Goal Trees for Software Engineering Teams

In this article, I’ll talk about a modeling technique called Goal Trees and how I’ve found it useful for leading software engineering teams. Back in grad school, I developed JSDSI, an open source Java implementation of Carl Ellison’s Simple public key infrastructure and Ron Rives … | Continue reading

@ajmani.net | 6 months ago

Helping teens learn to lead with DoSomething.org

In this article, I’ll talk about my service as a board member for DoSomething.org, a nonprofit focused on empowering teens to take action on the issues that matter to them. I joined DoSomething’s board in January 2022 at the invitation of its CEO, DeNora Getachew. My wife, Mandi, … | Continue reading

@ajmani.net | 7 months ago

Go, Python, Rust, and production AI applications

In this article, I’ll talk about Go, Python, and Rust, and each language’s role in building AI-powered applications. Python was the first programming language I ever loved, and Go was the second. But let’s start at the beginning … I discovered the power of programming in my high … | Continue reading

@ajmani.net | 7 months ago

Go 2022-2024 and beyond: Let’s talk about AI

In this article, I’ll talk about where we are with Go today and what’s coming next, specifically in the context of how generative AI is changing software development. (Discussion hosted on LinkedIn) The last few years have been about maturing the Go platform for mainstream users. … | Continue reading

@ajmani.net | 7 months ago

Go 2019-2022: Becoming a Cloud team

In this article, I’ll talk about how we aligned Go with Google Cloud while preserving the core values that make Go great for everyone. When Go joined Google’s Cloud org in 2019, I experienced the greatest culture shock of my career, as did many others on the Go team. Cloud was a … | Continue reading

@ajmani.net | 8 months ago

Go 2016-2019: My transition to management

Over the next few articles, I’ll talk about my experience becoming the engineering manager of the Go team and leading the team through several important transitions: from a focus on internal Google users to external Cloud users; from an engineering team of ~20 to a cross-function … | Continue reading

@ajmani.net | 8 months ago

Go 2012-2016: Early growth

In this article, I’ll talk about how I got involved with the Go programming language, my first several years working on the Go team, and the factors that contributed to Go’s early growth from 2012-2016. I first encountered Go in 2010, when Rob Pike came to the Google New York off … | Continue reading

@ajmani.net | 8 months ago

Introducing myself

I’m considering doing some public writing, and I’m curious what people are interested to hear from me. In this post, I’ll share a little about myself and what I think I can write well about. Professionally: I’ve worked at Google for nearly 20 years, the majority of that time on t … | Continue reading

@ajmani.net | 8 months ago

You’ve found Sameer Ajmani.

I’ve worked at Google since 2004.  I’ve worked on the Go programming language team since 2012.  You can find my posts and talks on Go at ajmani.net/go.  You can find my old MIT home page at http://pmg.lcs.mit.edu/~ajmani. | Continue reading

@ajmani.net | 8 years ago