Hey y'all, just a reminder that I have an upcoming show happening on Friday at around 2:30 PM Pacfic time (5:30 Eastern, 22:30 UTC, etc.). | Continue reading
This entry has a restricted audience. | Continue reading
Hey y'all! February is here! Oh gosh! | Continue reading
This entry has a restricted audience. | Continue reading
This entry has a restricted audience. | Continue reading
As I mentioned on Mastodon and Bluesky, my gaming PC got infected by malware/ransomware, particularly Azov and Expiro. I’m not sure how my computer got infected but this was the push I needed to switch it over to Linux, now that VRChat and SteamVR run pretty well on Linux anyway. | Continue reading
comments #IndieWeb #web 2.0 #enshittification | Continue reading
Today I finally had an appointment with an ENT and an audiologist, as part of trying to figure out what’s going on with my vertigo. | Continue reading
I knew things were going to be bad, but I wasn’t expecting just how out-loud bad they’ve been starting on day 1. | Continue reading
If you are actively hiring for positions in a company that is friendly to transgender people, in a country that is safe for transgender people, and you are willing to sponsor visas for people seeking to emigrate for these positions, I would like to hear from you. | Continue reading
Stuff on my plate right now, for the immediate future: | Continue reading
I’ve reorganized my bedroom and as part of it I decided to finally address the ongoing issues with my audio setup in there. I have an old AirPort Express which I was using as an AirPlay receiver so that I could play music and podcasts and such on the (rather nice) hi-fi speakers, … | Continue reading
The reports we received had enough information to evaluate your condition. | Continue reading
I forgot to post about it here but Tyler’s problem turned out to be much simpler: he had fleas. A really bad case of them, which should have been obvious to me, but I am apparently oblivious to the difference between “he is unable to clean himself” and “the crusty junk all over h … | Continue reading
As is tradition, I am not a fan of resolutions, just aspirations. | Continue reading
When I adopted Tyler, his tail had a couple of kinks in it, apparent signs of dislocations or other injuries. The vet said that they’re just a normal thing that happens to some cats, and that it’s generally not harmful to them and there isn’t really anything that can be done. | Continue reading
I guess this is something of another TODO list, to keep myself accountable. | Continue reading
You might have noticed that I’ve made a slight change to the comments on this site: the comment threads are only visible to those who are signed in. This is a temporary experiment just to see if it cuts out the spam I’ve been getting and also if it increases the quality of what c … | Continue reading
I got an M4 Pro mini for my office, so that I could put my M1 Studio in my studio. I’ve also changed web browsers. Let’s talk about both of those things, and one other thing! | Continue reading
I was just going through some old files while preparing some hardware migration stuff (ugh) and I came across a file entitled distributed social network.md, dated December 13, 2014. This was the start of my ideas about what would eventually result in Publ. | Continue reading
About a month ago I was turned on to the show Brilliant Minds by means of a Steve Shives video. My curiosity in it was piqued specifically because of his mention of two characters: the main character is faceblind, and one of the supporting cast has mirror-touch synaesthesia. | Continue reading
Just had a fascinating lunch with a 22-year-old Stanford grad. Smart kid. Perfect resume. Something felt off though. | Continue reading
Hi, I am once again writing to request a reconsideration of the state-wide Electric Vehicle Transportation Fee, the additional $75 line-item added to electric vehicles' car registrations in the state of Washington. | Continue reading
It’s car registration renewal time! Let’s see how much having an EV saved or cost me. | Continue reading
The vet just got back to me with the results of yesterday’s tests. | Continue reading
This is a followup to my previous cupping; this time around I evaluated the Decaf Project samples for S&W Roasting. | Continue reading
After having eaten a bunch of wet food last night and having had three doses of antibiotics, Fiona’s getting back to her usual cuddly/climby self. She isn’t sneezing anymore, and while she’s still a bit congested she snuggled up with me in bed this morning, and right now she’s be … | Continue reading
Fiona’s been getting on in years. As a rescue stray I don’t know exactly how old she is, but the vet’s estimate was that she was around 18 months old when I adopted her in late 2012, so she’s probably 13-14. | Continue reading
Quite some time ago, James Hoffmann stated his interest in doing a broad decaf test where he would get one set of bulk single-origin beans, split it in four, and process it four different ways. It took a while for this to happen, but finally he was able to make it happen, in the … | Continue reading
This entry has a restricted audience. | Continue reading
It’s been a while since I’ve done a roundup of current and upcoming EVs. Even though I don’t drive very much, I still like to keep track of where EVs are especially for everyday people who aren’t doing massive amounts of driving or cargo-hauling or whatever. I have no plans to up … | Continue reading
I finally got a bunch of stuff working on the new Sockpuppet website, including the music browser. Now people will have the ability to actually find something in my vast sea of content! | Continue reading
Just some random stuff about the state of media management in my life. | Continue reading
Wow, lots of stuff happened today (meaning Friday). | Continue reading
I’ve finally set up a separate site for my music. Please go there instead! | Continue reading
Gosh I have a lot of projects to think about right now. | Continue reading
Over the past few days I’ve been pushing myself to finally get a usable new music site and it’s finally at the point where I’m ready to have the tires kicked. There’s a bunch of stuff that needs to still be done on it but that can come later. For now it at least has vague parity … | Continue reading
There’s a bit of a historical progression regarding my old high school’s mascot which amuses me quite a lot, and very few people know about it. | Continue reading
I watch a lot of Living Big in a Tiny House, and I have very mixed feelings about it. But there’s definitely a bunch of trends I’ve noticed with it (and also with other tiny house channels on YouTube). | Continue reading
I had my release party for Transitions today. It went pretty well! Around a dozen folks attended in VRChat, and another half-dozen tuned in to the stream. Everyone who came enjoyed it and had nice things to say. | Continue reading
Today I somehow managed to tweak my back, right before I was going to do some gardening. I ended up doing the gardening anyway. This was, as it turns out, not a greaet way to help my back to feel better. | Continue reading
Transitions promo November 21, 2024 5:18 PM (a minute ago) fluffy A Seattle-based programmer/musician who makes games, comics, and bad decisions. they/them or it/its (if you're nice about it) music polls spotify Spotify allows artists to submit a single track per album for promot … | Continue reading
Some songs I wrote 20-25 years ago, remade for today. | Continue reading
Some songs I wrote 20-25 years ago, remastered a little. | Continue reading
Now that I’m able to come up for air because the album is finally done I think I’ll talk about my next few intended album and music-related projects. | Continue reading
Today’s choir show went amazingly well. | Continue reading
Last night’s show went really well! There were a bunch of technical hitches and I made a bunch of mistakes and so on but it was a good time and it was great to get a lot more people hearing my music. Hopefully I’ll be able to do more of these things. | Continue reading
There’s been a schedule change with Aga’s Toys for Tots event, and I will now be going on at 2 PM Pacific. Also it seems that I’ll be performing from an instance where I can invite a small audience to join me, so I hope to see folks there! The instance will be owned by my VRChat … | Continue reading