Six Great Benefits of Content Marketing

Seth Godin says, “Content marketing is the only marketing that’s left”. And you’d think that it’s a hyperbolic statement. But you know what, statistics don’t lie – and nor does Seth. Here are some statistics that back up Seth’s claim: 70% people want to learn about a company via … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

How to Give Your Next Article or Blog Post a Unique Punch

For Google (and other major search engines) to perceive your website as a go-to information resource and bring it up in relevant search results, you need to consistently publish unique content. Unless your content is unique, whether an article or a blog post, it’s hardly going to … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Why In-Depth Research is So Vital to Content Writing

Almost 3 million blog posts hit the web everyday. Whether it’s the search engine results, social media newsfeeds or emails, there’s enough content to boggle anyone’s mind. Businesses are vying against one another to attract the most eyeballs. Content writing isn’t about typing a … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Do You Need a Content Writer or a Copywriter?

Content writing and copywriting – they’re the same thing. Since the function of both a content writer and a copywriter is to essentially write, you can pick whichever term you like better to advertise and hire professionals for a writing position in your company. Content writer a … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

How to Write a Product Description The RIGHT Way

The purpose of every product copy is to answer the question ‘what will this product do for me?’ so that it can motivate buyers and drive them straight to the shopping cart to purchase it. Rarely do we come across product descriptions that are crafted to sell. What occurs in most … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

4 Things That High Quality Content Addresses

‘High quality content’ is not marketers’ buzzword anymore. And the debate over what matters more – quantity or quality – has long settled. When it comes to content creation, each one of today’s savvy marketers strives for high quality content because that’s what major search engi … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Why Every Healthcare Facility Should Start a Blog

The rapidly changing healthcare landscape, including the transition from a fee-for-service reimbursement model to value-based payment system, is forcing every healthcare facility to raise the bar. Whether it’s a physician’s office, a nursing home, an urgent care center, a small c … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Hire a Technical Writer to Create a User Manual, Don’t Ask the Developer to Do It

Often, many start-ups, small, manufacturing and technology companies don’t hire technical writers to create user manuals, tutorials, knowledge base etc. They assign technical writing projects to their in-house developers. This is a mistake which businesses should avoid. Though de … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Use These 4 Elements to Create the Best Website Content

So, your website is finally live! Hopefully, the developer and the graphics designer did a nice job of making it look modern with a well-planned color scheme, interesting (and readable) typography, giant product images, a consistent theme and a navigational structure which would … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

5 Expertly Hand-Picked Books for Social Media Managers to Read

Do you really understand what social media is, and what it isn’t? A lot of online marketers don’t. Social media is certainly not about creating pages for your business or company and starting to post loads of promotional stuff – in the hope of immediately pulling in customers or … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

How to Write a Content Brief for Your Newsletter Subscription Page

Just like you create a brief for everything else, you should also write a content brief for every distinct section of your website. Writing content that hits the nail on the head is a challenge in itself, more so if you have an entire team working on a content project. After you … | Continue reading | 7 years ago

Where is Content Marketing Headed in 2016?

To achieve success in the digital age, every business needs to leverage content marketing. No matter how useful your product or service is, you can’t market it without high quality content. But are you aware of the emerging content marketing trends? We have already crossed 2016Q1 … | Continue reading | 8 years ago