ChatOps is new way to work by bringing your apps, teams and actions together in your conversation. Conversation is the force that lets… | Continue reading
Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) is a technique that lets you query and manipulates data from a database using an object-oriented paradigm. | Continue reading
Robotics started quickly realizing the unimaginable when its capabilities began to be exploited in the medical field. The levels of… | Continue reading
ServiceNow is a powerful tool that helps keep track of incidents in the dev cycle. | Continue reading
The internet era has brought with itself sweeping changes in almost every field conceivable to the human mind, and more. From large… | Continue reading
“Maintain a work-life balance!” | Continue reading
CRM requires you to have prompt, streamlined responses to requests by customers. YellowAnt can help you create a ticket on FreshDesk… | Continue reading
Therapy has come a long way- from locking patients up and treating them with electric shocks, to drugs and behavior therapy. | Continue reading
Having an Android phone is great because the things we can do on it is virtually limitless. But manufacturers don’t provide updates for… | Continue reading
“Welcome to Wonderland!” | Continue reading
Organizing mails once your inbox is flooded with them can be a real drag. Even more taxing is making your way around the inbox when it’s… | Continue reading
Organizing mails once your inbox is flooded with them can be a real drag. Even more taxing is making your way around the inbox when it’s… | Continue reading
Trying to look up your SQL database without remembering the names of your tables and columns can be an arduous task. What if I told you… | Continue reading
Trying to look up your SQL database without remembering the names of your tables and columns can be an arduous task. What if I told you… | Continue reading
Recently, Google introduced it’s most popular machine learning library: TensorFlow in Javascript. With the help of TensorFlow.js one can… | Continue reading
Stay ahead of your DevOps issues and repositories pushed by your teammates using these simple, no-code steps using YellowAnt! | Continue reading
Growing up, China was known for many things- mass production, the food and the ubiquitous bicycles. Famously, everyone from a construction… | Continue reading
Most people complain of having to spend too much time at meetings. They can be a major hurdle to productivity of each of your co-worker… | Continue reading
If you like to stay ahead of bugs at every stage of the product lifecycle, you probably want to see your notifications from Sentry as soon… | Continue reading
With the announcement of the iOS 12 at the WWDC keynote yesterday, Apple users have some great things to look forward to in the fall. | Continue reading
If you are like me, and love to order in, chances are that you have your preferred food delivery app- the one that connects with the best… | Continue reading
YellowAnt brings to you a series of informative talks with founders at Startups that are doing path-breaking work in their fields. For our… | Continue reading
Simply put, blockchain is the Ledger God of the Times, a global ledger that records transactions in a foolproof and fail-safe way. It’s decentralized too, adding to the foolproof-ness and… | Continue reading
We spend a substantial part of our adult life at work. With companies demanding more from their employees in less time, trying to meet all… | Continue reading
The much-awaited Slack developer conference finally took place at The Midway in San Francisco on 22 May 2018. Of course, we are talking… | Continue reading
General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) will officially be in force from 25 May. These apply to companies operating with the European… | Continue reading
OMG! Seriously? Are Scripting languages really not programming languages? | Continue reading
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Is it an Unmanned Ariel Vehicle to make all your dreams come true? | Continue reading
According to a study by McKinsey, average interaction worker spends an estimated 28 percent of the workweek managing e-mail. | Continue reading
What is “duplex”? | Continue reading