merging of its X-59 Quiet SuperSonic Technology (QueSST) aircraft. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Bipedal Robot Learns to Run and Completes 5K

Drones deliveries are fast but they seem to be coming through the window. How would you like a bipedal robot that knocks on your door? | Continue reading | 3 years ago

The Largest Offshore Converter Station Has Set Sail

The world's largest and Asia's first offshore converter station, the Three Gorges Rudong converter station, is now at sea. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

3D Concrete Printing Robots Cut Rail Construction Carbon Emissions by 50%

With on-site 3D-reinforced concrete printing robots, the UK is planning to speed up the construction of its new rail network. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

SpaceX and a Canadian Startup Will Turn Space into a Billboard

A Canadian startup called Geometric Energy Corporation (GEC) is now collaborating with SpaceX to run advertisements from space. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

New Eco-Friendly Technique for Printing Circuits on Irregular Surfaces Developed

The method does not use expensive equipment like vacuum chambers making it much faster and cost-efficient compared to other electronics printing techniques. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

A Supercar Designer Is Building a 250-MPH Flying Hypercar

It will allegedly fly almost 300 miles on a single charge and fit in a single garage space. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

V-Shaped Ride-in-the-Wings Jetliner Successfully Took Off – IE

The jetliner remains a scale model for now but holds great promise for the future. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

DHL Express Adds Electric Planes to Its Fleet for 'Sustainable Aviation Future'

"We firmly believe in a future with zero-emission logistics," said John Pearson, CEO of DHL Express. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Google Fires 80 Employees for Exploiting User Data

Tech platforms usually have backdoor entries to sort out issues, but employees can abuse those passes. Google firing is just one case of such abuse. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

The US Navy's New Solar Aircraft Will Fly for 90 Days Without Landing

The U.S. Navy is will soon add a new solar aircraft to its fleet which can fly for 90 days without needing to land. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Engineers Try Converting a Diesel Engine to Run on Gasoline

Watch as a Russian team of engineers decided to get a Toyota 2CT turbodiesel engine to work on gasoline. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Musk, Bezos Have a New Rival. Porsche Joined the Space Race

A new challenger has entered the fray of the space race! Check out what Porsche's chances are of becoming a rival to Musk and Bezos' companies. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Rolls-Royce Tests 2.5 MW Generator for Hybrid Aircraft

Aircraft engine maker Rolls-Royce is betting on hybrid-electric engines to make air travel sustainable, and this electric generator is vital to its plans. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Tesla Model 3 Wades Through Flooded Streets in 'Boat Mode'

Tesla owners in China have been sharing videos of how their cars have triumphed flooded streets. Is this a result of sheer luck or smart engineering? | Continue reading | 3 years ago

MIT Predicted the Collapse of Today's Society in 1972. and We're Right on Track

A new study by a director of KPMG reveals that a 1972 model by MIT researchers predicting the collapse of society in the 21st century is on track. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Famous Scientists Who Struggled with Mathematics

It’s ok if you're struggling with math. There are resources out there that will help you refine your skills, so don't give up. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Moon Tricks Tesla's Full Self-Driving Feature into Thinking It's a Yellow Light

The vehicle kept attempting to slow down in response to the yellow moon. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

New Solar Cell Innovation Provides 1k Times More Power

Solar panels might one day be made from ferroelectric crystals instead of silicon. Researchers develop a layered format to increase the solar energy yield. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

First Total Artificial Heart Successfully Transplanted in the US

The first total artificial heart was transplanted at the Duke University Hospital into a 39-year-old man who experienced sudden heart failure. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

New 372 MPH Maglev Train Rolls Off the Assembly Line in China

China's new ultra-high-speed maglev train rolled off the assembly line, and it is designed to hit top speeds of 372 mph (600 km/h). | Continue reading | 3 years ago

First Total Artificial Heart Successfully Transplanted in the US

The first total artificial heart was transplanted at the Duke University Hospital into a 39-year-old man who experienced sudden heart failure. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Engineers Are Creating Concrete Pavement That Wirelessly Charges Electric Cars

Not much information has been given on how the highway will work, but more details should be available soon, as the project will begin this summer. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

First Death Reported in China After Monkey B Virus Infection

Chinese Centre for Disease Control (CCDC) reported that a man in Bejing died from the rare Moneky B virus that specifically infects macaques. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Scientists Create the World’s Toughest Self-Healing Material

Smartphone screens crack at the drop of a hat, but scientists may have developed the right solution: A self-healing hard optical surface. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Google Maps Could Be Offering “Potentially Fatal” Hiking Maps for Ben Nevis

Google released a statement saying they are working quickly to investigate the routing issue on Ben Nevis. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Japan Shattered Internet Speed Record at 319 Terabits per Second

Scientists in Japan just shattered the record for data signal speed! And they did it using fiber optic cables that can fit in modern infrastructure. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

German Coal Plant Closes After Just Six Years to Produce Wind-Based Energy

A major German coal power plant closed after only six years of operation! And it could become one of the largest green hydrogen sites in the EU. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

It's Official. We Can Now Harvest Usable Lithium from Seawater

Extracting concentrated lithium from seawater will only cost five dollars of electricity per kilogram! And the output material covers the cost. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

China Claims to Have World’s Most Powerful Quantum Computer, Tops Google

The team's Zuchongzhi solved a problem in just 70 minutes which would take the most powerful supercomputer at least eight years, per the researchers. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

A Black Hole's Core Could Be a Strange “Planck Star”

Imagine something trillions of times smaller than an atom. Can't? Well, neither can we. That might be what's really in a black hole's core. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Nanofiber Membrane Filters 99.9% of Salt from Within Minutes

Seawater desalination membranes lose their filtering capacity after prolonged use. Korean researchers have invented a nanofiber that will address this | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Japan Promotes 4 Day Work Week to Boost Productivity

To boost the economy and improve work-life balance, Japan wants employers to implement a four-day workweek. | Continue reading | 3 years ago