Israel Just Used Fully AI Controlled Drone Swarms in a World First

Israel's new fully autonomous drone swarm technology is a networked entity that is sure to give the country leverage in the warzone. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Ultrasounds Could Restore Human Memory and Reverse Dementia

Ultrasounds could reverse memory loss in Alzheimer's patients! And it might be further enhanced when combined with a new FDA-approved drug. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Microbes in Cow Stomachs May Help Our Plastic Problem

Scientists have found that bacteria found in cows can break down some types of plastic, including polyethylene terephthalate (PET). | Continue reading | 3 years ago

China Just Announced That It's Sending the First Humans to Mars

China announced an ambitious plans to land humans on Mars by 2033! Its plan is extensive and impressive, but lofty goals don't equate to success. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

China Just Announced That It's Sending the First Humans to Mars

China announced an ambitious plans to land humans on Mars by 2033! Its plan is extensive and impressive, but lofty goals don't equate to success. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Tesla Battery Recharges Fast When Towed at 70 MPH

Electric vehicles need extensive charging infrastructure to become popular, however, a simple tow might take a stranded EV to the nearest supercharger and even beyond. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Toxoplasmosis: The Cat Poop Parasite That's Probably in Your Brain

Two billion people worldwide may have once had the so-called "cat poop disease." What is toxoplasmosis (or toxoplasma) and what are the symptoms? | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Warren Buffet Resigns from Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Buffett has donated $41 billion worth of Berkshire stock to the five foundations. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Google Uses AI to Design Computer Chips in Just 6 Hours

Google says it is using AI and reinforced learning to design the physical layer of computer chips in just six hours, a task that takes months for humans. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Particles Switch Between Matter and Antimatter – IE

The physicists analyzed data from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and discovered that a subatomic particle can switch between matter and antimatter. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

'Wind Catcher': A 1k-Ft Tall Multi-Rotor Offshore Turbine

WCS, a Norwegian Greentech company, has just unveiled its new "Wind Catcher" offshore wind turbine that could power 80,000 homes. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

World-First Tokamak Exhaust System Paves Way for Nuclear Fusion

The tests carried out in a nuclear fusion experiment could clear one of the largest obstacles for commercial fusion energy. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

The Veluwemeer Aqueduct: Netherland's Unique Water Bridge

The Veluwemeer Aqueduct, a 25-meter long water bridge, is an architectural beauty, allowing 28,000 vehicles to pass under it daily. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Redditors Aim to 'Free Science' from For-Profit Publishers

Redditors aim to download Sci-Hub's over 85 million scientific papers and make them open-source. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Highly Sensitive Lidar System Enhances Autonomous Driving Vision – IE

The newly developed, first-of-its-kind LiDAR technology rapidly amplifies weak signals bouncing off of faraway objects. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Influential African American Scientists

African American scientists, like these 29 examples, have helped 'push the envelope' of science and human understanding. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

New Magnet-Free Electric Motor Needs No Maintenance

The new design also requires no rare earth elements, making it better for the environment. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Neutron Surge at Chernobyl Could Lead to a Runaway Nuclear Reaction

An inaccessible chamber in Chernobyl is emitting more neutrons! This could lead to a runaway nuclear reaction. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

3D Printed 'Artificial Leaves' Could Provide Sustainable Energy on Mars

Microalgae 3D printed onto bacterial cellulose allows for a new oxygen-producing material. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

'Multiplexer' Silicon Chip to Drive 6G Communications

Researchers from Osaka University and the University of Adelaide developed a new silicon chip that could enable 6G communication speeds and beyond. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Archaeologists May Have Found the World’s Oldest Home

Called Wonderwerk Cave, researchers have confirmed the age of what might be the oldest hominin cave home in the world. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Robot Uses AI to Kill 100k Weeds per Hour

The autonomous weeder robot scans the floor for weeds and kills them with lasers using AI. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

The Real-Life Engineering Inspirations of Star Wars' Spacecraft

From darts to outboard motors, here's what inspired some of the iconic Star Wars ship designs. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Court Permits FBI to Hack Computers Around the US to Eradicate a Hack

The FBI even issued a warning against potential hackers. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Brain-Controlled Computer Interfaces Gained an Upgrade – IE

People suffering from paralysis used a wireless brain-computer interface! Check out high resolution. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Scientists Just Made a Quantum Computing Breakthrough – IE

Scientists just sent qubit states between quantum network nodes! Check out this next-gen computing. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

A Single Shot Restored Vision to a Blind Child for an Entire Year

Scientists restored visual acuity of a blind child! While only short-term, this is a breakthrough. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

First-Ever Plant to Recycle All Forms of Plastic Is in Construction

The world’s first commercial-scale plant will be able to process 80,000 tonnes of plastic waste per year. Learn all about it here. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

3D printed beams as strong as concrete

Researchers create new 3D-printed lego-like plastic construction beams that weigh less and are easier to transport and install than concrete ones. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

AI Deepfakes and the Future of Truth – IE

The Tom Cruise deepfake was only the latest one making waves! Get ready for an AI plot twist. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Singapore Builds Floating Solar Farms to Tackle Climate Crisis

The space-starved country is anchoring over a hundred thousand panels to the seabed. Read all about it here. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Apple to Build a “Mini Silicon Valley” in Germany with 1B Euro Investment

Apple announced it will invest over 1 billion euros in Germany and has its plans set on building a European Silicon Design Center in Munich. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

US Air Force Will Reverse Engineer Some of Its B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber

It looks like the U.S. Air Force is looking to reverse engineer parts of its own B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber. Read how and why here. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Kelley Aerospace Officially Launches Supersonic Drone – IE

It is estimated that it will not cost more than $16 million with prices going as low as $9 million.  | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Elon Musk Neuralink – To Make 'Cyberpunk Come True?'

Neuralink applicants will help humans gain leverage over the rise of AI. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Company Building Space Hotel with Artificial Gravity

NASA veterans in a new company are building the first space hotel! Featuring artificial gravity. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

New Tree-Loving Robots Could Plant Entire Forest of Seeds Daily

Milrem Robotics and the University of Tartu teamed up to work on these autonomous tree-planting robots. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Electric Eels Hunting Together to Zap Prey Surprise Scientists

Scientists discovered over 100 electric eels collectively hunting little fish deep in the Brazilian Amazon River basin, unusual behavior for such solitary creatures. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Superintelligent AI Cannot Be Controlled, Report Warns

Researchers from the Max Planck Society assessed humans' capabilities for controlling killer AI. Read the details. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Audi Just Showcased E-Tron, Its First Electric Sports Car

Audi presented an exciting futuristic vehicle as well as other technologies ready for series production at CES 2021. Check it out! | Continue reading | 3 years ago

New Microscopy Tech Helps See Inside Living Cells 7 Times Clearer

Researchers from Tokyo University have devised a new way to see inside living cells with seven times greater sensitivity. Read more here. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Users reporting moisture inside Apple's $550 headphones

The new $549 headphones are struggling to live up to their price tag as users are reporting that the internal space between the drivers is filling with condensation. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

NASA Engineer Explains What It's Like to Drive the Mars Rover

Driving NASA's Mars rover presents its own unique challenges, like overcoming the 22-minute delay in signal and navigating the harsh martian terrain. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Spiders in Space Station Can Weave Webs Without Gravity

Two spider experiment at the International Space Station has proven that arachnids need light in order to create regular webs when lacking gravity. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

iPhones Hacked at Once Simply by Pointing an Antenna at Them

A Google security researcher created a system that uses Raspberry Pi and $100 worth of WiFi gear that hacks into iPhones remotely. Click to see how. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

TikTok User Asks Luxury Car Owners What They Do for a Living

TikTok user Daniel McDonald asks luxury car owners what they do for a living. The answers he gets are rather interesting. Read the article to find out. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

KFC Rolls Out Self-Driving 5G ‘Chicken Trucks’ in China

Autonomous 5G vehicles are getting more popular and closer to your neighborhood... Read about KFC's trucks here. | Continue reading | 3 years ago

Oldest Websites from the 80s, 90s Still Online Today

The internet was a different place before the year 2000. Click here to discover the top 12 oldest websites from the 80s and 90s that still live to this very day. | Continue reading | 3 years ago