fluffy rambles: But there were no signs

When I was a kid I was really into Infocom text adventures, and the game Beyond Zork had some very strong tabletop RPG elements, much moreso than other Infocom games. One of the things about it is that when you started the game you had to roll a character, and you could choose th … | Continue reading

@beesbuzz.biz | 13 hours ago

fluffy rambles: PlexAmp update

Okay it turns out that while the mobile version of PlexAmp works exactly how I want it to, the desktop version kind of sucks? Like, if you’re doing “album radio” (which is the shuffle-by-album thing I love so much) it is super easy to get out of the actual player view, and as far … | Continue reading

@beesbuzz.biz | 4 days ago

fluffy rambles: Music updates

My big fibromyalgia flare seems to have finally subsided, so I’m back to working on music, yay. | Continue reading

@beesbuzz.biz | 4 days ago

fluffy rambles: Trademark scammer update

I finally tracked down contact information for the attorney the scammers claimed to have on their counsel, and sent him an email. He almost immediately got back to me: | Continue reading

@beesbuzz.biz | 10 days ago

fluffy rambles: Email sent to the trademark scammer

No idea if they’ll even respond to this. They probably won’t. But it’s more paper trail for me and the credit card company, at least. | Continue reading

@beesbuzz.biz | 11 days ago

fluffy rambles: Things on hold

I’ve been having another major pain flareup, or rather the pain flareup that started a few weeks ago has continued to get worse, and it’s super difficult for me to do anything right now. Typing hurts, my brain is in constant fog, and there’s no freaking way I can work on music or … | Continue reading

@beesbuzz.biz | 11 days ago

fluffy rambles: Common law trademark and band names

So, I’m in a bit of a frustrating situation right now. | Continue reading

@beesbuzz.biz | 14 days ago

fluffy rambles: Bandcamp Friday, October 2024

Hey y'all, it is Bandcamp Friday, a good time to buy independent music while Bandcamp opts to release their share of the purchase price. | Continue reading

@beesbuzz.biz | 18 days ago

fluffy rambles: Statuses

Grab-bag of stuff going on for me, apologies for my usual unstructured rambling | Continue reading

@beesbuzz.biz | 18 days ago

fluffy rambles: Rock on! Stream on!

If all went well, my concert is now underway. In theory, here is the VRChat instance (but if nobody’s there check the VRC group). And in theory, the stream should be live. | Continue reading

@beesbuzz.biz | 22 days ago

fluffy rambles: Computer inventory

Seeing this post made me think I should also list my computers and their purposes/vague specs. Because I’m that kind of a nerd. | Continue reading

@beesbuzz.biz | 22 days ago

fluffy rambles: Concert reminder!

I’ll be performing in VRChat tonight at 9 PM PDT. Join my VRChat music group for the instance link. | Continue reading

@beesbuzz.biz | 23 days ago

fluffy rambles: Upcoming music stuff

Here’s what’s currently going on with my music things. | Continue reading

@beesbuzz.biz | 29 days ago

fluffy rambles: The unrelenting passage of time

Wednesday night I had a massive pain flareup towards the end of choir practice, due to some stressy situations that were developing all at once on top of my continued lack of sleep due to working on Transitions. This had me basically incapable of doing anything for several days, … | Continue reading

@beesbuzz.biz | 1 month ago

fluffy rambles: postponing the concert

I’m having a bad pain flareup and as much as I’d like to push through it and do the concert anyway, from experience I know that’ll just make things worse and I’m trying to get better at self-care and showing myself the same understanding I show others. | Continue reading

@beesbuzz.biz | 1 month ago

fluffy rambles: Concert time polling

Hey y'all, it’s been a little while since I’ve done a VRChat music performance, and I have a hankering to try out my new performing gear. Please vote in this poll so I can figure out what the best time is for a show! | Continue reading

@beesbuzz.biz | 1 month ago

fluffy rambles: Too many ideas, not enough time or energy

My brain is constantly exploding with things that I want to get done but my body keeps telling me “no.” | Continue reading

@beesbuzz.biz | 1 month ago

fluffy rambles: Stuff! And things!

Hello! It has been a hot minute! I should probably post things here! | Continue reading

@beesbuzz.biz | 1 month ago

Music: Notions

Notions by Sockpuppet For quite a while I’ve been working on an album called Transitions, in which I rerecord some of my oldest Song Fight! songs now that I sorta know what I’m doing. While doing this I decided to also do a second companion album, Deadnames, in which I would prov … | Continue reading

@beesbuzz.biz | 1 month ago

fluffy rambles: Show went well

My first full VRChat concert went pretty well considering it was my first time doing such a large set. Previously I’d done single-song performances or song-circle gathering type things, so there’s a bunch of stuff I learned during the process of doing this. | Continue reading

@beesbuzz.biz | 1 month ago

fluffy rambles: TODO

Just tracking stuff for my own reference and also so y'all know what I’m up to too | Continue reading

@beesbuzz.biz | 1 month ago

fluffy rambles: Bandcrash updated

Well, this is silly: I just discovered that Bandcrash doesn’t properly escape HTML entities in the web preview player. Or rather, it didn’t. It does now, as of v0.7.9. | Continue reading

@beesbuzz.biz | 1 month ago

fluffy rambles: Upcoming VRChat performances

I have two upcoming VRChat performances happening. | Continue reading

@beesbuzz.biz | 1 month ago

fluffy rambles: Album conundrum

Okay so, let me explain a thing about my two upcoming albums, and then a thought about a possible change of plans. I’d like to hear folks weigh in on these ideas. | Continue reading

@beesbuzz.biz | 1 month ago

fluffy rambles: Statuses and such

Does it count as navel-gazing when my fursona canonically doesn’t have a navel? | Continue reading

@beesbuzz.biz | 1 month ago

fluffy rambles: August 19, 2024

Wellp it’s another day that I feel like talking about. | Continue reading

@beesbuzz.biz | 2 months ago

🔏 Private entry [Ine]

This entry has a restricted audience. | Continue reading

@beesbuzz.biz | 2 months ago

Music: Fediwave Artists Streaming Series 2024

Fediwave Artists Streaming Series 2024 August 15, 2024 9:17 PM (7 minutes ago) fluffy fluffy at beesbuzz dot biz A Seattle-based programmer/musician who makes games, comics, and bad decisions. they/them or it/its (if you're nice about it) music song fight! live set performance ac … | Continue reading

@beesbuzz.biz | 2 months ago

fluffy rambles: Trying out Zed

The other day in a chat about text editors (you know, the most important thing to anyone who spends a lot of time at a computer) someone recommended Zed and I figured I’d try it out. So this blog post is the first thing I’m writing in it. | Continue reading

@beesbuzz.biz | 2 months ago

fluffy rambles: Upcoming livestream

As part of the Fediwave Artists Streaming Series, I have a concert scheduled for Tuesday, August 13 at 3 PM Pacific Daylight Time (GMT-0700). To watch, join my personal Owncast server. I’ll be playing acoustic versions of a bunch of my songs, and answering some Q&A as we go! And … | Continue reading

@beesbuzz.biz | 2 months ago

🔏 Private entry [h]

This entry has a restricted audience. | Continue reading

@beesbuzz.biz | 2 months ago

fluffy rambles: fuck email

Today something fucked up with my mail server and I’m sick of dealing with it, so I migrated my mail to Purely Mail, which is great, and there’s still a bunch of shit broken on my site as a result of things fucking up but whatever, at least now I can receive mail again and I don’ … | Continue reading

@beesbuzz.biz | 2 months ago

fluffy rambles: Progress

Stuff’s going on as usual. Here’s some of it. | Continue reading

@beesbuzz.biz | 2 months ago

fluffy rambles: Friday, July 26, 2024

Woke up today in considerable pain, but I did some of my physical therapy stretches and some of the stretches that Castiel showed me on Wednesday and that helped somewhat. I also spent 10 minutes on my vibration plate which helped as well. | Continue reading

@beesbuzz.biz | 2 months ago

fluffy rambles: Updates

I got back from Denver very late last night, and boy were my arms tired. And legs. And body. | Continue reading

@beesbuzz.biz | 2 months ago

fluffy rambles: Song Fight! Live! 2024!

Having an in-person, actually-live show was such a great thing for my psyche. | Continue reading

@beesbuzz.biz | 3 months ago

🔏 Private entry [Tpdh]

This entry has a restricted audience. | Continue reading

@beesbuzz.biz | 3 months ago

🔏 Private entry [IiD]

This entry has a restricted audience. | Continue reading

@beesbuzz.biz | 3 months ago

fluffy rambles: I'm still alive

I haven’t posted here in a while so I figured I should do that, just to keep folks informed of my continued existence. | Continue reading

@beesbuzz.biz | 3 months ago

fluffy rambles: Spammers are relentless and weird

Lately I’ve been getting a bunch of attempted spam comments on random blog entries. Okay, nothing unusual about that, right? | Continue reading

@beesbuzz.biz | 3 months ago


comments | Continue reading

@beesbuzz.biz | 3 months ago

fluffy rambles: post-COVID doldrums

I’m over COVID, and just have a little lingering bronchitis. Also some of the worst brain fog I’ve ever had. I feel like my brain’s been through a blender. Spatial relationships make very little sense, my reaction times are super slow, I am definitely not safe driving right now, … | Continue reading

@beesbuzz.biz | 3 months ago

fluffy rambles: Went back to the ER

Last night I started feeling significant pain whenever I inhaled too deeply, telling me there was either pleurisy or another embolism happening. I gave it several hours to try to resolve on its own, and it just got worse and worse, so this morning, I headed to the ER. | Continue reading

@beesbuzz.biz | 3 months ago

fluffy rambles: I'm so tired of being sick

I hate how every time I get sick, be it with COVID or anything else, I spend so much time feeling worthless and like I’m in limbo and like everything is passing me by. | Continue reading

@beesbuzz.biz | 3 months ago

fluffy rambles: Current health status

I seem to have made it through the worst of the COVID. My fever’s mostly gone, and my cough is way less severe (which is good because oh my god does it hurt to cough anymore). I’ve lost five pounds since Friday but also I’m finally getting my appetite back so hopefully I can cush … | Continue reading

@beesbuzz.biz | 3 months ago

Critter Junction Resident: Visit Critter Junction

These are the documentation files for my Critter Junction Resident avatar. While some of the information in here may be of general interest, it is really intended as reference material for those who have purchased the avatar. As such, if you find any of this information helpful, … | Continue reading

@beesbuzz.biz | 4 months ago

Critter Junction Resident: Visit Critter Junction

These are the documentation files for my Critter Junction Resident avatar. While some of the information in here may be of general interest, it is really intended as reference material for those who have purchased the avatar. As such, if you find any of this information helpful, … | Continue reading

@beesbuzz.biz | 4 months ago

fluffy rambles: Discharged and at home

I’m back at home. They did a CT scan but there wasn’t anything too concerning, it just seems that I was coughing hard enough that I had a minor bleed in my lungs, exacerbated by the blood thinners I take due to my clotting disorder. The prognosis is to just not take my blood thin … | Continue reading

@beesbuzz.biz | 4 months ago