Kodak KashMiner, the Bitcoin cloud mining scheme that ... never existed

“Thank you for your inquiry. We did not make an announcement, the KashMiner is not a Kodak licensed product.” | Continue reading

@davidgerard.co.uk | 6 years ago

Eddie Hughes MP on Why the UK Needs a Chief Blockchain Officer

Hughes’ report is full of exciting ideas — but only the excitement, and not the necessary substance. | Continue reading

@davidgerard.co.uk | 6 years ago

Cryptocurrency ads to the general public are misselling, and should be banned

One hundred percent of people selling cryptos to retirees are scammers. | Continue reading

@davidgerard.co.uk | 6 years ago

IBM, the GDPR and “blockchain” – whatever that word specifically means

The problem with special rules for “blockchain” is that there’s no definition of “blockchain” other than “whatever I’m trying to sell you right now.” | Continue reading

@davidgerard.co.uk | 6 years ago

BattBump update: project backs down on its claims, then cancels and vanishes

BattBump — the project to wirelessly charge a phone from another phone — has just cancelled their project, after having had probably not the best of days. | Continue reading

@davidgerard.co.uk | 6 years ago

BattBump: wireless phone-to-phone charging on the blockchain

A good Kickstarter can’t be stopped by mere laws of physics. Also, it utilises Blockchain technology. | Continue reading

@davidgerard.co.uk | 6 years ago

Initiative Q – a non-crypto private currency, marketed by pyramid scheme

“Initiative Q is building a new payment network. To get people to adopt it, they’re giving away significant sums of their future currency to early users.” It’s not a crypto, but i… | Continue reading

@davidgerard.co.uk | 6 years ago

That World Cup TV ad for Hdac's Internet of Things on the Blockchain, explained

I was trying to write about Roko’s Basilisk today. Maybe the real Basilisk was the incomprehensible, yet stupidly expensive, Bitcoin fan fiction broadcast to millions of people that we watche… | Continue reading

@davidgerard.co.uk | 6 years ago

How to Launch a Successful ICO, 14 June 2018

Includes video of the panel! | Continue reading

@davidgerard.co.uk | 6 years ago

YouGov Direct's “GDPR-Compliant” Blockchain: GDPR-Laundering as a Service

Polling company YouGov think that, with YouGov Direct, they can sell demographic data to advertisers in a suitably GDPR-laundered manner. Using … the blockchain! | Continue reading

@davidgerard.co.uk | 6 years ago

How to Record Skype Audio on Linux: Open Broadcaster Software (obs-studio)

A surprisingly common technical problem — elegantly solved! | Continue reading

@davidgerard.co.uk | 6 years ago

West Virginia Voatz blockchain voting pilot: single-user blockchain as database

The West Virginia blockchain voting pilot just records the votes in a private blockchain, used as a database. Apparently, this is a big win for voting on the blockchain. | Continue reading

@davidgerard.co.uk | 6 years ago

The mathcoins: decentralised cryptocurrency, without the blockchain?

You see a confusing page full of equations. Someone’s trying to sell you a token based on it. What do you do? | Continue reading

@davidgerard.co.uk | 6 years ago

Kodak pt 6: KodakCoins on sale, and the Reg A+ escape route

Handelsblatt in Germany describes KodakCoin as “highly dubious”, “a half-baked marketing gag” and “a stumbling company with a fading name looking for a capital strike.… | Continue reading

@davidgerard.co.uk | 6 years ago

Explaining the Justice Department criminal investigation into Bitcoin trading

A rundown of what market manipulations warrant a criminal investigation — and why Bitfinex/Tether are a likely focus. | Continue reading

@davidgerard.co.uk | 6 years ago

David Gerard: Evidence to the UK Treasury Digital Currencies Inquiry

My written evidence to the UK Treasury’s Digital Currencies Inquiry is finally up, as is everyone else’s. | Continue reading

@davidgerard.co.uk | 6 years ago

“Welcome to the Blockchain”: The basics of Blockchain and Bitcoin

I did a talk today — here’s the slides. Explaining blockchains, why Bitcoin fans are like they are, and blockchain use cases in business. | Continue reading

@davidgerard.co.uk | 6 years ago

Bitcoin's stupendous power waste is green: bad excuses for Proof-of-Work

Did you know that Bitcoin using 0.1% of all the electricity on earth, and 0.5% by the end of the year, is actually good? Huge if true. | Continue reading

@davidgerard.co.uk | 6 years ago