6 reasons why chatops make workplaces better

ChatOps is new way to work by bringing your apps, teams and actions together in your conversation. Conversation is the force that lets… | Continue reading

@blog.yellowant.com | 6 years ago

ORM: Rethinking Data as Objects

Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) is a technique that lets you query and manipulates data from a database using an object-oriented paradigm. | Continue reading

@blog.yellowant.com | 6 years ago

5 coolest applications of robotics in Medicine

Robotics started quickly realizing the unimaginable when its capabilities began to be exploited in the medical field. The levels of… | Continue reading

@blog.yellowant.com | 6 years ago

Command ServiceNow on Microsoft Teams

ServiceNow is a powerful tool that helps keep track of incidents in the dev cycle. | Continue reading

@blog.yellowant.com | 6 years ago

Rest API calls made easy

What are APIs? | Continue reading

@blog.yellowant.com | 6 years ago

Why Cloud Computing is the future of technology

The internet era has brought with itself sweeping changes in almost every field conceivable to the human mind, and more. From large… | Continue reading

@blog.yellowant.com | 6 years ago

5 Effective Ways of Tackling Burnout at Work

“Maintain a work-life balance!” | Continue reading

@blog.yellowant.com | 6 years ago

CRM Simplified- Freshdesk, Asana, Gmail Work Together on MS Teams

CRM requires you to have prompt, streamlined responses to requests by customers. YellowAnt can help you create a ticket on FreshDesk… | Continue reading

@blog.yellowant.com | 6 years ago

Chatbots- Foot Soldiers for Mental Health

Therapy has come a long way- from locking patients up and treating them with electric shocks, to drugs and behavior therapy. | Continue reading

@blog.yellowant.com | 6 years ago

Unlock your Android's Potential

Having an Android phone is great because the things we can do on it is virtually limitless. But manufacturers don’t provide updates for… | Continue reading

@blog.yellowant.com | 6 years ago

Virtual Reality: Past, Present, and Future

“Welcome to Wonderland!” | Continue reading

@blog.yellowant.com | 6 years ago

7 Gmail Tips to make the most of your Inbox

Organizing mails once your inbox is flooded with them can be a real drag. Even more taxing is making your way around the inbox when it’s… | Continue reading

@blog.yellowant.com | 6 years ago

7 Gmail Hacks to make the most of your Inbox

Organizing mails once your inbox is flooded with them can be a real drag. Even more taxing is making your way around the inbox when it’s… | Continue reading

@blog.yellowant.com | 6 years ago

Natural Language to SQL Converter in 5 Steps

Trying to look up your SQL database without remembering the names of your tables and columns can be an arduous task. What if I told you… | Continue reading

@blog.yellowant.com | 6 years ago

Natural Language to SQL converter

Trying to look up your SQL database without remembering the names of your tables and columns can be an arduous task. What if I told you… | Continue reading

@blog.yellowant.com | 6 years ago

Tensorflow.js- a Practical Guide

Recently, Google introduced it’s most popular machine learning library: TensorFlow in Javascript. With the help of TensorFlow.js one can… | Continue reading

@blog.yellowant.com | 6 years ago

Leverage your GitHub on Slack

Stay ahead of your DevOps issues and repositories pushed by your teammates using these simple, no-code steps using YellowAnt! | Continue reading

@blog.yellowant.com | 6 years ago

Bike Sharing- the new

Growing up, China was known for many things- mass production, the food and the ubiquitous bicycles. Famously, everyone from a construction… | Continue reading

@blog.yellowant.com | 6 years ago

5 ways to make meetings more productive

Most people complain of having to spend too much time at meetings. They can be a major hurdle to productivity of each of your co-worker… | Continue reading

@blog.yellowant.com | 6 years ago

Empower Your Sentry with These No-Code Jira and Asana Integrations on YellowAnt

If you like to stay ahead of bugs at every stage of the product lifecycle, you probably want to see your notifications from Sentry as soon… | Continue reading

@blog.yellowant.com | 6 years ago

The OS Superbowl: Android P versus iOS 12

With the announcement of the iOS 12 at the WWDC keynote yesterday, Apple users have some great things to look forward to in the fall. | Continue reading

@blog.yellowant.com | 6 years ago

Why complaining to a bot made me a more loyal customer

If you are like me, and love to order in, chances are that you have your preferred food delivery app- the one that connects with the best… | Continue reading

@blog.yellowant.com | 6 years ago

Exploring Deep Learning with Silversparro

YellowAnt brings to you a series of informative talks with founders at Startups that are doing path-breaking work in their fields. For our… | Continue reading

@blog.yellowant.com | 6 years ago

Blockchain: Beyond the Cryptocurrency

Simply put, blockchain is the Ledger God of the Times, a global ledger that records transactions in a foolproof and fail-safe way. It’s decentralized too, adding to the foolproof-ness and… | Continue reading

@blog.yellowant.com | 6 years ago

How to Maximize Your Work Output

We spend a substantial part of our adult life at work. With companies demanding more from their employees in less time, trying to meet all… | Continue reading

@blog.yellowant.com | 6 years ago

Had a great time at Spec: Slack's first developer conference :D

The much-awaited Slack developer conference finally took place at The Midway in San Francisco on 22 May 2018. Of course, we are talking… | Continue reading

@blog.yellowant.com | 6 years ago

GDPR Compliance 101- 5 tips for your marketing team

General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) will officially be in force from 25 May. These apply to companies operating with the European… | Continue reading

@blog.yellowant.com | 6 years ago

Scripting language vs Programming language

OMG! Seriously? Are Scripting languages really not programming languages? | Continue reading

@blog.yellowant.com | 6 years ago

6 ways drones are revolutionizing your life

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Is it an Unmanned Ariel Vehicle to make all your dreams come true? | Continue reading

@blog.yellowant.com | 6 years ago

10 tips for writing a better work email

According to a study by McKinsey, average interaction worker spends an estimated 28 percent of the workweek managing e-mail. | Continue reading

@blog.yellowant.com | 6 years ago

Before Google Duplex - 5 AI technologies that wowed us

What is “duplex”? | Continue reading

@blog.yellowant.com | 6 years ago