Uniformly hot nightside temperatures on short-period gas giants

Phase curves from a sample of 12 hot Jupiters show that this type of planet keeps the same nightside temperature (~1,100 K) regardless of the irradiation they receive from their star. This effect is due to an optically thick layer of the same species of clouds on the nightside he … | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Superconductivity in an Infinite-Layer Nickelate

Superconductivity is demonstrated in an infinite-layer nickelate similar to infinite-layer copper oxides, which is synthesized using soft- chemistry topotactic reduction of the perovskite precursor phase. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Weighing the Dangers of Cannabis

As interest builds in the potential health benefits from the plant, accumulating evidence confirms that taking the drug also carries risks. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Modern microprocessor build from carbon nanotube transistors

A 16-bit microprocessor built from over 14,000 carbon nanotube transistors may enable energy efficiency advances in electronics technologies beyond silicon. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Metabolic perceptrons for neural computing in biological systems

So far, synthetic genetic circuits have relied on digital logic for information processing. Here the authors present metabolic perceptrons that use analog weighted adders to vary the contributions of multiple inputs, resulting in different classification functions. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Make science PhDs more than just a training path for academia

Science PhD programmes cater almost exclusively to students bound for academia, but they don’t have to, says Sarah Anderson. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Rare 3.8M-year-old skull recasts origins of iconic ‘Lucy’ fossil

Ancient cranium discovered in Ethiopia suggests early hominin evolutionary tree is messier than we thought. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Machine learning brings cell imaging promises into focus

Recursion, Janssen, insitro and others are combining high-content phenotypic screening with machine learning to zoom in on emerging opportunities in target discovery, hit identification, toxicity testing and more. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Craft Beautiful Equations in Word with LaTeX

Manufacturers are ditching equation editors in word-processing software in favour of the LaTeX typesetting language. Here’s how to get started. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Komodo dragon genome: adaptations in monitor lizard CV and chemosensory systems

Monitor lizards have a high aerobic capacity and distinctive cardiovascular physiology. Here the authors sequence the genome of the Komodo dragon and reveal genetic changes associated with its unique sensory, cardiovascular and muscular systems. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

He Four-Billion-Year Story of How We Got Conscious Brains

Lisa Feldman Barrett ponders Joseph LeDoux’s study on how conscious brains evolved. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Global 5G wireless networks threaten weather forecasts

Next-generation mobile technology could interfere with crucial satellite-based Earth observations. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Halt the use of facial-recognition technology until it is regulated

Until appropriate safeguards are in place, we need a moratorium on biometric technology that identifies individuals, says Kate Crawford. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Turning the periodic table upside down

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@nature.com | 5 years ago

Quantifying entanglement in a 68B-dimensional quantum state space

Quantifying entanglement in a large quantum system requires an intractable number of measurements. Here, the authors demonstrate a method for certifying entanglement from extremely undersampled data by combining a new quantitative entanglement witness with an adaptive sampling pr … | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Lithium: The gripping history of a psychiatric success story

The treatment for bipolar disorder was discovered through an unlikely route. Douwe Draaisma praises an account of it. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Programming shape using kirigami tessellations

Geometric analysis and constrained optimization algorithms allow for the design of kirigami patterns that can be deployed into any two- or three-dimensional shape. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Univ of Adelaide suspends ancient-DNA center founder Alan Cooper for bullying

Colleagues of Alan Cooper, who has been suspended as leader of the prestigious Australian Centre for Ancient DNA, describe a toxic work environment. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Crispr cuts turn gels into biological watchdogs

Wunderkind gene-editing tool used to trigger smart materials that can deliver drugs and sense biological signals. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Arctic Closure as Trigger of Atlantic Overturning at Eocene-Oligocene Transition

Proxies of deep circulation suggest that the onset or strengthening of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation occurred at the Eocene-Oligocene Transition. The authors show, using a paleoclimate model of the late Eocene, that a shift from Pacific to Atlantic overturning c … | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Pressure regulates immune-cell function

Activity of the PIEZO1 ion channel affects a defence response. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Plate tectonics may have driven Cambrian explosion

The evolution of complex animal life in the Cambrian period is thought to be related to oxygenation of the Earth System, however the timing, magnitude and mechanism of this oxygenation event remain uncertain. Here, the authors use a biogeochemical model which links tectonic CO2 d … | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Bell’s Theorem for Temporal Order

Time has a fundamentally different character in quantum mechanics and in general relativity. Here, the authors consider a thought experiment where a massive body in a spatial superposition leads to entanglement of temporal orders between time-like events, resulting in a violation … | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Conserved cell types with divergent features in human versus mouse cortex

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@nature.com | 5 years ago

Crystal growers who sparked a revolution in graphene electronics

Two Japanese scientists supply hundreds of laboratories with a prized gem — and are now among the world’s most published researchers. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

A critique of pure learning and what ANNs can learn from animal brains

Recent gains in artificial neural networks rely heavily on large amounts of training data. Here, the author suggests that for AI to learn from animal brains, it is important to consider that animal behaviour results from brain connectivity specified in the genome through evolutio … | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

A Mechanism for Touch

Piezo ion channels visualized and probed. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Strategies for Combating Online Hate

Network analysis informs policies to tackle hate groups online. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Will China lead the world in AI by 2030?

The country’s artificial-intelligence research is growing in quality, but the field still plays catch up to the United States in terms of high-impact papers, people and ethics. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

A metabolic profile of all-cause mortality risk in a study of 44,168 individuals

Biomarkers that predict mortality are of interest for clinical as well as research applications. Here, the authors analyze metabolomics data from 44,168 individuals and identify key metabolites independently associated with all-cause mortality risk. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Hundreds of extreme self-citing scientists revealed in new database

Some highly cited academics seem to be heavy self-promoters — but researchers warn against policing self-citation. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

A history of the first billion years

Radioastronomers look to hydrogen for insights into the Universe’s first billion years. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Brazil’s budget cuts threaten more than 80k science scholarships

If the country’s main science-funding agency doesn’t get more cash soon, young researchers will stop getting paid. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Do no harm: a roadmap for responsible machine learning for health care

In this Perspective, the authors present a framework, context and guidelines for accelerating the translation of machine-learning-based interventions in health care. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Absence of a thick atmosphere on the terrestrial exoplanet LHS 3844b

Phase curve measurements for the small (1.3 Earth radii) terrestrial exoplanet LHS 3844b show absence of a thick atmosphere, in agreement with theoretical predictions. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

China and India lead in greening of the world through land-use management

Since the early 1980s, remotely sensed data has shown the Earth to be slowly greening. Climate change, CO2 fertilization and land-use change are competing explanations. Using satellite data from 2000–2017, this study finds striking greening of both China and India, driven primari … | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Scientists glimpse oddball microbe that could help explain rise of complex life

‘Lokiarchaea’, previously known only from DNA, is isolated and grown in culture. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Making dragons: a speculative scientific adventure

Helen Pilcher enjoys a father–daughter study speculating how a scaly fire-breather might be bio-engineered. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Making dragons: a speculative scientific adventure

Helen Pilcher enjoys a father–daughter study speculating how a scaly fire-breather might be bio-engineered. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Modelling a Global 100% Renewable Electricity System by 2050

The technical and economic viability of renewable energy (RE) based energy system is understudied. Here the authors utilized a LUT Energy System Transition Model to indicate that a carbon neutral electricity system can be built in all global regions in an economically feasible wa … | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Inequality prevents cooperation, but some inequality can be necessary

A framework that includes inequality shows that extreme inequality prevents cooperation, but overall welfare is maximized when endowments and productivities are aligned such that more-productive individuals receive higher endowments. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Signs that Jupiter was mixed by a giant impact

How Jupiter’s dilute core might have formed. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Multiplex genome engineering: Cas12a&CRISPR arrays encoded on single transcripts

A single transcript encoding Cas12a and an array of CRISPR RNAs enables multiplexed genome engineering, from multiple knockouts to transcriptional activation or repression to orthogonal transcriptional control and editing in the same sample. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Measuring the ionisation fraction in a jet from a protostar

The ionisation fraction of protostellar jets is key to establish their true energetics. Here, the authors determine it in a jet from a high-mass young stellar object, using multi-wavelengths observations, confirming that the ionising mechanism giving rise to the radio emission or … | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Position and momentum mapping of vibrations in graphene nanostructures

Investigation of a free-standing graphene monolayer using a technique based on transmission electron microscopy allows identification of atomic vibrations characteristic of the bulk or the edge of the sample. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Dark-energy mapper will reconstruct 11B years of cosmic history

A telescope in Arizona will conduct the largest spectroscopic survey of galaxies. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

Pandemic Bonds: Designed by the World Bank to Fail in Ebola

The World Bank’s funding scheme for disease outbreaks drained potential resources from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, says Olga Jonas. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago

The future of groundwater in sub-Saharan Africa

An analysis of aquifer replenishment. | Continue reading

@nature.com | 5 years ago