Our universe may have a twin that runs backward in time

An anti-universe running backwards in time could explain dark matter and cosmic inflation. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 2 years ago

Mysterious Heartland virus shows up in Georgia ticks

A new study confirms the virus is actively circulating in ticks in the state. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 2 years ago

Webb’s 18 mirrors aligned within nanometers

The photo is even better than scientists hoped it would be. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 2 years ago

Fridge-size asteroid detected just 2 hours before it slammed into Earth

It is only the fifth time that an asteroid has been detected prior to hitting Earth. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 2 years ago

Chernobyl electricity was restored for less than 24 hours before being cut again

Ukrainian officials blame the power cut on Russian troops | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 2 years ago

'Supertasters' may have some innate protection against Covid-19

One of the biggest mysteries of the novel coronavirus is why it affects some people more severely than others. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 2 years ago

Delta-omicron hybrid variant identified for the first time

Scientists say they will need to conduct studies to find out the severity of the new variant | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 2 years ago

Giant blobs in Earth's mantle may explain Africa's weird geology

A massive blob of material under Africa could be contributing to that continent's upheaval. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 2 years ago

Amazon nears 'tipping point' where rainforest could transform into savanna

The Amazon may be nearing a "tipping point." | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 2 years ago

The 300-year History of Internet Dating

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@livescience.com | 2 years ago

Largest Aircraft Destroyed in Ukraine

Giant aircraft Mriya was originally built to transport Soviet space shuttles. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 2 years ago

Scan of a dying human brain reveals life may 'flash before your eyes'

The accidental finding was made when a man suddenly died during a routine brain scan. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 2 years ago

Creating 'universal' transplant organs: New study moves us one step closer

The technique should work with many organs, as well as blood. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 2 years ago

Was the Mysterious'Russian Flu' a Coronavirus?

The idea is very "speculative," some say. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 2 years ago

'Invisible' earthquake caused mysterious 2021 tsunami, scientists find

Scientists argue that we need to build better monitoring systems to spot earthquakes of this type. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 2 years ago

1.5M-year-old fossil rewrites 'Out of Africa' theory

But some experts want more evidence. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 2 years ago

85-Mile-Wide Comet Is Largest Ever Observed

The 85-mile-wide Bernardinelli-Bernstein comet is winging its way toward the interior of the solar system. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 2 years ago

'Highly pathogenic' bird flu hits U.S. farm

To prevent viral spread, the farm culled 29,000 turkeys. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 2 years ago

Who Were the Scythians?

The Scythians were nomadic pastoralists and formidable warriors. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 2 years ago

SpaceX rocket will crash into the moon

The rocket stage has been tumbling through space for seven years. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 2 years ago

China's $1T 'artificial sun' fusion reactor is five times hotter than the sun

The experimental fusion reactor sustained the temperatures for a record-breaking 17 minutes. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 2 years ago

Frozen tardigrade becomes first 'quantum entangled' animal in history

Some experts are skeptical that the frozen moss piglet really entered a quantum state. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 2 years ago

How do scientists know when the sun will begin to call it quits?

How do scientists know when the sun will begin to call it quits? | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 2 years ago

New footage shows bizarre deep-sea fish that sees through its forehead

Barreleye fish live in the ocean twilight zone. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 2 years ago

Sleep technique used by Salvador Dalí works

Some of the world's most creative minds, including Salvador Dalí and Thomas Edison described using this sleep technique to bolster creativity. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 2 years ago

DeepMind cracks 'knot' conjecture that bedeviled mathematicians for decades

The artificial intelligence company DeepMind is delving into pure math. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 2 years ago

Are jackalopes real? [spoiler: no]

There's some truth to this myth. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 2 years ago

What Is a Faraday Cage?

How does a Faraday cage work and what do we use them for? | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 2 years ago

Ants vomit into each other's mouths to form social bonds

Ants have social networks, and they exchange info through vomit. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 2 years ago

Unknown human ancestor may have walked a bit like a bear on its hind legs

An unknown human ancestor walked funny and lived in the same place and at the same time as the famous "Lucy" ancestor in Tanzania. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 2 years ago

Why did ancient Egyptian pharaohs stop building pyramids?

Why did they ditch these iconic tombs? | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 2 years ago

Are zebras white with black stripes or black with white stripes?

It's a black-and-white issue. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 2 years ago

Did Benjamin Franklin want the turkey to be the US national bird?

Probably not. But there's more to the story than meets the eye. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 2 years ago

Who Invented the Lightbulb?

Though Thomas Edison is credited as the man who invented the lightbulb, this revolutionary technology was in fact developed by several inventors. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 2 years ago

What happened to the 'vanished' colonists at Roanoke?

The colony was England's first in North America. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 2 years ago

Weird quantum effect that can turn matter invisible finally demonstrated

The effect, called Pauli blocking, has been predicted for 30 years. Scientists just proved it for the first time. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 2 years ago

What Is Antimatter?

Discover antimatter, the strange stuff often found in science fiction | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 2 years ago

Cosmic ray 'barrier' at the center of the Milky Way

Something is keeping the universe's fastest-moving particles from entering the center of our galaxy. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 2 years ago

Wormholes may be stable after all, new theory suggests – Live Science

The new theory contradicts earlier predictions that these 'shortcuts' would instantly collapse. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 2 years ago

Diamond hauled from deep inside Earth holds never-before-seen mineral

Researchers thought the mineral was impossible to find on Earth's surface. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 2 years ago

Archaeologists solve mystery of 'bowling alley' under Yorkshire abbey

Medieval structure hidden beneath Fountains Abbey revealed. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 2 years ago

Weird cosmic object keeps exploding over and over again

An odd fast radio burst has been seen exploding over and over. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 2 years ago

'Panpsychism' Takes Hold in Science

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@livescience.com | 2 years ago

What if the universe had no beginning?

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@livescience.com | 2 years ago

Hole discovered in the Arctic's oldest, thickest ice

The polynya, or gap in the ice, is a bad sign. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 2 years ago

Images show how muscles heal themselves after a workout

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@livescience.com | 2 years ago

Henrietta Lacks' family sues biotech firm for use of 'stolen' cells

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@livescience.com | 2 years ago

Plants 'Scream' in the Face of Stress

A new study suggests that plants that are stressed by drought or physical damage may emit ultrasonic squeals. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 2 years ago