Reference documentation for the "Opens External Anchors Using rel="noopener"" Lighthouse audit. | Continue reading
The Web Share Target API allows installed web apps to register with the underlying OS as a share target to receive shared content from either the Web Share API or system events, like the OS-level share button. | Continue reading
Background fetch lets you handle large downloads, even if the browser closes. | Continue reading
What's new in Chrome 71 for developers? | Continue reading
Visualize performance metrics, highlight text nodes, copy the JS path to a DOM node, and Audits panel updates. | Continue reading
An acceleration program that matches ML startups and experts from Silicon Valley with the best of Google to help accelerate applied ML and AI innovation. | Continue reading
The OR-Tools suite provides operations research software libraries and APIs for constraint optimization, linear optimization, and flow and graph algorithms. | Continue reading
Signed Exchanges allow websites to sign web content in the way that the content can be safely redistributed and verified where it was originally from. Chrome is experimenting with this starting in Chrome 71. | Continue reading
WebAssembly thread support has shipped in Chrome 70 under an origin-trial. | Continue reading
Progressive Web Apps work on the desktop, including Chrome OS, Mac, Linux, and Windows. | Continue reading
The Intl.RelativeTimeFormat API enables localized formatting of relative times without sacrificing performance. | Continue reading
A Web API has been added to Chrome that makes it possible for websites to discover and communicate with devices over the Bluetooth 4 wireless standard using GATT. | Continue reading
Live Expressions in the Console, highlight DOM nodes during Eager Evaluation, and more. | Continue reading
What's new in Chrome 70 for developers? | Continue reading
Chrome 69 includes an incorrect change to our paint-timing metrics, which was intended to capture more of the rendering pipeline resulting in some accurate timestamps. | Continue reading
Highlight DOM nodes from Live expressions, store nodes as global variables, and more. | Continue reading
Workbox is a set of service worker libraries that making build progressive web apps easy. | Continue reading
Working to make machine learning beneficial for everyone. | Continue reading
Input event handling with the compositor thread | Continue reading
A round up of the audio/video updates in Chrome 70: Cross-codec and cross-bytestream buffering and playback, Opus in MP4 with MSE, and protected content playback allowed by default on Android. | Continue reading
A round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome 70 to help you plan. | Continue reading
Introduction to the CSS overscroll-behavior property. | Continue reading
Learn how browser turn your code into functional website from high-level architecture to the specifics of the rendering pipeline. | Continue reading
What's new in Chrome 69 for developers? | Continue reading
Modern sites often contain a lot of JavaScript. These scripts are often sent down in large, monolithic bundles which can take a long time to download and process. Code-splitting encourages breaking up these scripts so you only send what a user needs when they need it. | Continue reading
WebAssembly lets us extend the browser with new features. This article shows how to port the AV1 video decoder and play AV1 video in any modern browser. | Continue reading
OffscreenCanvasAPI is available as of Chrome 69. This article explains how you can use it to achieve performance improvements in rendering graphics in your web app. | Continue reading
A round up of the audio/video updates in Chrome 69: AV1 and HDCP policy check. | Continue reading
Chrome 63 shipped with NoState Prefetch. NoState Prefetch is a mechanism for fetching resources in advance that uses less memory than the deprecated prerendering process. | Continue reading
Compilation of key machine-learning and TensorFlow terms, with beginner-friendly definitions. | Continue reading
The Page Lifecycle API brings app lifecycle features common on mobile operating systems to the web. Browsers are now able to safely freeze and discard background pages to conserve resources, and developers can safely handle these interventions without affecting the user experienc … | Continue reading
Simple step-by-step walkthroughs to solve common machine learning problems using best practices. | Continue reading
Use the PWACompat library to bring your Web App Manifest to all browsers. | Continue reading
Chrome 67 on desktop has a new feature called Site Isolation* enabled by default. This article explains what Site Isolation is all about, why it’s necessary, and why web developers should be aware of it. | Continue reading
Develop Glassware. | Continue reading
Feature Policy allows developers to selectively enable, disable, and modify the behavior of certain APIs and features in the browser. It's like CSP, but for features! Shipped in Chrome 60. | Continue reading
Learn how to use Chrome DevTools to find ways to make your websites load faster. | Continue reading
Starting in Chrome 68, HTTP requests that check for updates to the service worker script will no longer be fulfilled by the HTTP cache by default. | Continue reading