Who Invented the Lightbulb?

Though Thomas Edison is credited as the man who invented the lightbulb, this revolutionary technology was in fact developed by several inventors. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 2 years ago

What happened to the 'vanished' colonists at Roanoke?

The colony was England's first in North America. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 2 years ago

Weird quantum effect that can turn matter invisible finally demonstrated

The effect, called Pauli blocking, has been predicted for 30 years. Scientists just proved it for the first time. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 2 years ago

What Is Antimatter?

Discover antimatter, the strange stuff often found in science fiction | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 2 years ago

Cosmic ray 'barrier' at the center of the Milky Way

Something is keeping the universe's fastest-moving particles from entering the center of our galaxy. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 2 years ago

Wormholes may be stable after all, new theory suggests – Live Science

The new theory contradicts earlier predictions that these 'shortcuts' would instantly collapse. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 2 years ago

Diamond hauled from deep inside Earth holds never-before-seen mineral

Researchers thought the mineral was impossible to find on Earth's surface. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 2 years ago

Archaeologists solve mystery of 'bowling alley' under Yorkshire abbey

Medieval structure hidden beneath Fountains Abbey revealed. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 2 years ago

Weird cosmic object keeps exploding over and over again

An odd fast radio burst has been seen exploding over and over. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 2 years ago

'Panpsychism' Takes Hold in Science

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@livescience.com | 2 years ago

What if the universe had no beginning?

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@livescience.com | 2 years ago

Hole discovered in the Arctic's oldest, thickest ice

The polynya, or gap in the ice, is a bad sign. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 2 years ago

Images show how muscles heal themselves after a workout

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@livescience.com | 2 years ago

Henrietta Lacks' family sues biotech firm for use of 'stolen' cells

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@livescience.com | 2 years ago

Plants 'Scream' in the Face of Stress

A new study suggests that plants that are stressed by drought or physical damage may emit ultrasonic squeals. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 2 years ago

NASA spacecraft will crash into an asteroid at 15,000 MPH

The explosive new mission launches on November 23. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 2 years ago

Byzantine warrior with gold-threaded jaw unearthed in Greece

His jaw had been shattered in two. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 2 years ago

Scientists officially list 23 species as extinct, including largest woodpecker

Is the ivory-billed woodpecker really extinct? | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 2 years ago

Auroras expected tonight in NY, WA and WI as solar storm barrels toward Earth

The sun lobbed four enormous blobs of plasma toward Earth, and we will soon see their effects. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 2 years ago

After 3.5M-year hiatus, largest comet ever discovered is headed our way

The gargantuan Bernardinelli-Bernstein comet will strafe Saturn's orbit in 2031. Scientists are stoked. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 2 years ago

Physicists Found a Brand-New Kind of Magnet Hiding in a Uranium Compound

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@livescience.com | 2 years ago

Three Egyptian mummy faces revealed in reconstruction based on DNA

A forensic artist created the 3D reconstructions based on genetic data. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 2 years ago

Why is alcohol used to preserve things?

What happens if you put in too much? | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 2 years ago

Why don't we breathe equally out of both nostrils?

Most people have a dominant nostril. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 2 years ago

Firefighters race to save the world’s largest tree as wildfires rage

Firefighters wrapped the base of the General Sherman — the world's largest tree by volume — in aluminum. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 2 years ago

Why do the planets in the solar system orbit on the same plane?

To answer this question, we have to go back in time. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 2 years ago

'time crystal' made inside Google quantum computer could change physics forever

The crystals neatly sidestep some of physics' most iron-clad laws. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 3 years ago

Antarctica could melt 'irreversibly' due to climate change

The change will take thousands of years, but we only have a century to stop it. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 3 years ago

99M-year-old spider mummies reveal moms cared for teeny spiderlings

The spiders were preserved in amber. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 3 years ago

'Megacomet' Bernardinelli-Bernstein is the find of a decade

The scientists that found Comet Bernardinelli-Bernstein are an unlikely pair. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 3 years ago

What is the oldest-known archaeological site in the world?

The candidates make the Giza pyramids and Stonehenge seem young. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 3 years ago

Scientists win $3M 'Breakthrough Prize' for mRNA tech behind Covid-19 vaccines

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@livescience.com | 3 years ago

Strange, repeating radio signal near the center of the Milky Way

It's not a fast radio burst, pulsar or low-mass star. So what in the heavens is it? | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 3 years ago

Why is the color blue so rare in nature?

Feeling blue? That color isn't as common as you may think. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 3 years ago

Who will buy 'Big John,' the biggest triceratops ever found?

The massive fossil will be on display in Paris from Sept. 16 to Oct. 15. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 3 years ago

Cannibal toads eat so many of their young, they're speeding up evolution

Here's how the young are fighting back. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 3 years ago

Man can change his pupil size on command, once thought an impossible feat

Some people can wiggle their ears, some can fold their tongues ... this man can dilate and constrict his pupils on demand. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 3 years ago

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@livescience.com | 3 years ago

New cracks found on International Space Station

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@livescience.com | 3 years ago

Six mysterious structures hidden beneath the Greenland ice sheet

Nearly 2 miles thick in places, the ice sheet hides a landscape of canyons, mountains, fjords and gem-like lakes. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 3 years ago

Traversable wormholes are possible under certain gravity conditions

If you want to come back from a trip through a wormhole, you'll need some weird gravity. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 3 years ago

What Is Multiverse Theory?

Do we live in a multiverse? Maybe, maybe not. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 3 years ago

Starlink satellites cause 1,600 close passes a week

Starlink satellites might soon be involved in 90% of close encounters between two spacecraft in low Earth orbit. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 3 years ago

Antarctica's 'Doomsday Glacier' is fighting invisible battle against inner Earth

Underground heat is cooking the Thwaites Glacier from below, and could push it closer to collapse. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 3 years ago

Fusion experiment breaks record, blasts out 10 quadrillion watts of power

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@livescience.com | 3 years ago

Extinct 'Hobbit' creature the size of a house cat discovered in Wyoming dig site

Meet Beornus honeyi — but you can call him Beorn. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 3 years ago

Famous Einstein equation used to create matter from light for first time

The particles used were spooky virtual particles, conjured from a disturbance between two electromagnetic fields. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 3 years ago

Shape-shifting fish that confounded scientists 100 years spotted off CA coast

The metamorphoses the creature undergoes are so dramatic, it took scientists a century to figure out its different forms belonged to the same zoological family. | Continue reading

@livescience.com | 3 years ago