How to recover momentum scrolling behaviour on Windows Phone

You're probably familiar with -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; as a way to restore momentum scrolling (sometimes also called inertia scrolling) on iOS devices. Chris Coyier has an example page if you want to refresh your memory. Now here's the thing: Windows Phone has similar s … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

How Sappu helped SapientNitro to break boundaries at beyond tellerrand

tl;dr This is the tale of the truly collaborative effort behind "Sappu's Lost Memories", a project where every team member added a twist to the plot and helped to expand a simple idea into the complex storyscape we presented at btconf Düsseldorf 2015. Brief All stories, however b … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Living Styleguide and automated visual tests with DSS and Galen

tl;dr: My team was tasked to convert a client’s white label platform from a desktop-first, fixed width layout to a fully responsive one and also to improve frontend code quality throughout the project. A living styleguide and automated visual regression tests helped us to meet ou … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

Please Update Picturefill (JS polyfill for responsive images)

All hands on deck! Older versions of Picturefill can net you broken images in both Microsoft Edge and Webkit Nightly. There’s already an issue logged for the problem. Why is that an issue? The community is afraid that browser vendors like Microsoft will renege on their pledge to … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

The plural of Chrome is Chromia

ppk (Peter-Paul Koch, gave the second talk of day 1 at beyond tellerrand 2015 and completely nerded out at least half the audience with his topic of browser fragmentation on Android. His talk is the distilled version of his book “The Mobile Web Handbook” an … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

AEM (CQ 5.6) Front-end Workflow for LESS updates

I've recently joined a project where all front-end work is done directy in the CQ trunk instead of using a stand-alone approach with Handlebars as I was used to. What surprised me is the need to deploy everything if you want to see your CSS (LESS) or JS changes applied to your lo … | Continue reading | 9 years ago

The almost sentient CSS grid system

I have been working with grids for a long time now, and there is one challenge that pops up in every project: how many items do you put on a given row. Think, for example, of a row of news or product teasers. You may decide to go for 3 teasers per row, evenly spaced, for a certai … | Continue reading | 10 years ago

What's up with AngularJS?

I've been thinking about looking into Angular for a while now. I know a few people who swear by it, but, coincidentally, they're all backend developers (PHP/Symfony2). I actually do not know any frontend developers who actively use Angular. It's curious that this seems to be exac … | Continue reading | 10 years ago

Textarea loses current value in Firefox when cloned with jQuery

This bug has actually existed for about 5 years, but for various reasons it has not been fixed by the jQuery team. The official bug ticket is here: jQuery Ticket #3016 [closed bug: patchwelcome] and it is still a valid bug in Firefox 34.0.5. I know that cloning a textarea is a su … | Continue reading | 10 years ago

Estimated number of global internet users has surpassed 3bil

Around 40% of the world population has an internet connection today. In 1995, it was less than 1%. The number of internet users has increased tenfold from 1999 to 2013. The first billion was reached in 2005. The second billion in 2010. The third billion in 2014. Internet Live Sta … | Continue reading | 10 years ago

LESS Extend in Responsive Projects

tl;dr: you can't extend a selector with a class that has been defined in a different @media scope from the one you are currently in. In case you're wondering why your &:extend(.my-super-class) statements seem to work only when they feel like it: it might be because you're unwitti … | Continue reading | 10 years ago

Grunticon + svgmin + PNG fallbacks

If you're using filamentgroup's grunticon to inline SVG icons in your workflow and you're minifying them with svgmin before you're running Grunticon (as you should), you may run into broken PNG fallback images that are output by Grunticon. The bug: the PNGs contain a big blob of … | Continue reading | 10 years ago

Responsive images cook book

Andreas Bovens has published a the comprehensive round-up of use cases and example code for "responsive images" at Dev.Opera: Dev.Opera — Responsive Images: Use Cases and Documented Code Snippets to Get You Started You should also read Eric Portis' in-depth article about srcset & … | Continue reading | 10 years ago

"The" Android Browser

A round-up of mostly everything you never wanted to know about browser fragmentation on Android. If somebody tells you they tested their website on Android, laugh evilly and show them this slidedeck. The Android Browser • A presentation by HTML5Test Enjoy! | Continue reading | 10 years ago

1px hairline CSS borders on HiDPI screens

Supposedly we've come to grips with CSS pixels and device pixels by now and gotten past our Pixel Identity Crisis. Retina Display Media Queries are all good and dandy, but there is something that remains tricky: CSS borders. Imagine having a great and esteemed brand, a hotshot de … | Continue reading | 10 years ago

Vertical centering of containers with variable max- but defined min-height

tl;dr: vertical centering is still lots of fun if your use case includes containers of variable height, but with a set min-height. If you have no min-height, you can pick either way and you're done. CSS (and browser support in 2014) offers two possible solutions, but each comes w … | Continue reading | 10 years ago

Quickly test your HiDPI media queries on a 1x PC or Mac

If you want to do a quick check whether your high resolution media queries are working, but you don't have a retina tablet at hand, here's a nice little trick for you: Open Firefox Go to about:config (and sign with your blood that you know what you're doing and will be super care … | Continue reading | 10 years ago

IE8 Failsheet for Responsive Websites

If - like me - you're working on a responsive website project which still has IE8 in the browser matrix, you may find my failsheet helpful during development. It simply lists all the techniques that IE8 does not support natively and keeps you on your toes when you're about to get … | Continue reading | 10 years ago

Practical ARIA examples

Practical ARIA Examples has some handy snippets and approaches, e.g. for accessible hamburger menu icon, tab navigation and alerts (among others). | Continue reading | 10 years ago

Responsive Email Resources

Responsive email is a rapidly growing field; if you need to get up to speed with current developments, check out Responsive Email Resources which has a good overview of approaches and patterns for all domains from planning to implementation. | Continue reading | 10 years ago

LESS Quicktips: escaping / (slash) in shorthand

There are some CSS shorthand declarations that require the use of / which LESS may interpret as the math operator for a division (depending on the values in your declaration). Examples for this are: .selector { font: font-style font-variant font-weight font-size/line-height f … | Continue reading | 10 years ago

New Year’s Resolutions: make more, do more, get more.

My resolutions for 2012 revolve around a single, common theme: more. I want to attain more of as much as possible, including more fitness more creative output more craftsmanship* more fun more traveling The overall mantra this year will be: don’t think too long about anything, ju … | Continue reading | 13 years ago

Rands In Repose: The Art of Not

There have been a great number of articles and opinons about Instagram lately (if you missed them, try google), but Rands’ “The Art of Not” — as usual — comes out near the top and is definitely worth sharing. On a sidenote, Instagram has done two things to me. It has managed to r … | Continue reading | 14 years ago

Behind the curtain: preparing an interface for themes with rgba goodness

This is a peak under the hood of an ongoing project. Encouraged by the widespread enthusiasm regarding CSS3 and its adoption across all browsers and platforms we encountered during this year's fronteers conference, we decided to especially put rgba to work for us. The following s … | Continue reading | 14 years ago

Inspiration break at ADC Summit 2010

From time to time, it's good to raise your head over the rim of your cubicle and take a look around. In a daring attempt to fulfill my desire for an overdue escape from day-to-day work, I ventured to Frankfurt and this year's ADC Summit Expo with projekt-pr's Rüdiger Hahn and Ank … | Continue reading | 14 years ago

8 Golden Rules for Apprentices

Last week, we finally found a second apprentice at webfactory and completed our team lineup for 2010. Simon Mönch will be joining us from May 1st to learn the craft of software development and Jessica Lazarus starts her apprenticeship for digital media design on August 1st. Cheek … | Continue reading | 14 years ago

wfDevCamp 2008: Work Away From Work

Sometimes, special tasks require unusual measures. It was obvious that we needed to move the development of wfDynamic, webfactory’s content management framework, a big step forward. So in December 2008 the webfactory team headed to an apartment in the Austrian mountains for a wee … | Continue reading | 16 years ago

Preach What You Practice

webfactory has always been about creating highly usable and accessible websites, keeping a close watch on web standards and the POSH paradigm. This September we finally decided it was time to start preaching what we practice. So you say, „Dude, get real! It’s 2008! Web standards … | Continue reading | 16 years ago

Browsertesting can be fun!

Okay, enthusiasm may have gotten the better of me when I was punching in this entry's title. But even when you're doing what every frontend engineer hates by default – testing and retesting your page in the major browsers known to mankind – there are a few tools that can really m … | Continue reading | 16 years ago

The End is The Beginning is The End

Web design has come a long way. We strive to play the game in adherence to Standards, we separate structure from presentation as much as possible and we have taken into our hearts the fact that indeed the Experience is the Product. Or have we? A core ambition of website designers … | Continue reading | 17 years ago